My Mistakes in 2021 and my 2022 Resolutions. 10% to @steemalive

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)




Good day my wonderful and hardworking people of Steemalive community. I am so much delighted to take part in this contest. Thank you @steemalive and @focusnow for this contest.

I am starting by defining mistake as a wrong action, inaction or statement that proceeds from faulty judgment, inadequate knowledge, or inattention.

Some mistakes can be corrected while some leaves us with lasting consequences.

Asking us to write about our mistake will help keep us reevaluate our lives and works towards achieving our goal.

Paying less attention to my health


For the most part of the year, It was work, work and a little more work. This involved teaching in a number of schools located all around the town which required switching between the schools depending on the day of the week, preparing lesson notes for the various classes and answering to a boss that can really be bossy at times.
This stressful working condition could hide in the shadows of a good pay so I could not see how much I had worked myself and how badly I needed to give myself some time off.
When it was time for the holidays, that was time to recruit new workers and this newcomers needed training. And the existing staff were in need of updates, polishing and retraining. Such an exploitive use of the body sapped away both physical and emotional strength, resulting in contact cases of stress related ill health often muted by dumping supliments and multivitamins.


My 2022 resolution in this regard is in agreement with the fact that health must not be sacrificed to gain wealth.
To attain this goal, the first step was to quit the job. I also have to examine the impact of a job on my health while following a routine exercises, visiting the doctor for regular examinations and getting enough time to rest is helping and yielding positive results.

I allowed my exercise routine to suffer




Outing with my students.

A measure of good health has been the reward we get when we exercise regularly, it also keeps us fit physically when we engage in some regular exercise which could be jogging, sprinting, swimming, cycling, walking or spending some time at the Gym running to no destination on a treadmill.

In the year 2021, my exercise routine was interrupted due to child birth and I failed to continue in the routine as motherhood adjusted a number of activities on my daily schedule which one of the activities that got stroked out was exercise. I have come to realise that nursing a baby doesn't really mean quitting exercise routine.


My 2022 action plan involves resuming my exercise routine by gradually picking up the pace, I have started introducing some walking distance in my daily activities, though I am sure I can't do as much as I used to in terms of exercise. I am sure with time I will do better.


Waste of time and resources


A reasonable amount of time and data was spent on Facebook, responding to friends and making post or comments. These activities were time consuming yet I had to buy data in order to communicate with this friends, like their posts, following celebrities and keeping my page alive.
This mistake was so serious that I neglected my spiritual activities to it.

This mistake was fixed latter in the year when I was introduced to steemit. I gradually broke free from the addiction to Facebook as much time is spent productively on steemit.


My 2022 resolution in this regard is to cut off all social media activities that are not financially productive so as to have more time for activities that has positive economic contribution.
I will used Facebook as an app that will help me advertise steemit and bring more people who will add value to steemit than completely wasting of time following celebrities.
I have resolved to pay attention to more important things.

If things were different

  • If I could replay the year 2021, having the experience I now have, I would join steemit much earlier and avoid the stress.

  • If given a second opportunity in the area of my exercise, I would resume exercise a little earlier

  • If given a second chance in the aspect of resources wasted on Facebook, I would put such a time to good use on the steemit platform.

The advantage of my Resolution

  • My resolution to choose health over wealth is more cost-effective, my health is better, I spend less on drugs and my finances have improved.

  • The decision to re-continue in my exercise routine is working hand in hand with my first resolution and are resulting in better health for me.

  • cutting down my Facebook usage and switching to steemit has put my time and data to good use. It has converted a wastful hobby into a source of revenue when applied on steemit.


I am thankful to @steemalive community for organizing this Contest that will make us to rethink and try to solve keep ourselves on track.
To me this Contest is like an audit done at the end of the year to know how much we (companies) have achieved so far in the past year.

I invite the following friends to take part in this contest. @gentlesun, @ndiwill2006, @oasiskp, @kesybliss @nyaknoumoh

This is a link to this contest


Written by me @udyliciouz


Learnt a great deal from this, health is wealth, 2022 will definitely be better than this !

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for going through. Yes health is wealth. When we are alive, there will always be time to make wealth.

My 2022 action plan involves resuming my exercise routine by gradually picking up the pace, I have started introducing some walking distance in my daily activities, though I am sure I can't do as much as I used to in terms of exercise. I am sure with time I will do better..

Nice post ma, continue your exercise program, don't give up, is just a gradual process with time you will do more than as you ought.

 3 years ago 

Sure , I will resume it, comes 2022. Thanks for stopping by.

Ur write up is cute, but always take good care of urself my dear, because life does not have duplicate ooo

 3 years ago 

Yes o, I have learn to always take good care of myself and have also resolved to do so. Thanks for reading

Hello @udylicious health is really important. I think i made that mistake two years ago and i paid dearly for it wen i nearly lost my life

 3 years ago 

My dear this mistake almost took my life. I was placed on supplements and compulsory bed rest. Until I recover

I love your write up but pls try to take your health more importance in 2022.
Was nice reading your post

 3 years ago 

My brother, I have really learn to take care of myself o. Health is wealth.

 3 years ago 

A good health will give you opportunities to engage in many things that you cant when your sick

 3 years ago 

It's true my sister

Very well articulated piece. But I disapprove the idea of new year resolution. Reason, they never stand the test of time.

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