THE DIARY GAME: Unending season 3 @sambee 2/11/2020 -100%- power-up
Greetings to great people of @Steemit. It my pleasure to participate in Diary Room @Steemalive whom has given us that opportunity to tell our diary what happened to us each day .
My Diary
Today is been 2/11/20202 (2nd of November, 2020) which falls on Monday known as working day and a hectic day. I slept late and wake up early, most times I do imagine how come about that, though am used to it, right from my tender age, i sleep late because I have to wait for my mum to go to bed with me before I can sleep and I will still be the first to wake up. Is now a habit for me.
I woke up @4:00@am, say my prayer, read some portion of Bible, then send some morning prayers to most of my friends in WhatsApp . I plugged my phone for charging while I went to kitchen to prepare breakfast and lunch as well because my little baby at home will carry food to school. After that I attended other home chores before dressing to work.
At office
Getting to office, I cleaned my table, arranged some files, took my breakfast because I didn't take it at home then set for work. After for a while, my boss came in and assigned me to Zenith Bank for a client transaction. Getting there people were much, one of the guard asked me to use a tap where everyone wash their hands before going inside the bank, after that I went to seat where chairs were kept for customers to wait for my turn. After spending an hour, I was allowed to enter the bank, after the transaction, I returned back to my office some little work which my strength can carried then I returned home.
Took at the bank
During evening, I was weak, so I slept off, waking up around 9:30pm, by mom had to help me prepare dinner. I ate little and fall asleep again.
Thanks for your time.

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You really had a great dayat dear @sambee you know despite the abaited nature of the pandemic, its protocols are still been observed.
It one of the COVID-19 measures put in place by WHO. This has improved our hygienic conditions all over the world and Africa in particular.
You really had a wonderful day. Thankyou for sharing with us @ sambee
You really had an enjoyable day my dear. Thanks for letting into your Diary
Thanks so much @eberechi10.