The Diary Game: Season 4: Change, Transformation, Reinvention, 10% to @Steemalive

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)


“Change has a bad reputation in our society. But it isn’t all bad – not by any means. In fact, change is necessary in life – to keep us moving, to keep us growing, to keep us interested. Imagine life without change. It will be static, boring, dull.”
Dr. Dennis O’Grady


Greetings awesome people of @Steamalive. Its been quite a while I posted anything here. Consistency is always difficult to follow through, but thankfully, i'm back to posting.

This past few weeks have been quite dramatic for me, a lot of things are going on with my life in general. Most of these things are actually positive. Thank God for that.

Like every young person, I just experienced a spate of financial challenges ands now i have emerged stronger, and more resilient.


Change -X- Transformation

Change is always a good thing, but guess what, transformation is even better because,
Humans are not meant to stop growing or evolving. In fact, no living thing on earth is meant to stop growing.

In this life, Progress is all about reinvention, and whenever something about yourself needs to be changed, you need to look for a way to reinvent it.

A change is simply to become different but a transformation is a significant change in nature.

To really reinvent any aspects of yourself, first find the habit that created that trait in the first place and then slowly and steadily adjust the habit. Most times, Far too often, we pay more attention to what we need to change instead of the habit that formed that negative trait in the first place. This method is far more effective.

For instance, if you believe you're overweight, acknowledge that the problem is your poor diet, before considering doing exercise. In this way you will achieve better result.

In the same manner, change takes time, and it requires consistency. Its not something you do some days and then you take a break from other days. Change is basically a shift in lifestyle and it requires daily dedication.

When you consistently do something new, in time it replaces the old habits and you will no longer require conscious effort to stop the old habit.


Bold step -X- Risks -X- Faith

As humans, it is natural to have one or two growth desires, habits we will like to change or stop. However, growth requires that you take a leap of faith, and step out of your comfort zone.

You will never become the person you want to be by continuing to be the person you currently are. If you don't take that risk, you will forever stay exactly where you are.



Change leading to transformation and ultimately reinvention is a process, an art form. It doesn't just take place overnight. It is a deliberate practice, every single day, day in day out until you realize who you want to be and who you really are underneath all this while.

So here is my challenge to you. Don’t just do something different, reinvent yourself and make a significant change. You wont regret it.

 3 years ago 

Thanks so much for being on point about change. I have learnt something.

In the same manner, change takes time, and it requires consistency. Its not something you do some days and then you take a break from other days. Change is basically a shift in lifestyle and it requires daily dedication.

Thanks for sharing.

Woow this article is very rich because I have learned a lot from it about change, transformation and reinvestment

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