Living things

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Living things,g_1:science:5lVMMP9m6M0%3D&client=ms-android-transsion-infinix-rev1&prmd=isvn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1lNuhkLDwAhXDgHMKHQ3iAU4Q4lYoAXoECAEQBg&biw=360&bih=664

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Living things are those objects that have life in them.all living things exhibits the same characteristics, summarised as (Mr Niger)
M: movements
R : respiration
N nutrition
I. Irritability
R reproduction

Movement: all living thing possess the capacity to move from one to another in search of food and their necessities of life.

Respiration: this is the exchange of gases otherwise called respiration in living things, living thing breath in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide (coz) the breathing in and out in our body.takes place through the respiratory system.them two lungs lie below the ribs which protect them . below thy lungs is a sheet of muselss called diaphragm

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Nutrition: this is the process of injection of food substance into the body system, for growth and body development, the food we eat gives us nutrients in the body which include.

Fats and oil
Mineral salt

The carbonhydrate help to give the body energy to do work.
The protein help in the proper building of the body tissue for growth and development.
Fats and oil help for tissue development and supply essential element that are deficiency for growth and development.

Growth: this is an increase in size and body weight of an organism.elements necessary for sound and growth of the body.mineral salts are essential for proper functioning of the joints and tends to supply calcium and phosphorus in the body.

The food we eat pass through the mouth where it is chewed and broken down into smaller particles and mixed with saliva and then passes from the mouth through the gullet (oesphag) into the stomach.
In the small intestine the liquid juice produced by the liver and complete the digestion.the food is the use by the body.

Irritability: this is a ability of living things to respond to the stimuli through the sending and reception of message from the brain.

Excretion: this is the removal of metal bolisn found in the body due to the food we eat.

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Reproduction: this is the reproduction of young ones alive by the living things hence all living things possess the ability to reproduce their resemblance alive to ensure the continuity of the generation.

Non living things does not possess these characteristics, example of living things.
Example of non living things


Nice write up keep it up

Enligthening! thanks alot

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