The Diary Game: A Day Spent Weeding My Little Farm Saturday 13/8/2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

Beautiful day to you all. It's good to be here sharing my diary game with you once again. Hope you will enjoy reading it.


Morning Activities

It's always a thing of joy to wake up each morning strong, healthy, and I can't thank God enough. As I usually do, I spent an ample time in his presence.
That done I went online, attended to some clients via WhatsApp, and Facebook messenger, engaged some posts in steemalive and did some other stuffs online. While doing that I switched on the radio to listen to the morning program, news and commercials.
Next thing was to start with my Saturday chores; clean up, laundry. After laundry, next was weeding my little farm. Remember the post I shared here about weeding my little farm? I haven't weeded it again since I harvested the corns and it was almost overgrown with weeds which was affecting the growth of the vegetables, okro and cocoyam so I decided to attend to it. While weeding I was getting calls from the office and from some clients that needed urgent attention so I had to suspend the weeding first and enter business, yes o man must make money nau. From the calls, I entered WhatsApp to some reply some chats.

Afternoon Activities

By the time I was through with business discussions, it was already some minutes to 1pm and the sun was coming up a little but I wasn't going to give up so I resolved to continue with the weeding. But before then I needed to eat something light and being a foodlum, I had pawpaw with orange. It was a good combo and my taste buds were satisfied. With that done, I went back to the farm to face waht was facing me, ah! it wasn't an easy something ooh. The soil was a bit hard to weed because it hasn't rained for some days but I had to manage it. While weeding I was packing up the weeds at a corner in the farm because it will serve as manure when decomposed. Also I mulched the pepper so it can retain moisture in the soiI.

The mulched peppers and the compost weeds.

Luckily for me, the weather was very favorable, it was as if the sun was having a nap, at some point it drizzled a bit, the only challenge was the hard soil but despite that, I was able to complete the weeding 🤸, after that I used some tree branches that I had collected during the farm clearing season from a farm close to my house to raise the Ụgụ (pumpkin) This is done so that while the vegetable grows, it will climb around the sticks, this helps in making it grow better and have more pods when the time comes.

Around 2:45pm, I was done with the farm, I took a cold bath, had lunch of jellof rice, and rested a while. In short I slept because I was so exhausted.

Evening Activities

It was a long sleep as I woke up around 6pm, feeling refreshed. It was time for evening chores. I brought in the clothes I washed in the morning,
Then I went to the farm to cut some veggies that I will used to prepare "ofe akwụkwọ" (vegetable soup). This vegetable soup is different from the normal vegetable soup we know. This type is a combination of different vegetables, and it's not usually thick but a bit light. You can either use thickener like achị, ọfọ or okro with any other ingredients of choice.
The vegetables I used were Ụgụ, ugboru, añara, okro (all gotten from my farm) with stockfish, dry fish, onion, pepper, palm oil, salt and enough crayfish. Ah!, the taste of the soup was just as perfect as I wanted it and I enjoyed it.
After eating and tidying up the kitchen, I went for a walk around my neighborhood. It's been a long while I had a walk so I needed it to stretch my legs and ease off the pain around the waist due to the farm work.
After about 20 minutes, I came back home and tuned in to listen to the radio. There was no light and my phone was dead, due to that I retired for the night.

That was how I spent my Saturday, and I was glad to tend to my farm. Hope yours went well?
Till I come your way again, it's your Favorite Chef, Foodlum and Farmer



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