Diary game; How i spent today, marketing steemit ||club100 , 10% pay to steemalive

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Taking steemit as a serious business is one thing all steemians must imbibe. i have come to realize that this community is not just about earning, but more of knowledge. it keeps your mind very active.

i had a beautiful time today marketing steemit and even calling some of my friends on phone to ask them if the have had about steemit.


I woke by 5am today and had my quiet time . at about 8:12am my phone rang and it was my fellowship leader that called to remind me of a meeting we would be having in the evening by 4pm. immediately i told him that i needed to see him for something . we agreed on meeting by 9am at Crunchies fries, since it a holiday in my city .

i got to the venue by 8:57am and waited for him. At about 10am he called me to tell me that he was on his way . he eventually came by few minutes past 10am, then we started our discussion. After a series of discussion with i then told him about steemit. i had early told him about it over the phone last year. When i highlighted some benefits and instances of people that have benefit from the platform , he became very interested .

He immediately requested that he should be signed up. i quickly call @samuel20 to help me sign him up but due to network issues , it was not completed.



my leader and i discussing steemit in crunchies fries

i left crunchies fries by 12:05pm , so i called a friend by name promise and asked him if he has had of steemit, he said no. so i told him that i will make time to come to his office.


i went back to my house, since the weather was cloudly , i slept off. At about 1:09pm i was up to go and see a client. when i was done with him , i got back to the house and continued with my sleep.

By 4pm my fellowship leader called we again to start coming for a meeting that was scheduled to hold in crunchies fries. i got up, ate my food and changed my clothe, then i rush off to the meeting. when i got there it was just one person in the venue so we waited for the rest to come.

The meeting was so brief and impactful, he told us the importance of love among God's children and also not to relent in soul winning.



At the meeting with my fellowship members

The meeting was very brief, some responsiblities were delegated to some persons.
we were done at 5:45pm , we prayed and i headed straight to my church for a prayer meeting. when i got to the church , everywhere was charged up . my pastor had already started prayer. i kicked started my own prayer too.
we prayed till 6:31pm, my pastor rounded up the prayer and we shared the grace in fellowship.


Sis Queen and I after the prayer meeting

i came back to my house and had my bath, that is the end of my story
i hope you enjoyed my post.
Thanks for stopping by.


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