"Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W5 - "The Four Main Factors of Health"

in Healthy Steemlast year

Black and Yellow Fitness YouTube Thumbnail_20230821_221528_0000.png

What do you eat to stay healthy? How can you improve your diet?

I maintain a well- balanced and nutritional diet to promote both physical and internal well- being. This involves consuming a variety of foods, similar as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, spare proteins, and healthy fats. Prioritizing nutrient-rich foods and minimizing processed and sticky options is essential. I also educate myself about nutrition, plan meals thoughtfully, and enjoy cooking at home to improve my salutary habits.

In addition to salutary adjustments, I manage portion sizes, read product labels carefully, and stay adequately doused . Seeking guidance from a pukka dietitian or nutrition expert provides personalized advice acclimatized to individual needs. Through logical decision- making and aware attention to our body's signals, we actively work towards fostering a healthier lifestyle, thereby enhancing our chances of long- term well- being.


What is your sleeping pattern, and how can you improve it?

My usual sleeping scheduled involves going to bed at 11:30 PM. Improving my sleep pattern involves implementing strategies that promote harmonious and invigorating sleep. Establishing a regular sleep routine with harmonious bedtimes and wake- up times can effectively regulate the body's internal clock. Creating a peaceful sleep environment is pivotal, involving optimizing factors like darkness, quietness, and comfort in the bedroom.

To prepare the body for sleep it's recommended to avoid using electronic devices before bedtime as they emit blue light that can disrupt melatonin production a hormone that aids sleep. Engaging in calming activities like reading or meditation moderating caffeine's and alcohol intake and incorporating regular physical exercise can enhance sleep quality. Nighttime rituals and stress- relief techniques, similar as yoga or meditation, can signal the body to unwind and prepare for sleep.

However, consulting a healthcare professional can help identify underlying factors affecting sleep patterns, If sleep problems persist. It's important to recognize that crafting an ideal sleep routine requires personalized adjustments to cater to our body's specific needs.


What are your daily exercises or activities? Do you need to do more?

My diurnal routine consists of several activities. I wake up early in the morning, offer my Fajar prayer, and go for a morning walk, which I do regularly. Following my walk, I've a light breakfast. On Sundays, I engage in jogging. Then, I attend school from 5:00 am to 2:00 pm. After reaching home around evening. I've lunch accompanied by salad.

After a brief rest, I dedicate time to teaching my students as I'm an educator. Later, I spend quality moments with my family, including dinner. However, there's room for improvement in my routine. I realize the importance of taking further rest and engaging in healthier activities. Participating in sports similar as cricket, football, hockey, and the village game of waanjo can contribute to my overall well- being and fitness. It's essential to diversify my activities to achieve better health.


What do you do for mental fitness?

Prioritizing proper sleep is a pivotal aspect of maintaining internal well- being. I consciously avoid situations that could lead to stress. Ensuring internal fitness involves adopting practices that promote emotional health and cognitive vitality.

Mindfulness and meditation techniques are effective tools for managing stress, enhancing concentration, and fostering internal clarity. Engaging in nonstop learning activities like reading, acquiring new skills, and solving problems can improve cognitive function.

Regular physically activity not only benefits physically health but also trigger's the release of endorphins which elevate mood. Building and nurturing interpersonal relationships Foster's a sense of belongings and provided emotional support.

Journaling aids in processing thoughts and emotions, promoting self- awareness. Creative pursuits like art, writing, and music exploration encourage self- expression and emotional release.


Maintaining a balanced diet, getting acceptable sleep, and effectively managing stress contribute to achieving internal stability. Setting and achieving goals gives life a sense of purpose, and seeking help from internal health professionals is pivotal when facing challenges.

Crafting a personalized internal fitness routine provides a comprehensive strategy for overall well- being. By integrating these practices, I'm working towards nurturing my internal health, achieving a balanced life, and icing emotional and cognitive resilience.

@abdullahw2 @isha46 @drhira

 last year 

Yes the well balanced Life or diet is very compulsory to keep ourselves healthy and fit. This is because the health is a great wealth. Thank you so much for your invitation 😄.
Success to you 🤗

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