in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)


Everybody wants something in life. That's not bad at all, in fact that's what makes us human.

But there's one problem to this, taking a page from Jim Rohn's book "you don't get out of life what you want"

Sounds harsh, yes I know but it's true.

Now here comes the big question.

If you don't get out of life what you want, then what do you get?

This blog will answer the question above.

I put in thousands of hours into studying what is been presented in this blog. I'll give credit as much as possible to whoever ideas I get across to you in this blog.

Feel free to share your opinion in the comment section, for we are in the community of learning and improving ourselves despite the fact that we're earning from it.

Without taking much of our time let's get into it.


I call it a secret but honestly it's not a secret at all, in fact , that's how mother nature operates.

Before now I mentioned "you don't have get out of life what you want"

Here is the answer to the above question, if you don't get out of life what you want, what then do you get? Answer is, you get out of life what you deserve. I'll explain.

A banker doesn't get his/her salary because he/she wants or needs it.

They get paid because they deserved it, they've worked for it.

They aren't begging for it, they know they've paid their dues.

You don't ask the ground comes harvest to yield for you when you didn't sow.

And how does this apply to our everyday life?

The formula here is, when you give, you get back much more than you give often times than not.

Giving could be in any form, be it service, money, you mention it.

This truth goes a long way to getting whatever you want.

You can not become a doctor by simply opening your venture without going through the necessary training of becoming a doctor.

The process of you going through the necessary steps to become a doctor is you deserving of being a doctor by paying the price in order for you to get your license to practice.

After going through all the processes, now you deserve to be a doctor.

This can be applied to any area of your life to get what you want.

Focus on deserving rather than wanting.

Ask yourself the hard question. "Am I doing the necessary things to deserve that which I want?"

Tony Robbins said "Wants don't get met consistently, standards do"

Teaching yourself how to deserve automatically raises your standards.

In order for us to raise our standards and practice deserving things, there's a vehicle available to take us from where we are, to where we want to be.

The name of this awesome vehicle is called discipline.


Discipline has many definition but in this context, I'll be defining discipline as the ability to make yourself do the necessary things you're suppose to do whether you feel like doing them or not.

The key word to consider here is "feeling"

We often do things when we feel like doing them and don't do them when we don't feel like doing them.

To be honest, that's our default settings as humans.

We are 95% emotional beings and 5% intellectual beings.

The ability to use our 5% to influence the 95% of our being can only be done via discipline.

One the hacks I use to trick my brain into doing whatever I want to do is by counting from 5 to 0, something I learnt from Mel Robbins book "The 5 Second Rule"

By counting from 5 to 0, you aren't giving your brain time to think (coming up with excuses not to act) therefore prompting you to act on that which you want to do immediately.

Like Nike's "Just Do It"

This works like magic if properly practised.

For example, when you set an alarm clock to wake you up by 5AM, then off goes your alarm clock, if you don't act the first 5 seconds of hearing the alarm clock by waking up, then there's a 90% chance of you hitting the snooze button.

This happens because you have given your brain time to think and come up with numerous excuses as to why you shouldn't wake up that early.

On the other hand, when you act before 5 seconds, now you aren't giving your brain enough time to think,

The key is to just begin, start the activity and momentum follows, you don't need to feel like doing it before acting.


To check the authenticity of this hack, why not try it for yourself today?.

Write down all you want to accomplish, use the 5 seconds rule to help you act promptly.
Focus of deserving rather than wanting.
Remember, everybody wants something, but "wants don't get met consistently, standards do "

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Thank You Very Much!!!!!

 3 years ago 

Wow. Great effort. Nice write up.
Keep making valuable contents on Steemit
#club5050 😊😊

Thanks Brother

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