HOW TO BUILD BLOCKS FOR A SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE BY @jerryivan || 20% payout to @steemalive

in SteemAlive3 years ago


Hello my fellow steemians family, happy new year. I believe you all are doing great today?.

Welcome to my blog today as I share with you on how to "build blocks for a successful marriage".

Just like you need many blocks to build a house 🏡, so do you need many blocks to build your marriage. The following are some of the blocks for building a successful marriage.


For your union to be satisfying, successful and more intimate, learn to do things together. It is a fact that we all live in a busy era. With our busy schedules and workloads, there is a tendency to have little or no time for each other. Intentionally create quality time for recreational activities together.

You can go shopping, eat out, exercise, go on a night date, picnic and have fun together. As you do things, you become closer and more intimate. You will enjoy your marriage if you create time to do things together. You must be intentional and deliberate about it because the time may not be there.


Couples needs to be close physically and emotionally. This will enhance your intimacy and help get to understand each other better. It will also help you to show empathy for each other, and allow openness in airing your feelings, dreams, fears and worries.


Praying together as a couple is very important if you want to have a fulfilling and successful marriage. Praying together strengthens your bonds and helps you connect on a spiritual level. There is a popular saying that states " A family that prays together stays together".


Love brought you together and you should continue to sustain that love. Don't allow it to wane; rather, deliberately do things that will enhance and make it easy to love each other.


You must trust and believe in each other for your union to thrive. This may be difficult to do sometimes, especially if your spouse has a history, but with love patience and forgiveness you will find it easy to rebuild trust.


Commitment to your marriage vows is essential. Lack of commitment is one reason most marriages fail today. Decide to be committed to your marriage and put in all effort to make it work.


Be a great support system for your spouse, physically and emotionally. Be their greatest fan and cheerleader; be the shoulder they can lean on.


The value of patience in marriage cannot be overestimated. Be always patient with your spouse because he or she is not perfect.


Many marriages have failed because one or both spouse pursued selfish interest to the detriment of their relationship. As good couples, be selfless and look out for the good of each other. Everything must not revolve around you alone; explore ways to make each other happy.


This is an essential building blocks for a successful marriage. Couples must learn to communicate and not be given to assumption. Other building blocks includes attention, honesty, respect, generosity, consideration, tolerance, conflict management, to mention but a few.

Indeed, marriage is a hard work; but with prayers, commitment, diligence, and love you can build your relationship to become more satisfying, fulfilling, meaningful and worthwhile.

Thanks for reading my post, I appreciate. God bless you!!!.


 3 years ago 

What a beautiful article by you @jerryivsn, i really love the part supporting each other

Thanks @ijelady, for your support I appreciate.

Thank you ma

 3 years ago 

You've written a good article here my friend. I believe with the knowledge you shared here, a couple can make a good family.

This part interests me the more...

Everything must not revolve around you alone; explore ways to make each other happy.

It's very important to make each other happy so that reasons to look outside the marriage won't be there as far as they're getting joy and peace together.

Keep producing good contents like this in the community and for sure you'll be supported.

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