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RE: Creating a second account with
Strangely, I clicked create create account after the keys were bothered and replied that I copied them. I want to sign with the Steemkeychain but nothing further happens. I'm signed in to Steemkeychain, but it doesn't come up for signing
First of all have you save your keys (all of them)? If yes just try steemconnect. For keychain you need to add new account and the necessary keys.
this is where it stops. I don't have to enter a new account in KeyChain
I'm just going to sign it to a new account.
The new account name has also not become active when I do not get signed
Want to use steemworld and sign from here via steemworld KeyChain

this is me with the way i described in the post.
this is you and it seems that you didn't create any account.
yeah, now i got it..
sorry for the misunderstanding.
You have already 11 tickets, and you can't proceed because keychain for some reason stuck.
For keychain you have to add your new account, then go to settings--> manage account and set the necessary keys.
now it works, the mistake was that i actually had to re.start steemworld then it was no problem setting up the new account and using KeyChain for signing the transaction
Glad that you find it and sorry for the misunderstanding .
thank you for responding to my queries.
yes, it's good it works now