Important Update - Error in Calculations which has made some recommended top 5 posts miss out on club5050 votes

in SteemAlive3 years ago

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This is a quick update with regards to an issue we noticed recently. Some recommended posts which were presumed to be in club5050 are not actually supposed to be in the club. This is as a result of error in calculations which we made in this post. We sincerely apologize to the Steemit team and have made necessary corrections which will be evident in our next picks.


The Error

According to the calculations in this post, we factored in only two elements in our calclations:

1. Earnings within the month: We check the earnings within the month and divided it by 2, which we then use to compare the power ups.

Power ups within the Month: When we check the power ups within the month, we now compare it with the earnings. If it is at least half of the earnings, we then assumed the person is in club5050. However, this calculation is very wrong and we are out to correct it now.

The missing link - Transfers out

Because we did not check transfers out, the calculation is incomplete and erroneous. For example, if someone accumulated SBD in the previous months and transferred them out within the month, it will not show up in the earnings within the month. Hence, the calculation of powerups will be in-balanced and wrong. Unfortunately, this is a big error we have made in past top 5 posts and have taken correction now.


The correct calculation

Three elements should be factored in:

1. Transfers out: So whether the earnings were accumulated within the month or not, the transfers out should be at least equal to Power ups to qualify for #club5050.
Earnings: This will be checked though its not a huge factor.
Power ups: The Power ups should not be smaller than the transfers out.


How to check your Transfers out - example with @focusnow

1.. Go to and click Transfer search under tools

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2.. Select Normal Transfer
3.. Enter the username
4.. Starting date
5.. Ending date
6.. Click this button

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The result

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1095 Steem and 1SBD was transfered out. 1 SBD equals 11 Steem. Total Transfered out = 1106 steem.


Total Powered up

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Calculating club Status


52%. So @focusnow is under club5050



Take note all SteemALive members. We will check with this accurate calculation before you can be featured in the top 5 selections. Thank you @steemitblog for accepting our apologies.


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#club5050 😀

 3 years ago 

This new method for calculations will actually be useful to me and i appreciate the swift changes made in @steemalive in order to follow along with the trend.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the clarification. We steem on

Wow! We are upto date sir..thank you for always having our back

 3 years ago 

This is nice, nothing is hidden here and that is some are top earners when it comes to club5050 matter

Thank You @steemalive for this important update. I have re-steemed the post to enable other see it. I will also take proper measures to ensure I am not found wanting

Thank you @focusnow, for this update.

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you @steemalive for this correction, but I want to ask. In a case where someone buys a specific amount of steem and wants to power up all the steem, will it still be based on your old transactions? Or which club tag is to be used? Because in my case I did alot of withdrawal in the past months

 3 years ago 

Steemit is a magic oooooo
You cannot hide anything from the platform.
Now I understand why some get higher while others get bigger.

@focusnow, the calculation above is not clear. I noticed that you used two major factors to calculate the percentage. You used "The transfer to vesting" which is the total amount you had power up within a month, and this amount to 2100 steem and "normal transfer", which is the amount you transfered out within the same period and as highlighted above, for your case, it's 1106 steem.

Now, I want to believe that these two factors are summed up to be total earning for tge date range, if that is correct, then your total earning should be, 2100 STEEM + 1106 STEEM = 3206 STEEM

Then, to calculate the percentage you belong in the club initiative, it should be;

(Amount powered up/Total earning) × 100%
which is (2100/3206) × 100%
= 0.655 x100%
= 65.5%

That means your power up is far above half of your earning within the range under consideration.

@focusnow pls check this calculation, i think this should be the right calculation

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