The invention of TELEVISION and how it has changed our lives today, by @emjeak. SteemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemAlive2 years ago




Greetings, great and highly esteemed steemians, hopefully your day is going exactly as planned. I invite you all to join me as we research the BOX THAT CHANGED THE WORLD. If someone offered you a huge amount of money to stop watching TELEVISION, what will be your response. When properly controlled, it can be a source of entertainment and education to life, but if not properly controlled it can control us and that is destructive, in such situation, people called it "Root of all evil"
Really how we control television really matters. Let us examine four factors that will aid us in having a proper veiw of television:

  • [1] Brief history about the invention - the inventor, in what year and place it was invented, any experiments in the process of invention
  • [2] What was life like before the invention? How life changed as a result of the invention
  • [3] Any changes, upgrades or modifications over the years to this invention?
  • [4] Any negative effects of this invention to the environment or life as a whole.


[1] Brief history about the invention - the inventor, in what year and place it was invented, any experiments in the process of invention

The word television came from the ancient Greet word for "far" which is [tele], and the Latin word for "sight" which is Visio.
Like other major inventions television has inventors. The American inventor PHILO TAYLOR FARNSWORTH contributed crucially to the invention of TELEVISION. In 1928 he was working in his family's farm, he saw a long narrow trench made by a plough machine, from there he conceived the idea of inventing television.

JOHN LOGIE BAIRD FRSE. An electrical engineer from Scotland also contributed immensely to television invention, in January of 1926.

KENJIRO TAKAYANAGI is a Japanish engineer also known as father o television in Japan. Though he failed to get much recognition in the west. He contributed immensely to television invention.


The next inventor is CHARLES FRANCIS JENKINS an American who contributed immensely to television invention in June of 1925. He filed for copyright and was granted in USA. His own was mechanical not electronic like other inventors.



[2] What was life like before the invention? How life changed as a result of the invention

Life back then, before the invention of TELEVISION was fun. The only means of communication was either radio or letter writing. Our parents and grandparents will always play outdoors on the street because back then there wasn't much cars. But after the invention of TELEVISION, life changed, no body wants to play outdoors, but now they are glued to TELEVISION.


[3] Any changes, upgrades or modifications over the years to this invention?

Over the years TELEVISION has seen many remarkable changes. It now covers longer distances. It has also changed from Black and White to full colour TELEVISION. Use to operate TV tube but now we have flat screen and smart TELEVISION. Modifications continues, which is a welcome surprise.


[4] Any negative effects of this invention to the environment or life as a whole.

There are negative effects of this invention, communities that used to be close knitt, but due to be the invention of TELEVISION it has all changed. It can also impede childrens brain development. Causing obesity because children are now glued to TELEVISION.


In this research we have been able to know the inventors of TELEVISION and the modifications that followed since the invention. We also considered the negative effects to life. I hope this article has benefited you. Let us hear your comment in the reply section. Do enjoy your day and best wishes.

This post has been set at (all4one) for @steemit.



I love this, but to love it all, may you please answer me this question please sir...a ready to learn

" There are negative effects of this invention, communities that used to be close knitt, but due to be the invention of TELEVISION it has all changed

What does close knitt mean?

 2 years ago 

@barnabie. Thank you for asking that question. Our people says. "THE PERSON THAT ASKS QUESTION CAN NEVER MISS ROAD"
Here's the answer to your question

Now I grab.
Thanks a bunch

 2 years ago 
ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?
 2 years ago 

Honestly life before Television was funny. Thank God that we can listen to news and other things with television. But parents should be guiding their children for the hours spent while watching television.

 2 years ago 

@chichieze. Even some parents use television as their baby-sitter, but that is absolutely wrong. Best wishes

 2 years ago 

Truly after the invention of television, no more outside chart of play, once there is electricity everyone has on program or the other he wants to watch on television, even family relationship is affected because of television.

Good writeup.

 2 years ago 

@beautybb. We applaud tech advancement, but on the other hand it has negative effects on humans.

even family relationship is affected because of television.

I agree with you. Sad. Best wishes.

 2 years ago 

Yes ooo 😁😂, all these technologies has changed embarrassingly our former Beautiful life style. I remember when I was in secondary school, as a boarding student, we usually write and post letters to our parents through post office and after a long time, we will receive replies at a close of morning assembly on Fridays. But now every thing is sharply sent and received. Thanks.

 2 years ago 

@ijebest. 😊🤗 I remember when I was in secondary school, as a boarding student, we usually write and post letters to our parents through post office . Positive changes, courtesy tech advancement.👏👏. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate. Best wishes.

 2 years ago 

Wow! Thanks very much @emjeak.

It has also changed from Black and White to full colour TELEVISION.

This is one television that I can't forget in a hurry. As at those days, having one in your home will make you the Lord of the rings in your environment.

Thanks so much @emjeak for taking us through this innovation.

 2 years ago 

@nsikakadem. You are so correct. I remember when we were growing up, people use to gather around any house that has black and white television to watch a particular program called "MASQUERADE" , but things changed. Best wishes.

Exactly sir. Now a days, ones black and white television is like having nothing. Thanks sir

Invention of television has really make us realize so many things, I can remember when I was in portharcourt then I was in primary school then neighbors will be coming to my mom to beg to wash one movie like that

This is wonderful history @emjeak.
The invention of Television has changed our society completely.

Children of Nowadays are lagging behind in various aspects of life all because of the television as a form of distraction.

Aside that, The television is very useful.

I imagine life before television was filled with plenty outdoor lifestyle and more closeness with others. But even when the invention of television has changed most of these things, it has also impacted in positive aspects of human development.

Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

changed, no body wants to play outdoors, but now they are glued to TELEVISION.

The truth is that life was so sweet then, even sweeter than sugar. There were unity among kinsmen because, they always do spend time together. As for other disadvantages you mentioned, youre right my brother @emjeak. The truth is that any new invention adds to our problems. Though it might seem good at the beginning, but dangerous at the end.

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