Contest: SEC-S13W5' How can alcohol cause damage to your health

in Healthy Steem8 months ago



Greetings erudite steemians, I am happy to participate in this great contest topic. Much thanks to the community for bringing on such a beneficial contest topic here this week. Many people around the globe mistook alcohol to be drugs and drugs to be alcohol, in today's content justice will be given to everything that has to do with drugs.

About alcohol


It's somehow confusing when knowing the true definition of drugs, by the world health organisation alcohol is seen to be a drug and seen to be normal substance taken into the body to help the body against illness or sickness. Alcohol is considered by me to a drug because of how effective it tends to be when consumed, A person who takes alcohol won't be in a normal state after taking it. That alone shows that alcohol is a drug but when take in excess it might becomes an addiction.
Just like a popular saying' the man takes a cup then the cup takes the man, its known that one that consumes alcohol to being an alcoholic started somehwere taking sips to being one that cannot do without a glass in a day

When can we say a person is an alcoholic? give reasons to that

Like I said a man takes a cup of drink then the drink takes him. One being addicted to an habit all started small maybe taking a glass of alcohol in a day to one taking a glass every second. So many people covers it up saying they are depressed or passing through alot that's why alcohol is taking them this far so what about when your body gets to its normal state, the thought will surely come back again. So people should not use depression or passing through a lot statement to be addicted to drugs. One is seen to be an alcoholic if he can't do anything than to take a glass every moment and eventually that explains the statement, Everything in excess is a disease. So many people suffering in the addiction now are trying to get out of it but the can't just as a result of taking one more, Addiction comes to anyone who is not ready to beat off pleasure.

Do you think alcohol is a drug justify your answer

Alcohol by many is known to be a drug because it changes the human body after taking it. Alcohol to me is a psychoactive substances being related to the brain, it's one that changes or slows down the brain performance. After consuming alcohol one will testify to feel dizziness, tiredness and more, so drugs here affect the brain mostly and can be seen as drug because it affects the brain performance.

I can vividly remember when I went for an hangout, so the introduced a game in. The rules states that if you fail any question asked you will take a glass of alcohol, I failed many questions during the game and I did as the rules indicated. I didn't know how I got home that day all I could remember was that I was on my bed, later on in the day I asked my friends how I got home, the reply was actually funny. I walked home alone with no one supporting, I was totally shocked because all I could remember was lying on the bed. So alcohol is a psychoactive drugs that changes the mental state of a person when consumed.

Can alcoholism be considered a disease? how to control it


Alcoholism can be considered a disease when the person taking it cannot do without it. Here we call it addiction, being unable to stop a certain attitude or lifestyle. In letting go of an addiction, it's just like leaving a burning house inorder to safe your life you have to leave properties and other of your belongings there. Just like letting go alcoholism, you have to let go the pleasure that comes with alcoholism also changing your mindset over excess intake of alcohol.

Is every drinker considered an alcoholic?

Not every drinker is considered an alcoholic but one that can't do without taking a glass of alcohol. We taking alcohol is no where not bad but alcohol taking us is something I will Considered as being an alcoholic. Here in my compound where I stay there was a man that was tested by the doctor and told to try curtail the intake of alcohol, his reply was actually shocking. He told the doctor he rather die than stop taking gin, in this scenario it shows the drink taking the man.

In conclusion everything taken in excess is no where good to the human body. So curtailing the habit of taking everything in excess is what we should tackle leaving pleasure behind.


25% @null

 8 months ago 

Yes indeed, alcoholism is considered a disease because the addiction is so great that they become dependent on it, but that is not only the case. It also ruins one's health little by little until possibly ending one's life.

I really liked your example of the burning house compared to addiction.

Best wishes for your participation.

 8 months ago 

Greetings friend,

You've explained vividly what the alcohol is and the effects it brings to the users, however, It's important to remember that these effects can vary depending on the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption. Drinking in moderation and being aware of the potential risks can help protect our health knowing that the negative effects comes with the excessive use of it.

 8 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Addiction comes to anyone who is not ready to beat off pleasure.

I, no doubt agree to this point. We become addicted to a particular habit when we fail to stop it by applying self discipline as this particular habit keeps coming each and every time we open and close our eyes. Today, many individuals in the world are addicted to one bad habit or the other.

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post.

 8 months ago 

My friend, you are right, taking alcohol on its own is not bad but not taking it appropriate portion poses a threat and affects our health.

Best of luck my friend.

 8 months ago 

"Absolutely, alcohol shares characteristics with drugs. Do you think the societal acceptance of alcohol influences how we perceive its potential risks?"

 8 months ago 

Thanks for wonderful sharing. Keep sharing.

 8 months ago 

Por todos los efectos que tiene el alcohol en la salud Yo también lo considero que es una droga la única diferencia Es que viene a ser una droga legalizada porque en casi todos los países podemos consumir alcohol sin algún control o permiso y esto es lo que lleva a las personas a volverse adictas porque no hay nadie que las controle al 100%

Aunque si hay autoridades que controlan un poco este mal hábito no pueden eliminarlo del todo y muchas personas van en busca del alcohol para divertirse o porque creen que con los efectos del alcohol van a eliminar los problemas que tiene.

Cosa que es totalmente falsa porque si tenemos un problema tenemos que buscar la solución sin una gota de alcohol.
Exitos en el concurso

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