[The diary game season 3 (10/04/2021)|| How I am spending my weekend.

in SteemAlive3 years ago



My weekend chores today starts with laundry as you can see above, but how does it all started ? Well as usual my regular routine every morning is to first have my morning worship and after which other endeavors follows, so after brushing my teeth and sweeping the house I bring out my clothes and did what you see up there, after which I took my break fast and my bath, since I have no intention of going out today I have decided to rest up a bit and care for other necessities,
Mean while i just finished watching the monthly program of JW broadcasting for the month of April and it was filled with lessons on why we should love one another from the heart, an experience was narrated by a couple Eugene and Odio, who are Rwandans,
Ohio lost her parents and her brother in the genocide and there was lack of love displayed even by religious priest who are Hutu, the Hutu's murdered there church members who are Tutsi and the Tutsi's do the same, there racial background and the hatred they have for themselves overwhelmed there religious love which they preach in there churches (love your neighbor as yourself) , when the time comes for them to apply what they are learning they fail to do so instead they massacred one another as cockroach, but one religious group stand out who did not involve in the massacre, it was "Jehovah's witnesses" they believed the truthfulness of Jesus words found at John 13:34,35 "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves" for this very reason recognizing the fact that love is the identifying mark of true Christians the Tutsi's and the Hutu's who are Jehovah's witnesses where busy protecting there brothers and sisters from dangers some hide there brothers in there and homes and others in other safe locations but unfortunately some were caught together with there Christain brothers from the other tribe whom they try to protect and they all was put to death by the rebels, in all about 400 Jehovah's witnesses lost there lives in the genocide just because of the love they have for there brothers, that reminds me of Jesus statement found at John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends" that is true of Jehovah's witnesses in Rwanda, which is an evidence of there practicing true Christianity, not just in words but in deeds. There were a lot of vital lessons which time will not permit me to say all here but you may wish to learn more for yourself by loging in there official website www.jw.org and type April 2021 JW Broadcasting and you will see the result, download it and watch it at your own leisure, have a nice day.


Love is indeed the greatest, your weekend was well spent

Thanks bro for coming by

Good to know you had a well spent weekend.

Thanks dear I appreciate your concern

Powerful weekend

Thanks dear

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