Contest: Cervicogenic headache.
Greetings to all friends |
Hi Everybody |
How are you all? I hope all of you are well and happy in your lives. I am grateful to see every new day in my life. I thanked to Allah for this blessing. Today I'm going to share my diary with you all.
First of all i am thankfull to @khursheedanwar who organised such an amazing contest in @healthysteem . I am really happy to participate in it.
• Share your knowledge about Cervicogenic headache,their symptoms,causes and treatment!
Cervicogenic headaches are the type that originates from the cervical spine and surrounding soft tissues when it causes pain.They are often referred to as referred pain headaches, meaning the pain is felt in the head, buy the source of the pain is actually in the neck.
Pressure on the spinal cord on the side of the neck can be a serious problem because virtually all of the body's energy has to pass through the neck to reach its final destination, such as when we are eating. So it has to go through the neck and forward, like the arms, chest, stomach lifts. The pain it causes is similar to a migraine with a one-sided headache.We start having pain in our neck which spreads to our shoulders and arms as we walk. There is a very severe headache and we cannot move our neck to the other side. Our arms and legs are very weak. Our shoulders and hands are gone But you won't usually have additional symptoms with migraines, such as sensitivity to light, nausea, or heart palpitations. When you have a headache, you can immediately think that something is wrong with your head. Both physical and emotional stress can cause our tension and headaches.
Treatments include nerve blocks, medications, and physical therapy and exercise etc. in cervical pain you should eat fruits like watermelon, blueberries, cherries and pomegranate. Food or supplements with the calcium and vitamin D are very much useful and important for reduce inflammation and give your bones the right nutritions.
This kind of headaches is that a migraine headache is rooted in the brain, and a cervicogenic headache is spread rooted in the neck pain.
Neck pain: pain in the neck, which can be radiate to the side of head.
Nausea and vomiting: In some of case, nausea and vomiting can occur.The face and head become tired and the mind begins to ache and is liable to move. This headaches can be a trigger that can even make us vomit.
Muscle strain: strain of the neck muscles.
Poor Posture: Forward the head posture or rounded of shoulders can be put to stain on the neck
Osteoarthritis: Wear and tear on the joints in the neck can be cause pain and stiffness.
Physical therapy: Gently exercise and stretches to improve the neck strength.
pain relief medication: Over the counter pain medication, such as ibuprofen.
Injections: In some of the case's, injections of the headaches or pain relieving medications may be recommend.
Resting in a quiet dark room can help alleviate symptoms. Alsoo they should be applying a cold or warm compress to the forehead or neck can help alleviate symptoms.
But in my point of view, physiotherapy is very important. My friend is a patient of this disease. She has benefits greatly from the physiotherapy.
• Share your personal experience that how often you feel tension headache in a month!
As long as humans exist in the human life, If a human being has a brain, he will surely have a headache. but sometimes less ,or some more. I also have it once a month, but not more than once or twice.I don't get a headache in normal routine but when it does it is unbearable. And it happens more often when I don't get enough sleep and I'm stressed or overthinking about something. Excessive work pressure causes headaches.
I will invite my Friends |
@suboohi @bongk @mdpolasmia @otisbrown @ulfatulrahmah
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