The Year Of 2022 Will Be the Year to Learn How to Make Money Even If You Don't Have Any.

in SteemAlive3 years ago

SOURCE innocent.jpg

There are many ways to make money, but they all have one thing in common. You have to be willing to put in the work to get started. No matter how you look at it, successful people all have one thing in common. They work hard!

To succeed, you need a plan and to be brave enough to take the leap of faith and put your plan into action. If you want money, you have to go out there and get it! There is no point in wishing for it or waiting for a miracle because miracles don't exist. And did I say miracles don’t exist? No, it does! But you’ve got to put in some effort to activate it.

Have A Dream

Do you have everyday goals for all you do? You see, this type of dream differs from sleeping and seeing yourself doing one thing or the other with your unconscious mind. Your dreams could be something you cherished, aspired to, an ambition, or your ideal plan. I guess you get the idea of what I am trying to say to you now. So, what is it? What are your dreams?

If you don’t have a dream of what you intend to become or achieve in life, then you might be following someone else’s shadow. It is good to follow a person of influence, that is, if they have the qualities that could help guide you to your assumed dream or if such a role model is worthy of it. Who is your guide? I mean, from which source are you getting motivation about how to live a successful life and achieve your dream? You are your driver and pilot of your jet, and if it crashes, it’s up to you.
Why are you here, what are your goals for this platform, and how do you plan to achieve them?

Recognize Your Potentials

What are those things you could do for anyone and derive joy from doing them even if you’re not paid? You have the potential inside of you. You were born that way, and nothing can change that. But it could be dangerous if you have not discovered it yet, and it could be worse if you give up on it. Come on, that a baby would be great in life does not mean being born a full-grown adult.

Wake up. It is a process of honing your skills daily and improving on them day by day. Never let anyone make fun of your God-given talents because they are there for a reason and must be used. Bill Gates and Ellon Musk were school dropouts, remember? You can see what they’ve achieved today. Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Co. Ltd, the Nigerian motor vehicle producer, wasn’t a university graduate before he invented the locally made vehicles. If they can do it, anyone else can too, regardless of status.

Tell me, what do you intend to do with yourself to make a better you today? I await your response in the comment box. We can watch each other back by helping to succeed. Give your opinions on what you think are the best qualities to achieve success. I love to learn from you.

To be continued...



Wow, I really love post that will motivate me and this post is one of them.

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