Steemit Engagement Challenge | The Worst Day and the Best Day of My Life - A True Life Story | Written by @msquaretwins

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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Hello Steemians!

It is another week again on this platform. This is the fourth week of the season 2 of this contest. I am happy to be part of the participants of this contest. The engagement challenge has been wonderful and awosome. My name is Kehinde Micheal and my username is @msquaretwins on this platform. In this post, I am going to be discussing the worst day of my life and the best day of my life. I do hope that you will find the article interesting, and educative. Happy reading!


The Worst Day of My Life


Life is a contour. It is never a straight road. There is nobody in life that will not experience both the ups and downs of life. It is just certain. No matter how wise, talented, rich, beautiful or handsome a man is, it is certain that he will experience a time of trial. Money cannot cover worst day, neither beauty or handsomeness can do.

In fact, The Lord Jesus Christ even speak the truth of life when he said you will face challenges in the world, but be of good courage or cheers, I have overcome the world for you. If God does not promise us that everything will be rosy, then it means, at one point or the other, we are bound to face trials, challenges or tribulation. But the most interesting thing is that, God has a way of vindicating or restoring his children.

The worst day of my life would be the valaditory day I did at high school graduation in 2011. Valedictory celebration is a celebration to bid farewell and it is normally observed in my school after final high school exam. Before I told you what really happened I will like to briefly introduce my high school to you.

I went to a public secondary school, and the school is located along Okeho-Isemi road, Okeho Oyo State. The name of my alma mater is Awoyemi Commercial High School, Okeho. Someone may say, the school must be a commercial discipline school. No! The school offers science discipline, commercial and art discipline. Don't be deluded by the school's name😀.

I studied science in my high school because I so much have passion for mathematics, Introduction Technology, elementary science during my junior high school. And this passion set off my track for science discipline in my high school. Consequently, I have a deep interest in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Geography.

I performed excellently well in all these subjects right from my SS1 through to SS3. But what actually happened on the valedictory day? The valedictory service or celebration for my set was very great and at the same time worst for me though. It was a faithful day, all the graduating students put on their attires, rejoicing and celebrating and taking pictures with teachers, friends and family.

The celebration began around 12 in the afternoon and the junior students presented varieties of activities to entertain the graduating students. Activities like drama, cultural dancing, poem etc. Apart from this, the school management also did a lot of programs and the principal gave us a charge, urging us to be good ambassador of the school as we graduate and move to the next level of life.

The joy in our sight was like a flame of fire diffusing and covering the whole auditorium. All the graduating students were very happy. Each activity prepared for the day was moving nicely as we all enjoyed the sensation that came with every bit of the activities.

Remarkably, the time many of us have been waiting for jumped into our heart like a frog inside the water when the the Principal said, it is time for award and presentation. Upon hearing this, everybody in the auditorium kept quiet. The quietness and the level of tranquility in the hall was such that if needle fell down, it could be heard audibly. We all fixed our eyes on the Principal and I gave rapt attention.

The Principal began to call the names of best student in each subject. Then each student would go forward to receive the award. The photographer would give a nice shot as the Principal handed the award to each deserving student. The Principal called the first student, a lady. Then the second student happened to be the head boy, he won the best student in Physics.

Interestingly, after the presentation of award to the best student in Physics, I heard my name for the best student in Chemistry. I stood up from where I sat. As I took the first two steps, everybody fixed their eyes on me, especially the Principals and teachers on the high table. I walked shakily to the front to receive the award. On getting to the front, a teacher on the high table shouted at me, he said "Go back". He chased me like a dog. embarrassedly without handing the award to me, I turned to take my leave. I have taken like five to six steps then I heard the Principal call me back.

I then returned back and when I got to him, he said "why did you buy the cloth your colleagues put on"... I couldn't even reply him because I was embarrassed. He then handed the award to me. As I collected it and wanted to leave, I heard my name again as the best student in mathematics. He handed that to me as well, and I collected it. As I turned to leave, he said don't go yet. He also announced my name as the best student in Agricultural science. I collected
2 more awards making 5 awards before I finally left the high table to take my sit with mix feeling of both joy and shame.

I left the podium to my seat with a very heavy heart. Although I received so many awards, but the shame was too big that the awards were not able to cover for it. After the celebration program, a teacher who is related to my family came to me and asked why my brother and I didn't buy the cloth our colleagues agreed for the celebration, and we told her the reason for that.

We told our parent about the cloth, but we have been asking for money for UTME form (UTME is a Unified Tertiary Matriculation examination that is conducted for the intending undergraduate students in Nigeria). Then, when we told her, she said we would have to take one, either to get the UTME form or to buy clothes. She didn't have capacity to do the two together.

Our mother is a real mother, she goes to any length to make us happy. We also knew that at that time, she didn't have the capacity indeed to give us what we demanded. She just finished paying for the WAEC exam and NECO Exam we just concluded (WAEC and NECO are the final examination for secondary school students in Nigeria). Apart from that, there were also many expenses she had made during our final year. Final year in some secondary schools is like final year project in universities, even more than that in some secondary schools.

So when we heard that, we were moved to pity and we simply told her not to worry about the cloth, that we would obtain the UTME form. So we decided to put on what we have on the valedictory day. An that was why we did not appear in the attire that we agreed with other students.

After the program, everyone was taking pictures and celebrating. My brother and I could not take pictures with people because of the embarrassment. We were forced to take one or two shot we took. I cannot forget that day. It was a worst day for me and my brother.

But there is a lesson to learn in this experience. As a teacher, you should never criticize or embarrass your students, you don't know what they are facing. Instead, put your self in their shoe. I expected something more from the teacher than what I saw. This teacher knew us, and even our parents. He knew how much we our parents have spent, and funny enough, she is paying for two children at the same time.

We see a lot of suicide in many community or country, shame and embarrassment caused many. Teachers have role to play in building the students confidence and not to embarrass them or demoralize them.

The best day of My life

As young as I am, I have had so many wonderful and great days in life. Just like I have rightly said. I am happy to inform you that my ups moments in life are far greater than down moments. In fact, there is a crisis of selection in my heart as I write this section, so much so that I don't even know which one I should write about.

But let me write about my Admission into tertiary institution. Perhaps, it may go well with or unionize the story I told you above. God made my admission into tertiary institution possible. The first UTME I did in 2011 came out well and I scored well, but then, my brother's result was withheld by the examination board. I didn't know what really went wrong, we didn't use the same school for the exam. We waited and we were anticipating that the result would be released, but our expectation was cut short because the board did not release it.

As a result of that, I could not go further with my own process, so the two of us waited for another year to write UTME again. We wrote another UTME in 2012 and the result came out and we both passed above cut off mark. We were happy because the results came out well.

After that, we obtained POST UTME form for two universities we chose, The Federal University of Technology, Akure and Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso, (POST UTME is an entrance exam to each university). We did both post UTME exams. The result of Ladoke Akintola University post UTME exam was good. But then, it is difficult to get admission into universities if you don't know anyone even if you pass above pass mark.

But how did we get Admission into that university? It happened that I met a woman when I was going to Ogbomoso from Ibadan for post UTME at Ladoke Akintola University. It was her that gave me the contacts of her siblings who happened to be staffs in the school. Her siblings really tried for us and assured us that we will get admission into the school.

After some weeks, the first Admission list came out, and we checked. Unfortunately, none of our names is there. We called the woman and she told us to call one of her siblings, her brother. We called him and he assured us to keep calm that the next list we come out soon and that we should expect our names to be part of the list.

We were very happy and at the same time a bit skeptical when the second batch of the admission list came out because only my brother's name was part of the list. My own name was not shortlisted. It then began to dawn on us..... In fact, one of a brother's friend who was at the time rounding off his project work in the same school told us to forget the admission. He said, He did not think I will gain admission since the second list has been released.

He said, the last list that will be released is called senate list and that list is not for everyone. It is meant for some specific people. I was down in the spirit when I heard that. We called to inform the woman who connected us to her siblings. She said we should be prayerful, and that she will join us in prayer. She said I should called her brother and inform him, and I did. The man was very surprised to hear that only one of our names came out. He then said we should be prayerful and that he will do his possible best.

The school has called the first two batches two start the academic journey. My brother was reluctant because my name has not come out. I told him to go and resume that my name will come out. Reluctantly, he travelled to go and resume and I was at home waiting for the miracle of last hour. We were praying earnestly to God for this miracle.

Almost every 1 hour for about two weeks, I kept checking the admission portal as if my life depended on it. I just don't know how to bear the loneliness of not having my brother around, and I know that he was not having nice time in school as well 😀. Then after two weeks and some days, on a faithful evening, I checked the portal and I saw that I have been admitted into the university. I was very happy and kept jumping around. I then called to inform my brother in school. Nobody was happier than him when he heard it.

That was how God granted me success in securing Admission into the university. The college story will be for another time. But the lesson here is that, everything is possible for him that believes. The fact that people tell you that something is not possible does not mean it can not come out well for you. Just have faith in God.




In this post, I have discussed the worst day of my life and discuss extensively what actually happened and how the day turned to be worst day for me. I also discussed one of the best days of my life, and how it was one of the best dayd in my life. Did I tell you that I later graduated gloriously at the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology? That story is for another time. Thank you for reading my post.

I invite, @olabillion, @jueco, @temitopef @marajah, @beuatybb and @ijelady to participate in this contest.

 2 years ago 

I can picture myself under your shoes. Wow, honestly, expectations postponed makes the heart of mortal man weak. Thank God that finally, you succeeded. So, how is your academic journey now?

Thank you for the compliments. To the glory of God I graduated gloriously in 2018 at the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. My college memoir is another story for another time.

Thank you for your support.

 2 years ago 

Mothers are pillarss of their house and I'm proud of your mother just like any other hard-working mother who works hard to give their children their best though sometimes they may not be able to give you what you need at that time but the truth is that they are not happy so they will pray constantly for your progress and for your success.

And I am happy that at the end no matter the ups and down you got admission what a lovely story

  • thank you for participating in this contest

Yes ma. Praying and working for the progress and greatness of their children is the duty of every true and great mother. My mother is one, she always support us every now and then. Thank you for supporting my article. I really do appreciate it.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for making her proud, you guys are like gold necklace on her neck

Yes oo.. May the Lord bless and help us to take care of her.

Wow it is a great thing to hear that you both gained admission same year. I certainly understand how this works, when one succeed and other stays it looks somehow and down casting. Thank God you both got admitted into the university. Greetings !

Yes ooo... In fact, one of our teachers back then in secondary school said we cannot get admission to the same school. But as God will have it, we later got admission the same year and graduated gloriously the same year.

Thank you for your support and compliments.

Thank God for grace over your life. Greetings.

Hahahaha your story is so so interesting.
I really hated the fact that that teacher shouted at you like that. What's the meaning of that? I hate such people it's so embracing.
The moral lesson I've carried from your best day is that have faith and don't give up, things might change at the last minute

Honestly. There is what is called miracle of last hour. If we don't give up, we will get what we want eventually. Thank you for reading and supporting my article.

You are welcome friend

Life is a contour. It is never a straight road. There is nobody in life that will not experience both the ups and downs of life

This is so true brother. Life is full of ups and downs. The only good thing is always learn to rise up when ever we are down

The worst day of my life would be the valaditory day I did at high school graduation in 2011

I am so so sorry to hear about this pathetic story of what happened to your valaditory day. It was really embarrassing and I was in your shoes, I would have felt the same. I don't really know why some teachers really like to be exaggerating like this. What was their business if you bought the clothes your colleagues was putting on.. this is so bad

But I'm so happy that you still impressed them by going home with 5 awards. Woow this Is impressive brother. You most be a genius ooooh. Abeg I wan tap some of that knowledge from you because I'm also into the field of science and I love most especially Maths and Physics

Hahaha 😂 Genius? It was just God oo... My brother, tap the knowledge from God Sir. God is the custodian of knowledge. What do I know? What him we can do nothing...

Thank you for reading and supporting my article. It is well appreciated.

Hahaha how can I be taping this knowledge from God whereas you are already here Which it will be much more easier for me to tap it directly from a genius like you 🤣🤣

You are very funny 🤣 bro. I hope you had a great night rest

 2 years ago 

The joy in our sight was like a flame of fire diffusing and covering the whole auditorium

Reading your article makes me go back to my graduation days in the secondary school. It is always so interesting and a day well anticipated by the final year students. I used to love mine and the memories still lives fresh in me.

Sadly your day was spoiled by your teacher and I want to say she didn't do well. It is not her place to question you why you didn't get the attire with your mates. Or she should have cornered you if she had to do so. But in any case what mattered is that you got the spotlight with 5 prizes. That was good. You get sense oohh

Hahahaaaah... Jumping around the house when you heard your result? Well it's indeed something to be happy about. I can understand the anxiety of going to the university. That God who made it possible for you.

Are you a twin? I now see why you moved with your brother all the way. Thanks for sharing with us

Yes ooo... Hahaha 😂

Yes. I am a Twin. I am a second born Twin. In the world, Nigeria has the highest number of Twins, and Yoruba tribe out of three predominant tribes has the highest number of Twins in Nigeria. I belong to Yoruba tribe. The first born Twin is called "Taiwo" and the second one is called "Kehinde" irrespective of gender. So I am Kehinde. My brother, Taiwo is also on this platform with username @msquaretk

Thank you for reading and supporting this article. It is greatly appreciated.

Have a glorious day, friend.

 2 years ago 

It always a joyful thing to have admission in school, not everyone do have admission on the course they applied for, so many corruption in the world today has caused this. I grateful you had what you needed. 🤗🤗

Yes oo... It is difficult to secure admission then, I don't know now though. Especially if you don't know anyone. Thank you for supporting my article.

 2 years ago 

This is a well written article by you @msquaretwins, you have explained in details the best and worst day of your life.

Thank you for reading my article. It is well appreciated.

Money cannot cover worst day, neither beauty or handsomeness can do.

#word you spit bars bro

she said we would have to take one, either to get the UTME form or to buy clothes

🤣🤣 original Nigerian mother, i swear i have gitten alot of choose one from my mom ciuntkess time.

I see you pain, what teacher should do that, and why are the school board not taken that seriously, it is really a shame to to be in such position, being reluctant to do something but still you had no option but to do so, the case if the award , well amybe you were a shy student furin those days, as for me moti san lori lati primary school, so such thing cannot affect me infact to me Its not workth to be one if my worsts days therein we are different souls and i can comprehend to that, one thing of joy fill our soul even if were are currently in our dampened moments, inhave been insuch situations many times, i have felt pain and next joy comes I forget the pain of days, life is full of ups and downs, we just have to have happy days more that the sad days, and challenges is inevitable, in one way or the other we will face challenges and to me i think in those moment of challenges shows how strong we can be

Greetings and blessings

Yes.... Hahaha 😂 You are very correct. Thank you dear brother for reading through. It is greatly appreciated.

You are welcome .

 2 years ago 

So sorry about the embarrassment.
Some people are really mean shaa.

Do not ever let anyone steal your joy, no matter what.

Yes. It is part of the experience of life. At a point in life, one may face such situation, but he must not let that weigh him down. Thank you for reading and supporting my article.

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