"Wk 41: The Diary Game and Your Health | Participating in the ongoing well-being program in my locality"
Hello everyone, am here taken part in health diary game contest. Stay tune as I begin.
I started my day early hour by 5:50am where I had my morning devotion, then I went to the kitchen and prepare my breakfast and eat, had my shower and leave the house to join my team in participating on the ongoing well-being program in my locality.
On our way going
Firstly move to the venue where every medical team will meet before going to the community. Reaching there I see the bus, driver with few peoplewho came earlier than me. I joined them to wait for others to arrived. When everyone in each group were present, we set our way to Etim Ekpo Local government, a journey that took us about am hour.
Among the medical team were the doctors, the nurses, Medical Scientist, Pharmacist. When we arrive at the venue, the place was already setbu the community coordinator, the community members were also present. We set our tables and start work.
Still working
I was among the team that Carryout test on the villagers. During the process, many villagers are found in one health problem to another which is properly taking care of by the doctors and the pharmacist team. In the program, we spent more than seven(7) hours doing diagnosis on people.
My lunch
Lunch was giving to everyone in which we all split time to work in order to eat our different lunch. I enjoy mine, have about 10minute relaxation and then return back to attend to people since they are many to attend to also. Around 3pm, we all round up, pack our things left the venue back home.
Way back home
The program is sponsor by the Senate President of my country. It is an outreach, free medical diagnosis and free drugs for treatment to all citizens of Annang.
Inviting @hudamalik20, @sariana23 and
Thank you 💕
Hola @bela90, me alegra que hayas pasado un día al servicio de las personas necesitadas en cuanto a medicina y alimentación.
Espero que sea una de tantas oportunidades que presten sus servicios de manera gratuita.
Éxitos en tu participación.