Hustle History: Tell Us Some Jobs or Business you Have done to Date

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


In this life a person needs to work hard to be able to meet up with his basic needs.A person must eat to be alive, clothe himself. and have a roof over his head. These are the basic needs and they help in sustaining life. We cannot have them without money. We must hustle to get money to provide them and all other things we might need to survive.Hustle or struggle, so to say, exists in different forms.

What is hustling? When do we say that a person is hustling? And what does it take to hustle?in answer to this, hustling is from the verb "to hustle." The word could mean illicit pursuit of money, prostitution, fraud or criminal activity or a state of great activity. Every mature male or female who has attained the age of majority, hustle before he or she could achieve his goals in life. That is to say that we all pay our dues in order to survive as the Americans would say, "there's no free meal" and I agree with them absolutely.

I have hustled so much in the short period I have spent on this planet earth
so in trying to answer the question "how far have you hustled in life? , I will first of all want you to look at the picture below. It depicts daily hustles in our cities.


We want to Learn How Far You have Hustled in Life

My earlier statement that it is upon attainment of majority that hustling actually begins meaning that those whose parents still *change their diapers" cannot be said to be hustlers. There are children who did not enjoy their childhood.Yes, they became adults in there childhood. To such kids hustling started much too early. I belong to that group of "privileged" kids. I started to hustle much too early in life. I grew up to see that things were quite a bit tough for my family. To help in my own little way I adapted to the situation. While my father made clothes for people to augument the small monthly salary he earned my mother assisted by frying bean cake ",Akara" on Sundays and I helped by hawking it around. After my primary six examination I graduated into selling gari. The gari business stopped when I entered secondary school. Since the period I have hustled to this date. Therefore I have a long history of hustling.

Some of the Jobs or Businesses I Have Done

Honestly I must say that I have laid hands on many things many of which I cannot remember now but I will tell Steemians about only three and they are 1. Farming, 2. Secondary School teacher and 3. Law teaching and Legal Practioner. Let me talk briefly on each of them.


I wouldn't say that agriculture is not the very first carreer that young people from humble homes are introduced to. In line with that principles I was introduced into farning at a very tender age. Like every rural African child I use to go to the farm with my parents. The first timeci went with them I ran around in the farm chasing after locusts,
frogs and crabs. Gradually I was introduced into the most tedious aspect of farmwork. I learnt how to brush bush, till the soil and plant the crops. Today inspite of my attainments I am still in the business of farming. I plant yam and cassava. I can't leave it. It gives me special Joy. If you want to learn about nature be an agriculturist. I haven't taken picture in my farm but the one I have attached below can be illustrative.


Where and when did you do this Job/Business

I did the farming in my village where I have access to family land and am still doing it in the same village. The only problem is that I have not gotten the quantum of land I need to be able to plant the crops I want to plant in commercial quantity.

Was it Lucrative

As a matter of fact farming is very lucrative. It is rewarding commercially and also ensures that the farmers do not lack food.

Why did you Continue or not?

I have not discontinued and I Won't. I feel very happy doing it. It gives me special joy anytime am in my farm. If am in the farm working I forget every other thing troubling me. I love farming.

What type of People are your Employers or Customers?

In this case am self employed. I also do not look for customers. They are everywhere within the neighborhood. People must eat to live so farmers are not in want of customers.

Would you Recommend this Job or Business to Others?

My answer is yes. Everyone should have at least a small garden. It will go a long way in steming famine. If every one has a garden there will be plenty food for people.

Secondary School Teacher

My hustles took a different dimension when I got into college of education. It was on how to raise funds to complete studies. There was limited resources so I had to share my school time in such a way I would be able to stay in school for my lectures and at home in order to save cost. When I finished there was no job in Imo State and I had to seek job in Benue State. I got teaching job but following several months of non-salary payment I resigned and joined unemployment market. .

My hustle resumed but after a few months i got job in a private company in Umuahia. After a week's training I was posted to Benin. IIt was while working in Benin that I visited University of Benin. I liked it. In1990 I wrote JAMB Examination to the school and was successful. Below is my picture as a secondary school teacher.

When and Where did you do this Job/Business?

I was posted to Tyoshin Community Secondary School Agagbe. Agagbe is in Gwer Local Government Area, Benue State. I resigned a year after due to poor staff welfare.

Was it Lucrative?

No. It was not lucrative. Teaching has never been a lucrative job in Nigeria. Public service is just meant for people who genuinely want to serve humanity. We were poorly paid and the salary was not regular. Sometimes once in three months.

Why did you Continue or not?

As already stated above I didn't continue. I resigned when I couldn't receive my salary for six months. Such situation kills morale. I was poorly motivated. I had to explore other areas of life.

What type of People were your Employers or Customers?

I was employed by the Benue State Ministry of Education but sent to the school owned by the Agagbe Community. I was surprised by this. When I asked why i was meant to believe that the government were responsible for salary while the school runs other expenses.

Would you Recommend this Job or Business to Others?

I will certainly not. I had a bitter experience I wouldn't want another person to suffer. It was the ugly experience that prepared me for the next stage of my hustle.

Law Practitioner and Teacher

This is the third major hustle I have done . I am still in it. It was the experiences I had earlier which I have already shared that led me into going back to the university. It was difficult for me in school but because I chose to I endured my pains and became successful at the end. I went to law school and was also successful and was enrolled in the Nigerian Bar. As God willed I was hired by the Law firm of a man I assisted in taking notes in his case in court when I was doing my court attachment. Court attachment was some kind of industrial training. He was Dean of Faculty of Law, Abia State University Uturu at the time. He helped me got teaching job in the Faculty. Today I combine teaching and law practice. Am still doing this jobs to date. I thank God immensely. Take a look at my picture wearing my academic gown.


When and Where did you do this Job/Business

As said earlier, I did my pupillage in his Chambers called Eleuthera Chambers, 64 hospital Road Aba for ten years. Now I have mine at Number 208 Azikiwe Road Aba. At the same time am teaching in the Faculty of Law, Abia State University, Uturu. Don't you think I have a lot to thank God for. I want to tell you also that there is no profession without challenges. Before You go into any profession check very well to see if you have passion for it. It is your passion that will make you excel in the job or endure the unexpected.

Was it Lucrative?

It depends on the way it is looked at. The profession can help you keep body and soul together if you are prepared to work real hard. You alone determines the extent you will go. If you are in the public service also like me, I tell you that it is very difficult to serve two masters equally at the same time. For being in the civil service I try so hard to share my time in a way none of the two will suffer but I give attention more to the university. Again public service is not a place you acquire riches unless you are corrupt .

Why did you Continue or not?

I have continued in the job. As you can see it can't compare with the previous ones I had done. It's stable and it has job security. I hear that distant bushes look green, as a person I am also looking out for greener pastures. This is part of life. I am still there but am searching. I want something more challenging.

What type of People were your Employers or Customers?

In the case of my law office I am on my own. I am nolonger under the employ of Eleuthera Chambers but I can free-lance, that is, another lawyer can ask me to help him out handle a case on his behalf and I will do if he pays me for the particular brief. I have my own clients who give me instructions to do for them as for the the university I am an employee of the University. I was employed on her behalf by the Governing Council.

Would you Recommend this Job or Business to Others?

Absolutely. I have recommended it to so many already. If I ask you few questions and is satisfied that you have the passion and prerequisites I will recommend you.


I saw the importance of this topic to readers and I felt that if handled honestly
It will be a kind of carreer guide hence the approach I adopted in writing it. Hustle is every day thing. It is nothing to scare anybody. If we avoid it we would die of hunger. Let us be ready to pick the lessons it offers and use it to turn things around for ourselves. Thank you.

 2 years ago 

It's not been easy
To put food on one's table, one must go through a lot of sufferings, mistreatments and injustice but thanks to God you were able to overcome the challenges you did face

@preciou is that as if the sufferings have ended rather they keep coming in other forms. They can't finish until we die. We just need grace and strength from God to keep sustaining us.

 2 years ago 

But there'll be a time when all manners of suffering will be done away's a divine promise

You share valuable information to us. Thank you.

Thank you too.

 2 years ago 

Your experiences as a teacher, secondary school teacher, law teacher and lastly as a legal practitioner will equip you to face life challenges fearlessly. I well know that your experience moved you to say this👇

Again public service is not a place you acquire riches unless you are corrupt .

I think I gained knowledge from this sentence. Thank you. Keep publishing quality contents.

@chikaeli, please, before copying the link of any source image, first click on the image you wish to download.

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Thank for your advice. I like this platform where people talk frankly about their experiences. It helps us to have self-examination.

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