The Diary Game: My Visit To @aaron1990 On His Health Issues [11-08-2021] By @cynthia1997

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Hello Fellow Steemians,
Hope you are all doing great? Welcome to my diary for today 11th August, 2021. Today has been full of good news around and i thank God for it. I also want to thank @steemalive for the opportunity given to us to share our daily activities. I must say the good news around me today is worth sharing with you all, so please i plead with you all to pertake and rejoice with me as i share with you my diary for today.


Today i woke up as early as 5:30am because i had to visit @aaron1990 to help him out since he is not healthy. I did my prayers as i woke up, after which i had to clean the house and wash the dishes. By 8:00am i went to the market to buy some food stuffs to prepare for my family which didnt take me up to 30minutes. When i came back i started preparing breakfast for my family. By 10:00am i was already done cooking and tidying the kitchen so i served my family their breakfast and ate mine as well and after which i took my bath. By 11:30am i started heading to @aaron1990 house to help him out since he is not feeling healthy.

Yeah, you may be surprised why am doing this right? Well let me tell you why. Aaron Tamunosiki who is @aaron1990 has been a very good friend of mine since we were in school. He has helped me out so many times when i go through challenges in school. I could remember a particular period i was helpless in school due to finacial issues my parents were pasting through. I find it difficult buying any textbook in school or pay for anything in school. When aaron noticed all that, he asked me what was wrong so i told him everything. 5days after i told him all that, he paid for all my textbooks for that semister and also paid for my SUG fee, my departmental fee and my medical fee. Since then i dont only see him as a friend but also as a brother. And less i forget, do you know he also introduced me to steemit and paid for the community support? So you see why is neccesary i visit him at this point?

So back to my daily activities, by 11:30am i was already on my way to see @aaron1990.

On my way out

On getting to his place i was surprised seeing him feeling better than the way he was yesterday. I even tried to help him out on some things but he insisted i should that i have done more than enough for him. That was the first good news i got. So while i was with him, i got a call from someone in school that the pin have been waiting for since December 2020 has finally drop. I was so excited at the news, aaron suggested we go to the school and do the printout now that the pin is out because that is what is holding us from going to service since after our graduation. I insisted he stays back while i go and do the printout but he refused and said he needed to go with me so to free is body small.



Around 1:00pm i and aaron started heading to the school. We got there by 1:45pm, did the printout as planed and then when for lunch in one of the cantins in school. There i watched aaron eat a full plate of rice and even joined me in eating mine. I was surprised because for the past 3days he as been unable to eat because of his health. Again i was so happy seeing an improvement in him. Aftet eating we had nothing else to do so we decided to hang around one of the love garden in school so spend a little more time.

At the school

So we sat there for close to an hour and then decided to start going back home. From there we branched the market to buy some foodstuffs so i can prepare something for him before going back.



After cooking for him i left his house by 4:50pm so i can go and rest awhile before going out for evening prayers. On my way going it started raining but i was able to get home before it became very serious. I got home, took my bath and then started gisting with my mum. By 6:20pm i went to church to pray and came back by 7:00pm. As soon as i came back i joined my mum in the kitchen to help her prepare dinner. After preparing the dinner we all ate. I then took my bath again because of was feel very hot after the cooking; i had to watch movie at the same write my diary because i might sleep off.

This was how my day was spent

Thank you for your time, and i hope you find my diary interesting? Once again thanks to @steemalive and to the entire steemitblog.

Special Regards
Cc: @steemalive
Cc: @focusnow
Cc: @aaron1990

Written by: @cynthia1997
For: @steemalive


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