how ı broke insulin resistance?

in Healthy Steem11 months ago (edited)

fat cat.jpg

Hello to everyone , ı want to talk about my lose weight journey.
I have been interested in healthy life style and sports since my childhood.
but I gained a lot of weight during the pandemic period. I continued my life as an overweight person because I couldn't get out of my comfort zone.I gained 16 kilos in 1 year due to unhealthy diet, stress, iron and magnesium deficiency.
And my life has literally turned to hell.

Because I have insulin resistance, I was losing weight more difficult than other people.
Then my life changed when I met the miracle of intermittent fasting.

NOTE:Don't forget to take a blood test and consult your doctor before starting intermittent fasting


İntermittent fasting is not a diet. intermittent fasting is a sustainable nutrition style
It is a miracle that the body burns its own sugar and fat stores by fasting for 16 hours.
You can lose weight by not eating anything after 7 pm and starving for 16 hours.
Intermittent fasting is an easy type of diet that anyone can do.
It is very difficult to break insulin resistance, but I achieved it with intermittent fasting.


I will not lie to you.The first 3 days of intermittent fasting were really challenging.
I had a hard time as I am a person who loves to eat breakfast but after the first 3 days i started to feel less hungry
I was feeling very tired because my blood sugar was high but still i resisted
While my fasting blood sugar was 110, it dropped to 90 at the end of the 10th day.
I started to feel less hungry and more energetic at the end of the first week.
but that wasn't the only change I made.
I started sleeping 8 hours a day and started drinking more water.

After getting used to intermittent fasting, I started walking for 30 minutes and doing Pilates for 30 minutes every morning.
Note:I didn't go to the gym, I did pilates amateurly at home
My skin problems have decreased as I quit refined sugar and dark circles under my eyes started to heal.

I noticed that when I tried on tight-fitting clothes, it looked better.
And although I have insulin resistance, I lost 3 kilos.
I became more motivated and added cardio to the gym program.
I can't say that I did intermittent fasting every day for 1 month, I did not follow the plan for 3/4 days.
still the results were great

I started to feel more active, energetic and happy because the clothes I was wearing were starting to look good and I was feeling confident.Also, my feeling of tiredness was completely gone.
At the end of the 3rd month, I lost 10 kilos and when I gave a blood test, I learned that my blood sugar returned to normal.

I'm on the 22nd day of the fourth month now .
My starting weight was 81 kilos now I am 68 kilos
My goal is to lose 20 pounds in a healthy way.

change in my face:





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