Diary game Season 3: Spending the weekend at the office and buying stuffs for the weekend. 03/09/2022

in SteemAlive2 years ago



Weekends are always fun to spend. But mine, was spent at the office, just lazying around - of course that is what a weekend should look like. Goodevening friends and welcome to another diary of mine. Today is Monday, but I want to write about my activities for Saturday, the 3rd day of September 2022. I hope you will find my diary interesting.


Morning Activities

It started very early as usual. I woke around 4.50am to say my personal prayers. After that, I I started checking Steemalive notifications to see whats new. Then I also checked my personal notifications and responded to some comments dropped overnight.

The whole family gather for morning worship around 5.30am. The text for the day was taken from John 4:35 and I have quoted it below:

Do you not say that there are yet four months before the harvest comes? Look! I say to you: Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting.Source

From this scripture, the main message is that we should preach the goodnews to people everywhere. Its a volunteer work we do for God. The lesson we learn from the discussion is that we should share this message with everyone without partiality. We should not judge people as to whether they will hear or not because we cannot read hearts.

We finished the morning worship with prayer and everyone left for their various morning activities. The first thing i had to do is the top 4 posts for the community. It involves checking a lot of things to ensure compliance. I had to check the club status of the nominees, their post quality, originality and other things. After making sure they have complied with the rules, I made the post and dropped the link in our group chat.

At around 8.40am, I took my breakfast, had my bath and left the house. I arrive at the office 1 hour later. I worked at the office from that time till 1pm when I left for lunch

Ngwa Road as I left for the office.


Afternoon Activities

My lunch for the weekend was predictable if you have read my blogs recently. I decided that business as usual is fine. I went straight to the roasted plaintain stand and got my order. It didnt waste much time as it was weekend. Customers were not many as always. Then, I went to get roasted chicken to help my ministry. After all, it was a weekend. I bought the food and returned to the office. You can see it below:

Roasted plantain and chicken for lunch

I finished the lunch and took time to rest. I even played soft music to make everything complete. After some rest, I finshed the post I was working on, then I it was around 3pm. I closed up and started gettting ready to head home. I never planned to stay till the usual time that I close.

I left the office and took a taxi to Ngwa road. I had to drop along the market to buy some stuffs. I had to buy biscuits for my little ones. They usually enjoy them on Weekends. I also bought yoghurt and some other things for them from my customer. You can see the Mobile biscuit seller below where I got them.

Biscuits on Display

After getting the biscuits and Yoghurt, I went to buy fruits.I bought bannana, orange and Monkey Kola. I also did some cash withdrawals at the POS. Then I went to board the last Keke that will take me home. In 50 minutes times I arrived home.


Evening Activities

First thing after I arrive is to take my shower. This has been my culture. I finished taking my bath and came out to relax and talk with family while we enjoy the fresh fruits I bought. Dinner was being prepared by my sister @empressjay. By 7.30pm, dinner was ready and i ate. Then rested well. I nearly slept off.

White rice and Pork peppersoup

Around 8.30pm, I did some moderation work for the community. After that, I also did some curation work, before i called it a day. Of curse, I checked my Whatsapp messages and responded to some before sleeping off around 10.50pm. It was a great day and everything went as planned.

 2 years ago 

Weekends are always for enjoyments. One thing I always admire in your post is high quality and well presented including pictures of yummy yummy dishes.
I really find the diary game interesting. Hoping to read more from you.

Weekends are always fun to spend. But mine, was spent at the office, just lazying around - of course that is what a weekend should look like.


@focus now your weekends are usually productive. Am not surprised. I do same also. I clear my table on Saturdays.

 2 years ago 

You bought biscuits and yoghurt for your little ones??
What about us??
Chicken and roasted plantain....I reserve my comments

 2 years ago 

Your diarygame is always rich in should I say vitamins. No it is rich in iron today because if the roasted Plantain.

Though you had busy day, you still do so much work in the community.

Keep steeming high @focusnow

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