
in SteemAlive2 years ago



Pollution has been at an alarming rate, even the federal government is trying to stop it because of how bad it is, we all experience the after effects of not to good refining process of crued oil which turns the floors of our houses black, it might not be too visible but if you check you would see it. So I will like for us to know more about pollution so we can reduce the ones we can and leave the others for GOD to help.

Body of text

Pollution can be defined according to vocapture dictionary as

Physical contamination, now especially the contamination of the environment by harmful substances, or by disruptive levels of noise, light etc.
Pollution occurs in different stages which are 3 in number and these are;

1 Air/atmospheric pollution


Air pollution is mostly caused by
• By substance produced when refining crued oil into different meaningful substance and also gas [what we are experiencing]
• carbon monoxide
• Radiation.

pollutants from refining crued oil

Refining of this substance occurs in electrical power plants, factories , mining and metal extraction industries, etc. The pollutant being released is smoke, soot, dust and grit.

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide is been gotten from burning fuel in a car, generator, the exhaust in these facility is the main source of carbon monoxide, it releases this harmful substances into the air and this is bad.


Radiation occurs as an invisible and extremely dangerous pollutant, it is a form of energy that is emitted as rays or particles by radioactive substance into the air which can cause various diseases.

2 Water/aquatic pollution


Is simply been caused by us dumping refuse and sewages into fresh waters, including the spillage of crued oil into the water are various causes.

Refuse and sewage

Refuse is household waste and sewage is mainly human excreta. These waste are organic in nature, people living in undeveloped areas which are close to the sea end up dumping these substances into the water and still people drink and bath from that water and this will spread diseases.

Oil spillage

When crued oil is been transported through sea, and one of the pipes are broken or a hole is been created it releases this black substance which makes it unhealthy to consume the water.

3 Land/soil pollution


Land or soil pollution is the damaging of the thin layer of the fertile topsoil that covers most of earth's surface. This layer is essential for the growth of plants growth, this layer in a well balanced ecosystem continually maintain the various nutrients for plants growth and activities that produce these nutrients. Soil pollution is mostly caused by reckless farming methods, that's farming from time to time without letting the land rest, insecticide used in killing pests, and other activities that causes erosion.


Now we all know that I urge you guys to try your best and avoid making these mistakes because it affects us all in various ways, all ways keep every where clean and tidy, today is Saturday so our motto should be #cleaningday.

 2 years ago 

Refuse is household waste and sewage is mainly human excreta. These waste are organic in nature, people living in undeveloped areas which are close to the sea end up dumping these substances into the water and still people drink and bath from that water and this will spread diseases.

People living in such evironsay not even understand it. They release their sewage inside the water/stream and also drink from same source.

@jammyroberts, i love this post. Keep it up

Thanks alot for reading

 2 years ago 

Welcome once again. Lets steem on

Your posts always gives much informations for people to learn @jammyroberts and this likewise is one

" Air pollution is mostly caused by
• By substance produced when refining crued oil into different meaningful substance and also gas [what we are experiencing]
• carbon monoxide
• Radiation.

A plus knowledge for me

Thanks alot for reading

Pollution is really a cause for worry but it seems like people don't care about the consequences anymore. Thanks for encouraging us to always keep our environment clean

Thanks for reading

 2 years ago 

The pictures say so much. The first which is air pollution. I just imagine that happening to me daily...my God!!

We need to each participate in this change thanks for sharing @jammyroberts

Thanks alot for reading

 2 years ago 

Hello @jammyroberts,

Thank you for educating us. Pollution which is caused by pollutants is very dangerous to our body and our environment.I think air pollution is most dangerous as it can directly affect our breathing especially when we inhale carbon monoxide (CO).We have to try the much we can to avoid polluting the environment.

Thanks alot for reading, we surely need to try

Thanks for sharing with us , air and water pollutants are very dangerous to human life and should befit up properly

Thanks alot for reading

Thank you for sharing with us. Keep in been acting

 2 years ago 

people living in undeveloped areas which are close to the sea end up dumping these substances into the water and still people drink and bath from that water and this will spread diseases.

Now that I have learn this I will help myself and others to avoid diseases in so many ways, thank you @jammyroberts

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

Thanks alot for reading

Pollution is really a great problem most especially in Africa but people don't seem to care about it that why there are so many sickness everywhere.

Thanks alot for reading

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