in Healthy Steem4 months ago

Assalamualaikum everybody!

Ideally, every one of you will get along admirably and partaking in the time with the elegance and gifts of All-powerful Allah. Today, I'm informing you regarding an extreme and serious disease.So, we should begin with next to no wastage of time.

What do you realize about Helps causes?

Human immunodeficiency infection (HIV) is a disease that goes after the body's insusceptible framework. AIDS (Helps) is the most progressive phase of the disease.Over the long run, this damage can incite Guides, the last period of HIV defilement, where the resistant system is genuinely compromised.These are a few normal reasons for this illness:

Unprotected Sexual Contact: The most widely recognized way HIV is sent is through unprotected sex with somebody who has the infection. This incorporates vaginal, butt-centric, and oral sex.

Sharing Needles: HIV can be spread by offering needles or needles to somebody who has the infection, normal among individuals who infuse drugs.


Blood Bondings and Organ Transplants: Albeit uncommon where blood and organ screening is thorough, HIV can be sent through contaminated blood or organs.

From Mother to Child: A mother can pass HIV to her child during pregnancy, labor, or breastfeeding.

Exposure to Contaminated Blood: Medical care laborers and others can be presented to HIV through needlestick wounds or contact with tainted blood.

What do you know about AIDS treatment?

These are some objectives of treatment:

Lessen Viral Burden: Bringing down the sum of HIV in the blood to imperceptible levels.

Reestablish Safe Capability: Expanding the CD 4 cell build up to fortify the insusceptible framework.

Forestall Transmission: Lessening the gamble of transmitting HIV to other people.

Work on Personal satisfaction: Upgrading overall health and prosperity.


Helps treatment includes taking exceptional medicines called antiretroviral treatment (Workmanship).

What is ART?

Craftsmanship is a blend of meds that assist with controlling the HIV infection in the body.

Taking the medicine: It's vital to take the medication consistently, precisely as the specialist recommends, to monitor the infection.

Regular check-ups: Normal visits to the specialist are expected to check how well the treatment is functioning and to deal with any secondary effects.

What do you know about it AIDS preventive measures?

Preventive measures for Helps center around lessening the gamble of HIV disease, which prompts Helps. These are few key techniques:

Safe Sexual Practices:

Use Condoms: Predictable and right utilization of condoms during sex fundamentally lessens the gamble of HIV transmission.

Limit Number of Sexual Partners: Having less sexual accomplices decreases the gamble of openness to HIV.

Forestalling Transmission Through Blood:

Avoid Sharing Needles: Don't share needles or needles in the event that you use drugs.

Safe Blood Transfusions: Guaranteeing blood is evaluated for HIV before bondings.

Mother-to-Kid Transmission:

HIV Testing and Treatment During Pregnancy: Pregnant ladies ought to get tried for HIV and, if positive, begin Craftsmanship to diminish the gamble of passing the infection to the child.

Safe Conveyance Practices: Selecting clinical intercessions during labor to forestall transmission.

Safe Breastfeeding Practices: Examining taking care of choices with a medical services supplier to limit transmission risk.


General Safeguards:

Education and Awareness: Finding out about HIV and the way things are communicated helps in going to preventive lengths.

Using Individual Defensive Hardware (PPE): Medical care laborers ought to utilize gloves, veils, and other PPE to keep away from contact with contaminated blood.

We can only by do this to overcome for this disease


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