SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W4)||Drug Abuse

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Greetings to you friend. Trust you are doing great. This is another time to make posts and engage more in the community, a lot of topics have been rolled out for the week.

What is drug abuse?

I will try to answer all the questions in a light verb and simple sentences. Drug abuse can be seen as the indiscriminate use of drugs outside the prescription of a doctor or an authorized medical practitioner.It also involve taking drugs for pleasure or for non-medical purposes.

Sometimes we buy drugs and medicine and take them based on our own prescription, such act it tantamount to drug abuse. In some cases, others take hard drugs for pleasure, or for sinister purposes,such is also termed drug abuse.

In what ways have you observed people abuse drugs?

I have answered part of this question in the earlier paragraph. There are plenty of ways that people can abuse drugs.They are:

Self Medication:
Most times in Nigeria, we don't go to hospital when we are sick. We just go to a pharmacy shop and buy drugs that we think can cure our ailments. Although it works most times, but such is drug abuse.

Taking Drugs for Pleasure:
Some people take certain drugs for fun or pleasure without knowing that they are guilty of abusing drugs.

Taking Hard Drugs:
Drug can also be abused when one indulge in taking hard substances like marijuana, cocaine and others. This can lead them to misbehave or do things that ordinarily, they wouldn't have done.

Not following medicine as prescribed by the doctor is also a form of drug abuse. Doctors prescription should be followed religiously.

State some reasons why drug abuse is common

There are quite a lot of reasons why drug is abuse is rampant.

Some people abuse drugs due environmental influence or peer pressure.Some abuse it out of ignorance or poor education about the implications of such act.There are also people who abuse drugs because they don't have money to visit a hospital.Others abuse it for fun or pleasure.

What are the harmful effects of drug abuse

Abusing drugs can cause a lot of problems to the abusers. For example taking hards drugs like cocaine , marijuana, heroin can make someone to develop nervous disorder. It can also lead them to steal or get involved in other forms of criminality.

Drug abuse can disfigure an unborn baby, cause further sickness or even delay the recovery process.Drug abuse can also lead to addiction.

Suggest practical ways that drug abuse will be prevented or even eliminated.

Drug abuse can be prevented through organizing sensitization workshops and seminars where people especially youths are told the consequences of substances abuse.

Task force team of drug law enforcement agencies can also be parading and helping to arrest people who sell or take hard drugs.

Medical facilities and attention should be made affordable so that everyone can pay to seejk medical attention. Lack of money is part of the reasons why people don't bother going to hospital, rather they buy drugs and treat themselves.

 2 years ago 

Taking Drugs for Pleasure:
Some people take certain drugs for fun or pleasure without knowing that they are guilty of abusing drugs.

Nice post by you @samuel20, people do take drugs for pleasure and sometimes because they see that others are taking thesame hard drug.

I don't think they really know the consequences.

 2 years ago 

People take it because others do especially when there peers do it they must be forced/decide to join them and that is called peer pressure

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 2 years ago (edited)

My dear friend @samuel20, this👇

Task force team of drug law enforcement agencies can also be parading and helping to arrest people who sell or take hard drugs.

Could only be made possible had it been those in authority doesn't engage in drug abuse. Hmmm, things are deteriorating! As for medical facilities and attention, we lack it here in this country. May God come to our aid

 2 years ago 

There are task force that are set up to arrest drug abusers but this men go about to take bribe so I don't think bringing a task force can stop drug abuse in Nigeria but I think it can help in other countries but not in Nigeria

 2 years ago 

Most times in Nigeria, we don't go to hospital when we are sick. We just go to a pharmacy shop and buy drugs that we think can cure our ailments. Although it works most times, but such is drug abuse.

This is the most common way drug abuse and it is done by both youths and old people, we think we are getting it right not knowing that we are abusing drug

There are quite a lot of reasons why drug is abuse is rampant.

Yes brother there are many reasons for drug abusing. Many people use drugs to get relief from anxiety, work pressure, tensions, unemployment, poverty and many other problems
You did your best to present your post stay happy have a good day

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reading through my post. I really appreciate. Drug abuse happen for a lot of reasons as you have mentioned.

You welcome brother its my pleasure and Drug abuse is becoming a more and more common issue, and it can be hard to avoid it.

 2 years ago 

People abuse drugs because of there different reasons but there reasons are not enough for them to abuse drugs because it can not be compared with what drug abuse will cause to there health and the community

Actually they got addicted and when they use drugs they feel more active and healthy that is the main reasons for continuing drug abuse


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For: Steemalive

Taking Drugs for Pleasure:
Some people take certain drugs for fun or pleasure without knowing that they are guilty of abusing drugs.

Now a day’s especially we the youth take abusing drugs to be a normal thing and if you are young guys and you don’t take hard guys then you are a jon but they don’t know they are killing their self and the taking of hard drugs has kill a lot of young guys and thank you for sharing with us.

 2 years ago 

Task force has been going around looking for them but when they see them they will collect bribe and leave them to die in thier sin of drug abuse. Thanks any way. Let them change on thier own.

 2 years ago 

I hates seeing people taking drugs because they don't know what the are doing to them self.
I really enjoyed reading your post sir thanks for this quality contents.
My regards.

Drug is a bad thing when you take it without the prescription of a doctor or when you take it overdose we should avoid drug abuse for our society for our family

Getting take drugs mostly for pleasure rather than such purpose medically meant for , stand the major reasons drugs abuse is becoming much within and around our neighborhood. Self medications is another deadly trailed . So much like going through this .

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