Traveled Down To My Village | See My Village In Ten Pictures (Location: Ilero) | 10% Payout to @steemalive

in SteemAlive3 years ago


Dear, Steem friends. How are you all doing today? And I hope you are enjoying the festive season. I was unable to travel to my village to celebrate Christmas with my parent, first of such occurrence in many years but I deem it fit to squeeze out some time to celebrate the new year with them before I return to the city.

Yesterday, I stepped out of the house around 05:30 am as I prepare for a long journey ahead. My village name is Ilero which takes many hours of journey from my destination in the city, it's entirely in another state of the federation. I boarded a public transport at 6:00 am and finally reached my village around 3 pm. It's a long and stressful journey. Now, let me share my village with you in ten pictures as I walked round the village this morning to capture a few pictures. You'd have a good read.

1. The beauty of the Rock

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Above is the image of rocks just at the entrance of my village, you can see the beauty of the smaller rock on the bigger one. The village is actually surrounded with mountains, as such, some of the pictures that would be shared in this article would at some point reveal mountains in the background. Sometimes, we climb some of these mountains at leisure.

2. Sawmill

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The picture above shows the sawmill in my village where logs of wood are being converted into planks that are used for construction of different structures. The village has a central facility for this, where different business owners have their plants for operation.

3. Gas Station

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This is a cooking gas refill station where retailers and local consumers visits to get their cooking gas. It's located at the extreme end of the village, like I said earlier, most of the pictures would be featuring mountains and you can see that in the picture above, that's because the village is surrounded with that natural elements.

4. Rock City Garden

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Above is the image of a relaxation center named Rock City Garden. Apart from being a relaxation center, it has a bar inside of it and is also opened to people of the village to use its facilities for events like birthdays and so on.

5. Local Borehole

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Have you seen this type of borehole before? Not many people here have seen such before but this is very common in my village. This is a drilled borehole, and it was designed in such a way that the lever extending behind the structure is dragged up and down, as such the pressure applied draws water from inside the borehole and the outlet at the front is where the container is placed to collect the water. This is the type of water I grew up drinking and we consider it the purest during those days I spent here.

6. Emperor Bare Petroleum Station

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And this is one of the petroleum stations in the village. This one above is particularly located close to my house and if there is a need to refill the motorbike or electricity generator, I visit this. Although, there is another one just adjacent it but I still prefer using this whenever the need be.

7. Goat Pen

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My dad rear livestock and this is a structure he has made for rearing goats. These goats are looking so healthy and I took a shot of them, they have mixed colours, whites, blacks and browns. It quite feels great to take a shot of these creatures.

8. Primary School Science Laboratory

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The image above belongs to a basic school in an area of my village. This is an old laboratory building built by the government of the state to enhance the science knowledge of pupils at the basic level of education. It's an old structure and I hope the laboratory equipments are still in order.

9. Soccer Field

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One of those things I enjoy doing is playing football and above is the picture of a local football pitch we utilize to play the game in my area of the village. Even as tired as I was yesterday after the long journey, I joined other guys to enjoy a thrilling moment of football on this same pitch.

10. Local Block Industry

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The last picture I have on the list for today belongs to a local block industry where concrete blocks were made with the aim to sell to people who needed it for construction purposes. The building of this industry is just little and the structure was only built to shield the machine used for the moulding of the blocks.

This is all for today for my village in ten pictures and I hope I have shared with you the other side of the world. Thanks for viewing this far. See you in subsequent articles.

All Images were taken using my Tecno Camon 16 Pro.

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 3 years ago 

Thanks for the support.

Nice write up @fredquantum, I can't remember the last time I visited my village. I think I will start considering visiting my village. Nice pictures.

 3 years ago 

It's actually cool visiting one's village especially for some of us that grew up there. You can take a trip down to your village one of these days and see how things I've changed your last visit. Thanks for visiting, @smartpatrick.

The borehole is the olden days own, thank you for sharing with us

Funny comment @mesola


Those images are very beautiful, the rocks and especially the borehole. It reminds me of old times. Thanks for sharing this with us

 3 years ago 

Thanks for appreciating this piece. It's cool to have a view of nature, like that of the rock, mountains and so on. Trust you are good today.

Yeah, I am.

You really went to those places, is not imported pictures is life and direct, I love things that are in your village

 3 years ago 

Yes, it can never be imported pictures. It takes traveling down, celebrating the festive season and exploring the beauty of those things. How are you today? And thanks for visiting, @favourbest22.

I am fine today my leader

 3 years ago 

Glad to know that. Have a great day ahead.

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