The Diary Game ||How I spent my day On Saturday 01/01/22 Attending Church service.10%Beneficiary to @steemalive By @linheart. Still in #club100

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)



Hearty greetings fellow Steemians in steemalive. How is the festivities, I trust we are having it good in our respective domains. It feels good to be alive to witness the first day of the new year 2022. Many longed to see this year but couldn't. Even yesterday, I saw fleet of cars passing through my domain heading for the cemetery to accompany a corps to the final place of interment and I shook my head in sober reflection because it's possible this person had laid down some plans for the new year 2022. But unfortunately he didn't live to witness or enter the year. Alas!
I had travelled home since the 24th of December 2021 with my kids for my younger sisters Sendforth Prayer and wedding respectively, leaving only my husband at home with the plan I will spend my new there. But after the wedding the 29th, I changed my mind and plans and decided to come home on the 31st so as to pray in and at the same time usher in the new with my complete family. So at 12 midnight we joined our voices unanimously as a family with the other millions voices around the world to echo the jubilant shout Hip! Hip! Hip! Happy New Yeeeeear!!!


Permit me to call it a coincidence that this year's 1st January fell on a Saturday and that is my day of worship as an Adventist. So very early in the morning I woke up, we had our first family devotion for the year and started preparation for church service. As the the first Sabbath of the year we tried our best not to be late to church. It was a day of Fasting and prayer so just made food for the kids and then we left for church.

Morning session of the church service

The morning session of the service was interesting as it was comprised of interactive bible study where you are free to ask your questions and also make an input on the lesson topic for the day. The study was centered on the Book of Hebrew with the topic

The Letter To The Hebrew And To Us

The lesson emphasizes on apostles Paul's encouraging, admonition and exhortation to the Jews regarding their nascent Christian faith. He encouraged the to be steadfast and u relenting in faith knowing their is a promised prize set before them



As a day of general fasting and prayer the church service lasted longer than usual because there was a lot to pray about and there were musical interludes as the prayer went on. And the entire congregants patiently tarried before the Lord pouring bout their hearts. The key text for the prayer reads:

And if I shut up Heaven that there be no rain or if I command the locusts to devour your land or if I send pestilence among my people, if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, seek my face, turn from their wicked, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sons and heal their land. 2Chronicles7:13-14

The entire was shared into groups for the prayer session and we tarried long in the prayer.




Getting home from the church as a nursing mother I hurriedly rushed to the kitchen to get some food to break the fast and then I attended to my kids and then rested before taking my bathe to retire to bed for the day


Great is God's faithfulness that saw me through the immediate outgone year 2021. And it is by His mercies that I was not consumed. I pray, I hope and I believe that next 2022 will be better than 2021.
Welcoming you all to the new year.
Heart Cheers


Wow, your day was really beautiful, nice write up ma.

Thanks so much @ziongater for reading and commenting. Happy New year

It was a dual Celebration- indeed, Celebrating the Sabbath and the new year at the same time. I call it a High Sabbath because the new fell on the SABBATH day. I am happy you participated in the worldwide Fasting and prayer on this day despite the fact that you are breastfeeding. May God answer all our supplications on this day. Your baby is cute like you @linheart.
My warm Regards

Thanks dear

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