If you haven't made a killing in this last couple days, why the fuck not?.. Some hard truths. Soz.

in FreeSpeech Community5 years ago

Everything is tanking.
From commodity markets,housing markets, stock markets, to crypto.

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I never include physical precious metals - for they are real money, and subject to continual downward pressures to suppress it, by the powers that be.

The rest? (crypto, commodities and stocks)
Total manipulation (by bigger people than us), to transfer the wealth to 'them', from 'us'.
If you don't know that you're playing a rigged game, then you probably shouldn't be playing the game in the first place.

This 100 year financial cycle debacle is coming to an end.

Hodlers are the money manipulators best friend, never forget that.

They don't want you thinking on your feet, maneuvering assets to maximize your own profits.
Oh no, they want hodlers to stare into the lights of the oncoming future, doing jack shit, patiently waiting for fate to deal them the hand.
No, more like rabbits.


The only problem with passively waiting for fate to deal you your hand, is that the oncoming lights you can see - your future- are the cold headlights of the market manipulators (And they are not friendly).

You know the manipulators of this rigged game - they are the ones that are actually doing something while the hodlers do nothing.

If the enemy (us) are doing nothing to maneuver to gain advantage of position,(hodl), then 'they' also know that 'they' are on the winning side.

But how did you know BTC (et al), were going to tank @lucylin?

I didn't.

But I did have a pretty good clue that they were headed south.(common sense and a non myopic emotional attachment, to numbers displayed on a screen is a good start to seeing things as they are, instead of as you want them to be).

I'm working purely in Steem for this two months experiment.
Not dollars, not BTC not LTC.

To 'short sell'(not strictly true, but I'll use that term here) Steem, (or btc /ltc), you simply have to put your value somewhere else.
I changed my Steem into dollars a couple of days ago. And waited.
I'm still waiting...

It looks like 'we' might be having a good 'Sunday splurge'.

My followers and upvoters will also be cashing in on my strategies with divided profits.
(...in terms of the amounts of steem - which is the 'base currency' in this little experiment of ours...)

If you aren't thinking on your feet, you'll be brought down by the hungrier predators.
And the manipulators are the biggest, meanest, fucking predators, that you are ever gonna come across.

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While you might lose the fight by maneuvering your assets around. (through a basic lack of common sense, mostly).
You also might not lose the fight. You might be succesful.

But guess fucking what?

At least you tried to do something, and you didn't just sit there(hodling), waiting (and praying) for something totally out of your control, to be benevolent towards you.

THAT is a losing strategy.


It's all meaningless. After the crash comes the re-build. After the riots come the police. People need to find a real town community that is somewhat void of the pink panty wearing snowflake crowd. All those special little buttercups are just going to wilt to nothing. I hate the snow, and the cold, but at least the stores I shop in have not been raided by the panic buying fear mongering people mentioned above. We still have Tylenol, toilet paper, and gloves and mask on the shelves, at least as of last Sunday we did.

I'm waiting on the riots to start, the fights over the last pack of toilet paper instead of the last Cabbage Patch Kid. People are going to be so upset when the government comes to their home with guns and want to search for hoarding. People up here still own guns, well most of them.

As for steem price going low, I guess I need to post a few more times to take advantage of the few votes that might come my way.

Don't worry, I'll give a nice pile of ...er...steem.,,, That's it... steem.. yes.

but i am doing something, i am holding on for dear life...
that's something, right? :-p

An off topic question, because there are pieces moving that i can't quite track.

Got some friends looking into Elderly Care Housing.

And, 10 years ago, this was a good industry, killer, if you could stomach it.
But today, the coronavirus has changed everything.
The stock market crash has changed everything

So, we were going to see all these boomers move into retirement homes
And, the best way to cash in on that would be to buy those homes.

Now i see several things happening.
The boomers are going to die off with the virus, and the after-virus
The boomers aren't going to have any retirement savings thanks to everything crashing
The boomers aren't going to have any social security because the bonds are going to implode
The boomers aren't going to have any medical because the virus is going to kill the system. Medicare for everyone Bernie? No, Medicare for no one.

Further, we are going to see house loan defaults like we have never seen before.

All this adds up to?
Although Elderly Care Housing may still be viable for some, i expect there to be ¼ of customers... and i don't know where the rest of the boomers are going to go.

Poor boomers are of no use to the machine,once all the wealth has been extracted from them and best got rid of.

One way or another.

Their taking quite a few proactive steps here. Nursing homes are closing to visitors, schools, colleges shut down, all large events cancelled. If people pay attention and socially distance themselves I don't think it will be as bad here as what we saw in China.

I am impressed that you called the right time to sell.
nice read

Just lucky mate.
I tend to be lucky. lol

This should make you laugh

I write a lot of his material, cheers! lol

Thought I had sent the reply but not. Well said, I kinda wish I was at a screen and with good nternet atm!

I sold some btc for cash yesterday at a shop and the guy didnt think it would tank so much I dont think 🤣

Well moved, moving man!

Might do it again tomorrow too, depending on the price! Dam, I wanted to sleepbut nooooo

How much did you make?

$1.56...or something..lol

It will be nice steem bounty return(on Sunday),for my followers, lets put it that way.

I changed my Steem into dollars a couple of days ago. And waited.
I'm still waiting...

You certainly hit 'this one' right brudda… Looks like it can hit a low of .07 like March of 2017??? Last I looked, it was at 0.010 + and dropping.

 5 years ago (edited)

Yeah, that was lucky, not skill!

(I'm quite lucky though, it has to be said)

..I might cash into steem early, at this rate.
(Take what you can, when you can. Rinse and repeat)

I'm not gonna put a jinx on it by suggesting anything :>) Do you think that maybe all this shit going down now, might be that big 're-set' having been talked about within certain circles? Just curious as to your opinion.

My theory...
crypto is dissolving - the 'play money' for the rich is being called back, to cover 'real $' debts.(crypto is tiny in the scheme of things)

Maybe even the 'total reset' -thus ridding us of all crypto's - except a 'world crypto currency'
The cia trial run (btc) has been done, now onto the next phase....
(Corona is the NWO's best present ever.Probably their own invention to get everyone off the streets, while the transitions happen.)

I thought about that myself, Iran was to obvious in my opinion....how it leaped from China to devouring Iran started throwing question marks up everywhere. As heartless as it is to think about it it did create the perfect storm to deflate an overburden economic system by non normal means. There's no duck and cover except for the guy on the street trying to save themselves from the fall out. You can't bring it up though on the blogs without getting a flogging over it though.

You can't bring it up though on the blogs without getting a flogging over it though.

Oh, I better do a post on it then.lol

I think there is a lot of truth in your assessment. We shall certainly see, soon enough yet, this may be still in the 'test' phase.

...and in the meantime, lets try and profit from the train wreck...

Yes..."in some way, shape or form"...as the 'saying' goes...

Yep it's rigged game alright 😡

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