ProWriters Hub Week 5: Personal Hygiene: How It Has Helped Me Live A Healthy Life 11/8/2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Personal hygiene isn't just what one learns in school, although at some point it's taught, rather the learning starts from the home right from childhood, and anyone who fails to learn and practice it from then will likely have a problem at adulthood
Having said that, let's see what hygiene is all about.

What Is Hygiene?

Hygiene is simply a practice, method or process of keeping oneself and their surroundings, environment clean and tidy, free from any harm.
Hygiene is so important because it is one of the most effective ways used to protect oneself and others from sickness. It promotes better health and well-being.

There are various types of hygiene, and they are;

  • Personal hygiene: This simply involves keeping the one's body clean, healthy and mentally stable through having proper living habits, resting, exercising, eating healthy, putting on clean clothes etc.
  • Environmental hygiene: This simply involves disinfection activities aimed at controlling the harmful organisms and bacteria that threaten human health including fumigation against rodents, mosquitoes etc.
  • Domestic hygiene: This has to do with all activities carried out to keep the home, kitchen, toilet, bathroom, clothing clean and tidy.
  • Food hygiene: This simply means ways of keeping food safe from contamination, preparing and storing them safely.
    The purpose of this post is mainly on personal hygiene.

Some Of My Daily Personal Hygiene Routine

As it is personal hygiene, everyone has his or her own way of maintaining personal hygiene. These are some of the ways I maintain personal hygiene;

  • Bathing:

Bathing is one of the ways to maintain personal hygiene as it helps to wash away dead skin cells and dirt that may have clogged on the body. Since I learnt this, I always make sure I take my bath twice a day, sometimes three whenever I can. This practice has been with me right from childhood and its such that if I do not bathe especially at night, I will not be able to sleep.

  • Frequent Washing of Hands

This practice is as important as life is as it is one of the ways to reduce the spread of diseases. As we all know, our hands are the most used part of our body, we use it to touch so may surfaces, carry things, give money, etc so they can easily contact germs therefore, it is advisable for one to always wash hands properly with soap and running water after which you dry it off with a clean towel, handkerchief or hot air dryer. Alcohol based hand sanitizers can be used as an alternative in a case where water is not readily available.
If frequent washing of hands was to be a hobby, I would say it's one of my hobbies 😂. Whenever I feel a heaviness on my palms, it's a sign that my hands are dirty and I will not be comfortable until I have washed them or applied hand sanitizer. Even before the event of Covid 19, I have been using hand sanitizers such that it wasn't a new thing to me again.
I remember when I was in tertiary institution my best friend said to me one day "Nneh, the way you wash your hands don't wash off your destiny oo" 😂, we laughed over it but that didn't deter me because I know how important it is for my general well-being. The good thing is that she eventually learnt that habit from me.

  • Putting On Clean Clothing:

Wearing of clean and tidy clothes is very important to maintain good personal hygiene. Unclean, untidy and smelly clothes harbor bacteria that may cause body odor, skin rashes or irritation.
Every weekend, I wash all the clothing that I wore within the week, I equally iron them so they look neat, and wear nice perfume too.

  • Teeth Hygiene:

Having fresh oral breath gives one confidence. I brush my teeth two times a day, morning and before going to bed. Also I usually have minty chewing minty gum handy so I can chew especially after eating something. I have a colleague who likes to ask me for gum each time she sees me chewing it.

  • Getting Restful Sleep:

This is key to maintaining healthy well-being. As recommended, night sleep should be between six to eight hours, this I try as much as possible to do. Also during the day, I try to take a little nap whenever I feel tired as it helps my body to bounce back to life.
Another aspect of rest is taking a break from work, business and going for leave, vacation etc.
I do not joke with my annual leave, I try as much as possible to also rest on weekends.

  • Seeking Medical Help:

I always endeavor to visit a healthcare provider or a diagnostic center each time I have a health concern, and when drugs are prescribed for me, I stick to it to finish.

  • Hair Maintenance:

I keep my hair neat, clean and tidy by washing it, retouching or braiding it when necessary and packing it very well. Also I apply hair cream to give it a shiny look.

  • Nail Maintenance:

I clean, trim and apply nail polish to my nails when necessary, to make them look neat and beautiful

  • Eating Healthy Foods

I try as much as I can to eat nutritious healthy foods including fruits and vegetables.

In What Ways Do People Neglect Personal Hygiene?

There are various ways people neglect taking care of themselves or living unhealthy lifestyle, some of which are;

  • Not bathing properly thereby leading to body odour, skin rashes and making them look unkempt.
  • Improper oral hygiene or brushing of teeth.
  • Putting on dirty and smelly clothes.
  • Leaving the hair bushy and unkempt.

What Can Happen As A Result Of Poor Personal Hygiene?

Poor personal hygiene has so many negative effects on the individual concerned, people around him or her and the society at large. Some of them are;

  • Increased Health Risks
    Poor personal cleanliness exposes one to increased risk of illness or disease such as skin irritation, rashes, body odor, mouth odor, etc.
  • Poor Physical Appearance
    Poor personal hygiene opens door for untidy looks or poor physical appearance. When one leaves his or her hair unkempt, wears dirty and rumpled clothes plus footwear, the person will look unpresentable and may be seen as mentally deranged, people will avoid being around such person.
  • Low Self-Esteem
    This is another resultant effect of poor physical appearance. When people begin to avoid and disassociate themselves from such a person at work, church, or social settings, this may make him or her develop low self esteem. Furthermore, when the person starts having the feelings of isolation from the society, it may lead to mental disorder, depression etc.
  • Loss Of Work
    No company would want to have a worker who has a poor personal hygiene, so to protect the integrity of the organization, the person may be laid off.
  • Loss of Relationship
    We all are social being and at one point in our lives, we desire to have someone close to us. No one would want to be in a relationship with one who has a poor personal hygiene.
    I, for one cannot stand someone who oozes with body and mouth odour and I'm quite sure you can't too. 😉


The importance of good personal hygiene cannot be overlooked, it is very essential for a healthy well-being as it reduces the risk of one getting ill. It increases self esteem, makes one confident and approachable in the society, improved work life and relationships.
Learning how to maintain a good personal hygiene should start from the homes, children should be taught at an early age the importance of hygiene, so that as they grow, it becomes part of them. I love my child no be for mouth, teach him or her good personal hygiene to avoid had I know in the future
Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my post.



" I always make sure I take my bath twice a day, sometimes three

This can't be me, nah...the weather in my area does not offer justice to do this at all, one is very okay, sometimes even half bath can do me

 2 years ago 

Hahahaha, which one is

half bath

again, and where's your location?
Thanks for stopping by.

 2 years ago 

You see the aspect of food hygiene so many people ignore it just because of their busy schedule they buy road side food without minding how it is been prepared, the other day someone was saying that some road side food sellers use paracetamol to boil the meat they use in preparation in of those food and that is why we have a high rate of kidney issues and liver problems.

Let's just try our best to maintain personal hygiene.

 2 years ago 

the other day someone was saying that some road side food sellers use paracetamol to boil the meat they use in preparation in of those food and that is why we have a high rate of kidney issues and liver problems.

This is so true, not just roadside food sellers but some restaurants and caterers too. It's really disheartening how they put the lives of people in danger without any care.
Thanks for engaging.

It's easy to keep up with personal hygiene by washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser and moisturizing your skin after every shower.

 2 years ago 

You are quite right, there are various ways people stick to personal hygiene régimen. Thanks for your contribution.

This is something that you should think about as well. You should always make sure to wash your hands before you eat, after you come home from work, and before you start eating.

 2 years ago 

@luchyl, this your saying is valuable

Hygiene is so important because it is one of the most effective ways used to protect oneself and others from sickness.

If all humans should have same mentality towards hygiene, believe me, we won't contact disease from our fellow. But, out of ignorance, we don't even care for the outcome of negligence.

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 2 years ago 

If all humans should have same mentality towards hygiene, believe me, we won't contact disease from our fellow. But, out of ignorance, we don't even care for the outcome of negligence.

Apt submission. I believe most people know about the importance of personal hygiene but l
I think it's just laziness and "I don't care" attitude that make them not to practice it.

 2 years ago 

Learning how to maintain a good personal hygiene should start from the homes, children should be taught at an early age the importance of hygiene, so that as they grow, it becomes part of them.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on this, charity begins at home, some of the dirty grown ups we have today are as a result of improper home training

 2 years ago 

some of the dirty grown ups we have today are as a result of improper home training

Absolutely, and this circle continues when they marry and bear children because you can't give what you don't have.

 2 years ago 

Exactly ooo

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 2 years ago 

I try as much as I can to eat nutritious healthy foods including fruits and vegetables.

Yes bro, eating vegetables is necessary me too I do eat vegetables fruit especially in the morning and night before sleeping.

 2 years ago 

Healthy and nutritious food is good for the body. I love eating vegetables and fruits too.
Thanks for stopping by.


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 2 years ago 

wow indeed personal hygiene is good and it prevents our body from certain disease also am sure from what you said you really take good care of yourself I learnt a lot from what you said earlier keep it up friend

 2 years ago 

Thanks for visiting my blog and engaging. Everyone should be involved in the campaign of maintaining good personal hygiene.

We should also make sure that brush our teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily.

Personal hygiene is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself. It is easy to brush your teeth, wash your face, and use deodorant every day without even thinking about it.

 2 years ago (edited)

My sister you are indeed addicted to neatness and surely it will make you free from many diseases. Thanks for the information, i will do more on my side at least in hand washing.

 2 years ago 

My sister you are indeed addicted to neatness and surely it will make you free from many diseases.

I am oo, Infact it's my second name, hahahaha. Thanks for engaging.

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