Dare I say... Justin Was Right...?

in SteemLeo5 years ago



Can I just say…

Holy shit Steemit.

I came back at exactly the right time. Though just before an explosion might not seem like the best time to step into a minefield, it totally was. I put out a post yesterday venting a bit about the situation, went back into the discords until I had a skull splitting headache. Last night when I went to bed I wasn’t feeling that great. We’re all a little amped and emotional right now, and it left me feeling drained and pessimistic.

When I woke up, two of Justin’s exchange goonies backed out and we had two top twenty witnesses. When I got home from the gym, we hit four. Last I checked before I started this post… we had five.


That’s enough to stop a hard fork plus a couple. Not only did we STOP THE FUCKING HARDFORK, we’re growing. We’re regaining control of the blockchain AS A COMMUNITY.

Is it possible that Justin is going to pull out another underhanded trick? YEP… but my goodness Steem creatures I’m so proud. I’m so proud to be a part of this community. When I joined Steemit back in ’17 I joined because of the community. Mostly @Adept because he was relentless. I didn’t come in here with big dreams of getting rich off my posts. In fact, I didn’t even post for quite a while, I just let @Adept use my account for… Adepty things I guess, I don’t even know (now that’s complete trust).

Until @MrViquez came along with his pretty eyes and persuaded me to post because I make pleasant words, I thought he was just being nice because he wanted to bang me. I never believed I was talented enough to get anywhere.

Until some Steem creatures told me I was. I didn’t know them from Adam. I came across the posts, really enjoyed them and kept reading, then commenting. I’m sure many of you already know how many great writers we have here, writing that is technical, interesting, and engaging, they’re good. Then they came and told me I was good. Mind blown.

If I don’t know them, and they’re good and they tells me I’m good… maybe I’m good? What?

Then came the curation votes. I woke up to my $1 post at $85. I damn near shit myself; I’m not kidding. Naturally I hit up @MrViquez freaking out and he told me what exactly the curation groups of Steemit do and to be honest I was over the moon. I’ve been hit by most of the major and many minor curation groups at one point or another.

Then I found more Steem creatures that I thought were fabulous, and more, and more. Life gets tough, so I stopped for a bit. I came back and I found projects to join, projects meant to support the community, to create things for the community, which led me to even more creatures of fascination. But again, that pesky life thing.

When I came back this time, I found the likes of Steem creatures I’d never seen before, and they were awesome! More creatures who are super helpful and supportive with no personal gain, new hilarious creatures who are fun and witty.

I maybe leave Steemit sometimes, but I always come back. I come back for this, for the community. For the amazing people that make it what it is. Now I get to watch this community that I can’t seem to let go rally; to come together in a way I certainly hadn’t imagined possible to defend itself. I get to be a part of it. I get to be a worker hornet. Word is spreading about us across platforms because we stood up and proved that we are what we’ve said we are from the start… a community of quality content creators, a SOCIAL network owned and operated by its USERS.

So yes, Justin was right about one thing; the Steemit community is stronger than ever… he’s just not a part of it.

If he ever wants to be, he should really start thinking of it as the living, breathing, thinking creature, full of heart that it is. WE are not a simple blockchain business deal. WE will not give up on our blockchain. WE will stand, because WE are Steemit.

@Accio out bitches.


I love your twist at the end about Justin Sun being right about Steemit being strong and yet, drum roll please, he aint part of it lol, but seriously, yeah, and I'm glad you always find your way back here and I'm glad like you said that people fight hard for their communities which is so very vital and crucial more so now than ever before.

Thank you!

Today, the blockchain has seen the single most united action in the history of Steem. The day nearly the entire community stood together as one. That makes this battle a victory worth celebrating.

It is truly beautiful

I was surprised and also excited. Even I voted today and I rarely do that haha.

I am honored to recieve your vote

I upvoted your post and I voted for witnesses. Are you a witness?

I am not a witnesses no, not nearly techy enough for that

But you are a cool mommy I hear and that is techy enough.

Awe thanks!

The Steem blockchain is currently being attacked by a central authority in order to take control of the witnesses. If you are not managing your witness votes, please consider setting @berniesanders as your witness voting proxy by clicking here to help restore the decentralization of Steem.

You made me smile at 2.23 am and after a zillion of hours checking updates! Time to sleep! I always come back 😂 and this since June 2016

Sweet dreams, hope we have some good news when you do come back!

I wish I could have voted your fun on full power but I voted so much and ran out of breath 🤪 super nice to meet you

Posted using Partiko iOS

Glad you're back and I hope you're back to stay and help grow this community you're talking about.
Hope to read from you soon again. I enjoyed your piece of writing

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you!

NoJustin got scammed like a rookie and is trying to shift blame. Ned sold his stake and scammed Justin.

Rookie Justin. Oops.

Gon a follow and here's a vote! Blaze that shit!

Thank you! I agree it really seems like Justin had no clue what he was getting into with this purchase, I listed to the audio from the meeting ad he doesn't know how anything works at all.

Tragically he didn't reach out to anyone that really mattered or he would have been warned.

Ned sold this as cash deal. The shiny car Justin thought he was going to get was busted and needed new parts and investment to make it really valuable.

If so ok. But Ned didn't tell him the whole story. Hence Ned got off with dumping a lemon...

Justin said in the Witnesses meating he did due diligence, then admitted multiple times to not knowing how anything steem works. If I go buy a car without checking to see of the frame is rot t.f ed out, checking under the hood, taking it for a test drive, I deserve that lemon.

Totally understand that. And he bought steem at $0.005 per token.

He fell into a trap. But can sell once negotations happen and then we lost what was to be huge funding for projects and such.

Huge betrayal. Ned deserves to be publicly humiliated.

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