Choices! What will it be? #39

Greetings fellow steemians, I hope you are all doing fine am glad to participate in this interesting contest. Thanks to @patjewell for composing such a wonderful contest. Today, out of the five special topics for this week's contest, I choose to write about the topic letters.



In the previous era, letters were the most reliable means of communicating information to distant places before the advent of technology which then transformed the communication. Back then when there was advanced communication gadgets like the telephone, computer or phones, we all depended on writing letters which also stood as proof of one intelligence since writing a letter wasn't that easy then. Now, some public sectors and private sectors still make use of letter writing in an orderly manner. This now tells us that letter is still regarded as an important means of communication up till date.

What is letter?


A letter is a means of communication between two individuals through writing. The Information contained are either written by hand or printed on paper. After writing the letter, it also being delivered to the receiver through the postal services or mail.

Most people do think that writing letters as a means of communication is outdated, but some places would require a letter from you before accepting you to work for them, also we have application forms, recommendation letter etc. all these things requires the proper art of letter writing.

Types of letter

We have different types of letters, but in school we were taught few which was mostly informal, formal and semiformal letters.



This letter type is very popular, and I believe we are familiar with it. These letters are writing to those we love so doesn't need to be strict. This letter is written to family members and relatives, friends and also close colleagues at work.
These letters are meant for individuals, and you could express your emotions here since you both know each other, slangs can also be used in this type of letter writing.


These type of letter is sent to those we don't really know. It is an official letter, when writing such a letter you need to be direct.

This type of letter is mostly written to firms and companies by someone who seeks for employment.


This type of letter is often sent to those we know little things about. For instance, this letter could be sent to your father's friend whom you know little about.

A semiformal letter is a neutral letter as it is not formal or informal. It is a letter written to people to you know their name for example your teacher, business partners etc.


This type of letter is used by organizations to pass information professionally to customers, clients, investors, partners, other companies, shareholders etc. Business letter are formal and has a specific format, companies use it to pass important information and messages.


An employment letter is a kind of letter that is often written by a person to a company in respect of employment matters. Letters to join a department and application letters are examples of employment letters.

We also have other types of letters like:

  • Official letter
  • Social letter
  • Circular letter
Tips on how to write a good letter
  1. Choose a quality paper.
  2. Use the correct letter format.
  3. Addresses and dates must be included.
  4. Salutations should be included.
  5. Create and write a body for the letter.
  6. Use the right ending phrase.

I invite @usoro01 and @dar22 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading my post.

 6 months ago 

You've written well dear steemian. Although I can't help but notice your post is quite similar to mine. You used the same pictures as I did and a similar outline. I do wish you success anyway.

 6 months ago 

Thank you for taking part in this week's contest with the topic "letter."

You wrote a very informative post. Next time you enter, I want to see a post from you that is written from the heart. A post that tells a story and a post that is different from those of other competitors. Just imagine writing an interview with your mother, asking her to tell you about the letters she received in her young days.
You can do it!

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