An afternoon with my oranges boys: Loui and Orange
Hi @Steem_Pet_Lovers I just found this community and I think awww this is my place. I own 8 souls 😺 and today I'm going to introduce you my two orange boys.
My babies inspired me so much ❤️ :
They look that appreciate art just like me 😂.

Thankyou for reading me 💕
Wow! 🐾 You have eight cats? I only have two. I wanted one more, but my husband—though he’s a cat lover 😻—didn't want to, to avoid disrupting the special bond 💖 between our two cats. Even though we got them from different places, getting them on the same day created a special connection ✨ between them. Orange and Loui are two very beautiful cats 🐈🐈.
Yes eight. Well I started with two girls, then I adopted orange and they love it right away. with love, discipline and patient in 5 years I manage to get my own little family.