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RE: Contest: Radiological Studies

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

Hello Miss @stef1, I benefited from radiography lots of times already because of some medical emergencies that has to be addressed using X-rays, CT-scan, and even MRI although the latter has a different technology behind it using electromagnets for its imaging.

We thank the pioneers and inventors of radiography or X-ray and its variants because of what difference it had made to the lives of countless people which needed it to help see, diagnose, treat, and or cure their bodies from bones ailments to other soft tissues which needs to be treated.

A few years ago, January 2020 to be exact, my lower left belly between the protruding hip bone part and the navel went painful as if something is being pulled from within. The pain was so terrible that I cannot describe it as it made me moan and groan and holler in pain. Also I was having a low blood pressure and considering that I still am suffering from joint pains, the pain is just immensurable because I have to contend with raising my legs to help me deal with hypotension while I am also having a slight fever while I am in pain both with that position of my legs being elevated and then the excruciating pain for what I later known to be an appendicitis.

At first I tried to use a laxative tea because I thought that it could just be some trapped air inside my intestines. But it didn't do anything as the terrible pain had persisted which cause me to suffer hypotension and fever. A few weeks prior, there were similar pains on that part of my lower abdomen but it didn't get worse until one day it went bad until I can't tolerate it anymore and so I have to ask my loving a caring parents to rush me to the hospital so the pain would get treated once the doctors know what had been causing it.

They examined me and I told them what I was feeling and I actually suspected prior that it was an appendicitis because I was still managing to even post here in Steemit while being tortured in pain. I might as well visit those posts again as it happened while everyone is celebrating the new year of 2020.

Anyway, the emergency doctor or attending physician in the emergency told me to take an X-ray for my belly until he consulted a specialist which told him to make me get tested by using CT-scan and as he explained, it will make a detailed summary on how my abdomen looks like with its current condition.

I agreed because I have money that I saved from earning here at Steemit and those funds I used to pay for my Appendectomy later after the surgeon verified based on the CT scan results that what I was having was a case of Appendicitis.

However I wasn't rushed to the ER yet because of my low blood pressure which now I knew was caused by the gabapentin that I took prior because I was using gabapentin to alleviate my body pain and to help me with my sleeping issues. The side-effect was hypotension caused by infection which is caused by the Appendix. So I was given an I.V. antibiotic while I am trying to stabilize my blood pressure to the point that the fed me chocolates and rice gruel even before my surgery just for me to have the emergency appendectomy already.

Maybe the Tyrosine made my blood pressure went up to the point that I am already ready for the needed appendectomy and so I was given an anti-anxiety pill which I though would not make me sleep but it did the job fast. It knocked me to sleep until I woke up again as the group of orderlies and nurses transferred me form my rooms bed and unto the bed to roll me to the operating room. Later I was surprised that the anti-anxiety medication did its job for not making me feel anxious about being operated upon because I was still relaxed and in high spirits while they are wheeling me to the operating room.

The surgeon later told me that my appendix already burst inside me after opening that section of my abdomen to take out the appendix for good. That is why I was having a fever and also the hypotension although for the low blood pressure factor might because by both the Gabapentin and the infection caused by an already burst appendix. I also vomited a few times by the way while I am having the pain prior to being rushed to the hospital.

So without a better way to diagnose one's condition will truly mean life and death and medical technologies such as the CT scan will be so helpful in that regard because had I opted in for taking the X-ray only might have caused me my life because they might put me into an observation with some pain medication to mask the pain while the real treatment should be an emergency appendectomy which fortunately happened after learning the results of the CT scan. My STEEM tokens which i was planning to sell at higher prices was all sold at lower prices during that early January of 2020 to help me pay my brother that i borrowed money from to pay my hospital fees but I am thankful that I passed that terrible chapter of my life, thanks be to God.

  Best regards, 😀👍

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