A- 6 day Creative Writing: Attending A Meeting With Team Goals Getters For The Lunching of Food For Thought In Uyo

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Hello friends welcome back to my blog. It's nice to still have you here. Something big is about to happen in the city of Uyo. That's the lunching of Food For Thought project


Morning hours

As my custom is I always start my day with few minutes of prayer commiting the day to God who is able to guard and preserve. Everyday comes with different challenges with prayer you will be able to go through the day successfully. The next thing that I usually do in the morning after I finished praying is to read my Bible. I always create out time to make sure I take the scripture into my spirit at least two verses before living the house. After I finished my morning devotion I cleaned up the compound I summarize all the domestic work about 9:30am. Immediately I rushed up to arrange myself for the meeting that was fixed by our team leader @ijelady for the preparation of Food For Thought project that is to to lunch in Uyo on 7th of May.


Afternoon hours

My afternoon was a great it was at Dr's Mess resource center the venue for our meeting with team goals getters. Our discussion was center on the lastest project launch by our visionary community @steemalive. Our amiable leader ijelady explained to us what this project is about she also enlighten us on our responsibility in making the vision a reality. After the discussion she brought out two different fliers one for promotion and the other for food for thought, everyone that attended the meeting was given the fliers to help in inviting people to the program. She advised us not to wastes the flyer;

You are only to give this flyers to people that are ready to do steemit.


The evening

My evening was in church we had an urgent meeting with some person's. We normally have meetings in church every Sunday's and Wednesday's in the week exceptions of special program that can come up any other days. My meeting in church lasted for about two hours as soon as I finish in church I went back to my house that was how my day went.



This very project food for thought is going to inject a writing attitude into the life newbie and this will help them to be active on steemit. Thank you once again @steemalive and @focusnow for the great initiative.

Bestregards to


Know me more

100% of this post goes to @steemalive


 2 years ago 

This is a good one, keep doing what makes you happy,Uyo congratulation for the arrival of food for thought

 2 years ago 

This is too short to be a post.Pls rewrite it @prudent85

Sorry sir I'm working on it. After writing I wanted to copy the text to word checker so I mistakenly click on cut instead of copy so I missed the text. My battery was low as soon I get my phone I will repost it. Thank you @samuel20

 2 years ago 

Alright I understand it now.I am waiting for the complete post.

 2 years ago 

Am happy that you where able to attend the Meetup. How do you see our plans hope us a good one? Meanwhile, continue to invite your friends to attend the launching that very day okay

Ain't even aware that this lunching of food for thought kicked off in Uyo as well. This is very good development, Uyo state are good in responding to positive projects like this.

You did so well to join them in the meet up training, and I can see you are back on track

Scripture hath finished that with no Him you can do nothing . Getting to acknowledge God in the morning through prayers or devotion and reading of Bible gives one more sufficient grace and strength to be making your day a success , and both project at hand I know all newbie would and will surely enjoying it .

 2 years ago 

I am happy that you have completed the post after the initial mistake.You have done well by attending the meeting hosted by the Uyo leader.The Food4thought is a project that will shake the city of Uyo and it will attract a lot of persons who are eager to write and win.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

Thank you @samuel20 for your understanding the food4thought will really attract many to the platform.

@prudent85, you're on point when you say that steemalive is a visionary community. But to succeed, we also need your support. Therefore, remain active and our mission will be a reality. Weldone.

Thank you@steemalive I have made up my mind to take steemit as a business.

That's a good one. Once you're active, we will always support you

 2 years ago 

You must be an obedient fellow. You listened to the advice of our moderator @samuel20. Good. Hope you're preparing for the day when steemalive will launch food4thought? I cant wait to hear the outcome from you @prudent85

I have no option than to obey. The made me to understand that obedient is better than sacrifice.

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