Contest !! ||AIDS awareness

in Healthy Steem2 months ago

Greetings friends of the community Healthy Steem


Viruses are a form of life that has always been present, viruses are microscopic organisms that attack other beings to reproduce, their way of living is uncontrolled, infecting the host until it dies. Human beings, in their great intelligence, have been able to contain many viruses that are deadly to us, creating antibiotics or medicines that inhibit or destroy them, but not all of them have been able to be controlled and one of them is AIDS, a disease that to date has not been able to be controlled. eradicated and is the cause of millions of deaths worldwide.

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Today I join the contest run by my friend @khursheedanwar, regarding one of the viruses that affects millions of people in the world and who fight against it daily and that for now the damage it causes can be controlled, the cure is not yet It is entirely possible but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I want to invite my friends @assidiq, @marcojon and @talatin to join the contest.


###What do you know about the causes of AIDS?

AIDS was detected at the end of the 70s of the last century and millennium, there are several aspects that are said about this disease and how it could have originated, some say that it began on the African continent of budo groups consuming monkey blood and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and mutated to humans. Another side is from a group of North American soldiers who acquired it from monkeys and other animals in Africa when practicing zoophilia. There are other cases that say that it was created in laboratories as a biological weapon and when used it turned out in a way that was not expected, getting out of control. They even say that it is created by global pharmaceutical companies as a business to have millions of income with possible medications.

Regardless of how this disease arose, the truth is that it directly attacks the white blood cells, which are responsible for creating immunity in our body when it is exposed to any pathogen from the outside world. By not having white blood cells, the body loses any type of immunity.


Since white blood cells do not exist, any disease that attacks the body will constantly weaken it until the body can no longer endure until it reaches a terminal phase.


What do you know about AIDS treatment?

The treatments that exist to stop the advance of AIDS are called antiretrovirals, they are cocktails of treatments that the person who suffers from it must take daily, since these treatments will make them have a better life, the closest results they would have would be a style healthier and extending your life much longer.

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Currently there is talk of a person who is cured of AIDS, he is a Venezuelan who lives in the United Kingdom and after having suffered from the AIDS disease, when undergoing an experimental vaccine the result has been the most satisfactory since he has been without it for several years. who has traces of HIV or AIDS. Unfortunately, to know if it is 100% effective, we have to wait for this person's life cycle to end and for the disease not to return over time. But it is a great advance since the levels of arrest of the disease are undetectable.

Other people are known to have also undergone other vaccines and are having the same result. So the light at the end of the tunnel is getting stronger and it is possible, very possible that this disease will be eradicated.


What do you know about AIDS preventive measures?

The greatest way in which AIDS is transmitted is through sexual encounters that people have, without using some type of barrier condoms, for every 10 cases 9 occur in this way, the other one is through blood transfusion, sharing syringe or where contact of any type of fluids is involved.


The best measure to prevent AIDS is using barrier contraceptive methods. Unfortunately, no one can trust another's physique since AIDS is not a disease that is easily seen, many people suffer from it and have good appearances. Another way and it is already reliable is by doing tests to detect AIDS, although they are strong and even exclusive, but there is no other way to know that they suffer from it.

While there is no effective cure, we must know about this disease, educate ourselves about it and those who suffer from it must know that it is not a sentence since if they have the correct care they can live a pleasant life. God willing and in a few years the cure will be there.


Friends, I hope my publication is to everyone's liking. They take care of me. Blessings. See you soon.

Pure Life

 last month 

I strongly believe a whole lot of people still needs to be enlighten about how AIDS actually works


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