Prowritershub-w8:People in our lives: Let me show you my closest friend!

in SteemAlive2 years ago

IMG_20220829_102052.jpgmy closet friend


I welcome you once again to my blog on this week 8 ProWriters hub. Today i will show you my closet friend. Who she is, where she come from, her occupation and any other thing I will love you you to know about her. Since a friend is that Man, that woman that you can trust, you can share your inner feelings with, that person that have the same goal with you so I can say that Jah'sgift is a friend to me.

What is my friend name?

You know all creatures has a name. The first woman on earth was Eve and as woman, she has a name too. A name is to different you from another person and some people lifestyle fit's their names. My friend has a beautiful name thee name is Jahgift Bassey Ekpo. She is a generous giver. She shares what ever she has with people. Does her name fit her attitude? You know the answer.

Where does she come from?.

She is from the family of late Mr and Mrs Ekpo Ekpo in Ịkọt Ikpe village in Ịkọt Ekpene Local government area. She is the second daughter of her parents. She has 4 siblings that are still alive. She grew up in the village and speaks their language fluently. My friend is chocolate in color and she loves natives wear aside from her nurse uniform.She also love wearing big fancy eye glasses. She is so beautiful and kind

Is she married or single?

My friend is married to A handsome Man, his name is Ekpo Bassey. He is from Nkparini. He is the first child and only child if his parents. He is good looking, always serious in his business. I can say that his life is a life of mind your business. He doesn't put eye or mouth in anything that doesn't concern him. He is a Man of his word, he doesn't get angry easily but if he gets angry, am sorry, the person involved is in a very hot soup.

Does she have children?

Unfortunately she doesn't have children for now but we hope that God will bless their marriage with children very soon. Honestly she is taking medication on that issue now because the husband people are on her now saying our brother cannot stay without a child. You know as only child of his parents, he has been persuaded to marry another wife so my friend is doing all she can now to have a child of her own.

What is my friend occupation?

My friend is nurse and she has worked isn so many private hospitals in Lagos and recently working in ịkọt Ekpene. She is a mid wife as generally known. She is very kind to women and children. In her hospital, she is known for that and many women love to share their health challenges with her especially the once they want to keep secret.

What is her religion do my friend attend?

She is one of Jehovah's witnesses for many decades now. She attends her religion worship regularly. She reads her morning worship and also go out to preach about God's kingdom. Some members of her family are Jehovah's witnesses too while some are not. In all her challenges, she trust and believe in her God Jehovah to bless her.

What kind of person is my closest friend?

She is a quiet person. She is humble. She is honest. She is generous and kind. She is loving and caring. She respect everyone despite your age, gender or nationality. She is a hard-working nurse. She is an enterprenur.

Have I ever been helped by your closest friend??

In so many ways. She has helped me cook food and care for my children. She has Introduce my Products to so many people and they bought from me and she is still doing that till now without asking for money. She has also bought some gift for my children. She speaks good of of people all the time.


Good friends are like good brothers born in a different state, Community and country for a time if need or distress. Many people have succefully achieved their goals in life because they met a good friend. If i am to be your friend i need to love what you love. I should always be ready to support you emotionally, physically and mentally. If you are a friend to me say i am your friend at the comment section of this post.


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@tipu curate

 2 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately she doesn't have children for now but we hope that God will bless their marriage with children very soon.

Jehovah the giver of children will give her children when he deems it fit, she shouldn't give up

Sincerely speaking, you and your friend share lots in common and it's not shocking that you people are best of friends afterall birds of the same feather flocks together

 2 years ago 

Birds of the same feathers flocks together. friends are to assist there friends in anything and anytime in other to achieve a common goal

 2 years ago 

You're right, when we have friends who stand by us in times of distress, we'll understand this saying better "a friend in need is a friend indeed"

 2 years ago 

When our friends stand by us in terms of need we will never be afraid to stand for them too and we will be proud to call them our friend

 2 years ago 

Exactly, friendship doesn't just mean confiding and trusting in someone, there's more to it

 2 years ago 

Yea, as friends they can support themselves and achieve one common goal that's why we need friends who have same goals with us

 2 years ago 

That's true, even ones who do not have same goals can prove to be supportive and helpful

Even though we have not met physically I am your friend. As a matter of fact you are very frank about your friend especially on the matter of the fruits of the womb. She must be under pressure. I know that Jehovah doesn't forget his people. He will surely answer her prayers. Let her continue praying and trusting in God.He will give her a child in the fulness of time.

 2 years ago 

Jehovah never fail those who serve him in truth and in spirit. If you believe in God/ have faith in God he must surprise you

 2 years ago 

Yes that is my prayers too. I hope that in God's due time, he will open her womb like Sarah and Hahah

 2 years ago 

Good friends are like good brothers born in a different state

A friend who is so loving and caring is more than a family member who is selfish and self centered.

 2 years ago 


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