Commenting Contest; Take Your Own Flowers Photography

in Steem For Ladieslast year

Hello all Steem For Ladies friends...


There are so many arts and also lessons that we can take in life. There are many talents, art to work that we really like. Especially is the art of photography. It develops according to the needs of today's society which utilizes social media and advanced technology to express their creativity. Or they want to hone their skills or make it a big advantage to get a gift from it.

There are many beginners, as well as photography experts, and this contest is here as a place to express themselves or their love for the art of photography, especially flower photography


We want to see all those hidden talents, I'm sure that everyone loves photography, and the theme of the contest this time is quite easy to follow with conditions;

  • Upload one photographic image of your flower that has never been posted on any social media.
  • Make a little description of the photography at least 50 words. (with as interesting information as possible).
  • Include the picture in the comments column with the hashtag #ladiesphoto
  • Subscribe to the Steem For Ladies Community
  • Have club status (#club5050, #club75, and #club100)
  • Resteem this post and Invite your tree friends to join this contest

Contest Prizes;

  • 10 Steem Power for each of the 5 winners.
  • Each winner will also get an upvote from the support curator team according to their respective club status if they meet the rules.

Competition Schedule:

  • This entry is valid from January 18-23, 2023 (Post Schedule refers to WIB at 23.59)


  • Don't miss the due date! 👍

My Thank's Giving to;

My infinite thanks to all Steemit Users who I cannot mention one by one who have supported and motivated me and inspired me so that this contest can be held.

Signed, Contest Organizer;

Cc: @pennsif @disconnect


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 last year 



Las zinnias, son flores hermosas y de variados colores como: amarillo, rojo, púrpura, blanco entre otros. También es conocida como Jamaica y flores de papel. Provienen de América del Norte y América central
No requiere de muchos cuidados, solo necesitan tener un excelente drenaje y tierra arenosa para su cultivo.

Invito a participar a @arcayart, @alessgsl y a @carlaisl


 last year 

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry no. 7

 last year 

Thank you very much for approving my entry. Happy and blessed night 🙏🌺

Hermosa fotografía 🌟

 last year 

Me alegro que te haya gustado mi fotografía. Gracias por pasar
Dios te bendiga 🙏

 last year 

Bella esa fotografía. El color y forma de la flor es maravillosa ❤️ éxitos en el concurso

 last year 

Gracias Aless, me alegra que te haya gustado. Son realmente maravillosas y embellecen nuestros entornos.
Gracias tu visita. 🙏

Son hermosas, desconocía su nombre y su origen. Gracias por enseñarnos sobre su cuidado. Suerte y saludos querida.

 last year 

Si, son realmente hermosas.🌺
Vale la pena cultivarlas y adornar cualquier lugar, ya sea en macetas o jardín.
Muchas gracias por tu visita. 💜

 last year (edited)


El girasol, es una flor exótica de un llamativo color amarillo, su centro marron, tallo y hojas verdes. Ademas de embellecer
la naturaleza, de ella se hace un aceite natural. Su semilla también es comestible, rica en vitamine E, antioxidante, ayuda a controlar enfemedades cardiovasculares. De su tallo pueden nacer 4 flores.


Invito a @irene1983 @ninfa18 @luimer79

 last year (edited)

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry no. 4

Please, invite 3 friends to make your entry qualify dear...

 last year 


En mi jardín prevalecen los cactus y suculentas, diría que me encanta coleccionarlos y esta suculenta es la que más flores me regala a diario, justo ayer tome esta foto, su nombre es Huernia, yo le digo mini estrella de mar por su forma, es fácil de cuidar, solo necesita mucho sol y poca agua.


Invito a participar a @mini80, @vivigibelis y @astilem

 last year 

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry no. 6

 last year (edited)
 last year 

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry No. 1

 last year (edited)


Cuarentona es su nombre es una bella flor de vivos coloes que se intensinfincan con el sol, se llama cuarentona porque es el tiempo que dura la flor al abrir sus petalos. Es de fácil reproducción por semillitas que la msma flor nos da al secarse. Una de mis favoritas.


Invito a @genomi @javima @venturabogarin

 last year (edited)

Thanks for participating on the contest,
Approved entry No. 3

Please, invite 3 friends to make your entry qualify dear...

Que hermosa fotografía de una hermosa flor que me gusta mucho. Te deseo la mejor de las suertes y agradezco tu invitación.

 last year 
 last year 

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry no 2

 last year 

Terima kasih

 last year 

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry no. 5

Youre welcome..

 last year 
 last year 

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry no. 8

 last year 

thanks mam😊

 last year 


 last year 
 last year 

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry no. 12

 last year (edited)


This is a very beautiful flower in my compound .It has different colours the white and the pink. This flower gives shade and it has a very good aroma in the morning and evening. People leaving around me always talk about this flower because how nice the smell is. This is dry season in my country and is affecting so many plants and flowers but you can see this one flourishing even without much water. How this particular flower is been reproduced is a misery to me it does not have seed so I'm still wondering how to replant it .If you know you can tell me thanks.

#ladiesphoto I invite @yakspeace @mesola @goodybest to join.

 last year 

Thanks for participating on the contest
Approved. Entry no 9

 last year 

Thank you ma.

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