THE DIARY GAME SEASON 3: NEVER ENDING SEASON 18/11/2020//wednesday's diary( 100% power up)
I'm so happy to God for life and for presenting my diary for the 19th day in steemit.
What a great opportunity to live with steemit. The endearing support from my bosses especially @focusnow and @shortsegment has kept me dumpfound.
I pray God continue to bless you all as you continue to support steemit and it's team members.
I pray we continue to live and steem on... it's really a lovely platform.
My diary
My day started all in the morning when I woke up from sleep o... I woke up as early as 3am, sleep just left me.
After waking, I prayed and do necessities. I embarked in Lid reporting below 👇 it's my selfie.
My Lid selfie
I went for family worship after reporting..we discussed some citation from the Bible as a family and we prayed together as a family.
So we dispatched to our various areas of house chores. I went to the kitchen.
But behold it was a simple meal. Jollof rice. I thank God because I needed to write my post.
yummy jollof rice
preparing my break fast
After cooking, I dished out and went straight to writing my post and reporting Lid.
I was serious taking pictures to report Lid. My family members laugh me tire😂😂😂
I told them it was my new business very soon I'll get a shop for steeming. I'm making money already.
After a while I prepared lunch for family, and set off to go somewhere and that was at the town to pick a waybill stuff.
But I wasn't satisfied with what jumia sold to me so I discontinued it.
Money hard to find Biko.... I don't waste it.
Me ready to go out with my photochromic lenses
I came back with serious headache, I thought it was because I set my eye under the sun but I was with my photochromic lenses so I can't tell the cause ooo. I know someone will ask me 'I thought you're a nurse' Yes I am but we're not immuned to disease and infirmities.
Just that I hate taking drug but I can administer drug. 🤗🤗🤗
But I'll soon buy medication for myself. So back to our chat....
So when I came to our shop, I managed to stay but it wasn't optional. I must stay before my parents will remind me that my school fees have not been paid.🤨🤨
So after we close shop, I went back home very tired and sick. So the only thing I managed to do was to freshen up, report my last Lid and slept.
I took tiger but and plum as well.
My tiger nut
Me about going to bed
The cotton fades off here
You really have a great day at the end totally. Most time when one closed from the shop, one is always tired and stressd out due to the excessive work been done at the shop as I can relate.
I hope you find quality rest also to get after the stressful day also.
Stay safe
#twopercent #nigeria #affable
Yes my brother thank you so much
Wow, this is a day well spend, I wish i was with you.
Hello @chizikky187
You have made a nice diary.Pepper and Onion tomato is always peppery.I hope it's true??
The jollof rice looks mouthwatering.I love tiger nuts too.However,I prefer the dry ones.
I hope your head does not ache anymore.
Do have a good night rest.
#onepercent #nigeria #affable
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