Creative writing-Beauty is in the eyes of a beholder

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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If i say i am black and beautiful, another person may say no i am more beautiful because I am white. What will determine who is beautiful or not? The truth is that what you as a person may choose will be different from what the other person will choose. Now the beauty of the 2 person's is now in the eye of beholders.

Know more about beauty

The Greek word kalos which means beauty literally means attractive, good, fine quality. It can be beautiful material or beautiful person. When somebody or something attract you, you can say you are so beautiful or this is so beautiful.

A beholder

A beholder is you or me who is observing something. Before you will say something is beautiful, you must have observed it for a while and it attracted you before you will say, this is beautiful. We all wear different clothes, shoes, jewelries. We build different houses with different design. We also drive different cars of different sizes and colors. We looked at it, love it before choosing it.

Beauty is in the eyes of a beholder.

When it comes to nature where we have a lot of beautiful creatures, what you like will be different from what others like. For example, i may like Dog so much that i will like to care for it and train it. Whatever dogs does, i love it but to you, the last thing you will bring in your house is dog. Why? It doesn't attract you. Read a long as I share this funny story about a couple with you.

Brother Obi and his wife Lucy

Brother Obi is very handsome, tall and huge. He is 7 feet tall, He is from Umuduruewuru Ekwe in Imo State.He is respected in his family and in his Community. As a young Man, ladies were flocking around him. The beautiful ones and the most beautiful. Some in their heart thought He will mary them. He has money and his business was booming. At age of 35, his father asked him to choose a wife for himself. His father thought that his Son will marry those tall and beautiful ladies around him.

1 year passed, He was unable to choose one. The mother now said, if you cannot choose anyone, I can help you choose one. She mentioned 3 ladies Names and asked him to choose but he could not choose anyone. His parents became worried if he is okay. Some ladies will sit down and discuss about him. Some said, May be he is big for nothing. Maybe he has over grow his senses. They said a lot of things but he turned deaf ears to all that they were saying.

One good day October 15 I985, brother Obi told his parents that he has found a woman that he will marry. He told them that she is her Queen and she has won his heart so much. He said a lot good things about Lucy. The parents asked, whose daughter is she? Has she finished school and many other questions. He told them not to worry that in the next 8 days, He will invite her to come.

All his family members were happy and was counting days until the appointed time reached. Lucy came as scheduled. When he invited his parents in to see his wife to be, they were shocked to the marrows to see the woman their Son brought for marriage. The mother could not believe her eyes and the father said Obi, you must be joking. He told them that he was not joking that he is read to do everything in less than 30 days and bring his wife in.

Obi please tell me you are not serious, tell me you are playing, said the senior sister.

Obi said to the sister, beauty is in the eyes of a beholder. I am 7 feet tall, do you expect me to marry a wife that is 7 feet tall? I am huge, do you expect me to marry a huge woman too? My sister i am marrying her attitude not her beauty. She is my choice, I have observed her for a long time when she don't even know me. I have tested her in so many ways true friends but she proved to be the woman that will understand me. She is my choice and that is final.

You may begin to wonder how is Lucy? Lucy is 4 feet tall, you can imagine it now. But what counts now is not Physical or inner beauty. What count is what the beholder have seen in her. I know in your city or country, you may have seen something like that. You may hate something so much and another person is desiring that same thing so much.

There is this saying that one man's meat is another Man's poison.

Moral leason: you will never like all that i liked. As our faces are different so is our choices. God gave us freedom of choice and varieties of things. He created humans in different sizes, colors and places. What ever you like is beautiful in your own eyes.



Beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder..7ft against 4ft...! But it's true.. atimes you see very handsome guys when you get to meet there wives, you begin to wonder if na jazz. I like sweet,... sweet makes another vomit so, you see???

 2 years ago 

It is really true that one man's meat is another man poison


 2 years ago 

The senior sister was shocked because obi decided to marry someone short........that's a good combo as their children will be average heights and not giants

Beauty indeed lies in the eyes of the beholder, what I like is not what you will like. Nice story, Obi knew that he doesn't want to as children and made a choice as regards his wife.

 2 years ago 

Wow,this is just a very nice story,brother didn't even look at the beauty of others but chose the one that has morals and is worth marrying.

Obi said to the sister, beauty is in the eyes of a beholder

Physical beauty fades but good character does not. He married inner beauty not the outward type.

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