Engagement Challenge season 2/ week 4: The Best and The Worst Day Of My Life

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone,I am @ ceendy20 and here is my entry for this week's writing challenge. It's been am awesome period, going through the previous weeks writing challenge,and I hope this one is worthwhile to my readers.

Created by me from canva

Life itself is a risk we take everyday. Going to bed is risk because some sleep and don't ever wake up, also waking up in the morning is also a risk, because we don't know what that day holds for us. But we thank the Almighty God,who is able to keep us and see us through,for in the good and bad times we should always give him thanks.

Life has come with so many challenges,good or bad and fortunately enough we have been able to go through them successfully, through God's help,and the will to live through those days.

In this contest I will be talking about my good day and bad day experience and what learnt from them and how the have affected my life positively. I will start with the bad day and then talk about the good day.



I lived in the city of Aba in Abia state for close to 8 years, just me without my family. I was a student of Abia state polytechnic,and there was a time I had to school and work to be able to fend for myself. My family and friends supported in ways they can,but I still had to do more.

Forward to 2019, my house rent got expired and was given quit notice to leave immediately, I beg the landlord for extra 1 month so I could raise the money and pay, he agreed of course, but after one month I couldn't raise the money.
He came one evening and angrily asked me to leave the next day. That same evening I dressed up,locked my door to spend the night else where,just to buy some time.

I got to a friend's house stayed for two days but those two days I was just wandering looking for a house with an agent,to no avail. That same day my friend asked me to leave her house , that night I cried my heart out, I was so frustrated, on the other hand my landlord was calling me to come pack my stuff,that he has already given out the apartment to someone else. On the third they I saw an apartment,but still no money to pay. Bad enough I was on one outfit for 3 days. That evening I prayed to God for help, because I was so tired,weak and frustrated.

The next morning,I received a call from an old friend who asked how I was faring, I opened up crying, he asked for my bank details and sent #90,000 as against the #120,000 I needed to pay for the apartment. I took the money went to the new landlord and begged him to allow me move,that I will complete the remaining rent of #30,000 the next month,which he accepted. That was how I came out of the house issues.


I experienced what it is to be homeless,and trust me, it's not a funny experience. You get to appreciate having a roof over your head,no matter where it is. I have experience many challenges and pressures but those 3days were the worst days of my life.



Just as I have had bad days, I have also had good days too. But I will share with us the recent best day that I had.

I conceived last year (2021) and my due month for delivery was January this year (2022). My edd ( expected day of delivery) was supposed to be on the 3rd of January this year, but on the third nothing happened. Went for a scan and the second edd given was 7th of January, on the 7th nothing happened,no labour, nothing. The doctor decided to give me 5 days gap,if nothing happens within that one week I will be induced. After 5th day, that's 12th of January, still nothing happened. I called a friend,carried my bag and we went to the hospital,and waited to be induced the next morning.

The next morning I was induced by 4am and labour stated by 6am. I was a painful experience really,but the the joy of seeing my child at the end kept me going. It was a long and hard labour which lasted till 7pm in the evening, good 12 hours. At a point my body could no longer carry the pain, I passed out. I was rushed to the theater for an operation to get the baby out. The next time I woke up was when the doctors were done with the operation and the nurse brought my baby for me to see. I had the biggest smile on my face, so much joy in my heart, because of the bundle of Joy showed to me.

My new born

Out of the theater,and all I wanted to see my baby ,the gift of God beside me,the joy is unexplainable. The is 5 months now,and joy is always new everyday. He is growing very well, healthy and strong.

My happy child


I learnt not to panick and fear when things are not working,or when things are not working when it should. I have also learnt to be a good mother to my child so far.


I really want to appreciate the @steemitcommunity for these opportunities to write awesome contents. And also the @Steemalive community for bringing us interesting topics to creat contents on, and to out admin @focusnow for being and good and fair leader.

Best regards



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 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @steem-alive, am very grateful, and encouraged.


Congratulations! This article has been manually curated using our community account. Always publish great content, free of plagiarism and make sure you are participating in club5050, club75 or club100. Congratulations once again, hoping to see your next publication soonest!

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @steemalive,I really appreciate this vote from you.

 2 years ago 

So all these while, you never told me we attended the same school. I want to know your time in Abia Poly. I was there between 2009 - 2014. Am really sorry about your experience of being evicted from the house. Sometimes, its really challenging to meet up your financial obligations as a student. Am happy your friend helped.

See your baby has grown oo. So cute

 2 years ago 

Thank you sir
I was there as from 2012-2017

Your bad day, really have a big lesson in it, having a roof over your head are one of the basic necessities of life, your good day indeed is an awesome day, the arrival of a new member of the life, a handsome boy. Thanks for sharing @ceendy20

 2 years ago 

Thank you @jammyroberts for stopping by. Having a roof over ones head is a blessing a lot of people take for granted. I learnt a lesson from that experience.

Truly, you are right.

Chaaaaaiii this is really bad 😞, how can your friend evict you from her house just like that knowing well that your landlord had already excited you and you where so stranded🤦‍♂️. This is so heart touching. I'm so so sorry to hear about this my dear. But I'm glad that God answered your prayers and a good Samaritan friend had to help you out as you where able to pay rent for tye new home that you saw. May God bless that friend of yours

Woow congratulations to your new born child. He is so handsome and healthy. It should definitely be your best day because I see it's This handsome child that made you a mom. Congratulations to you once more my dear

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @chiabertrand. In difficult times we get to know who our friends really are, even I was shocked when she did that, didn't bother asking her the reason, because there is no good reason to have done that. But I thank God,he came through for me.

The birth of my child was my biggest joy,am also grateful to God for that.

Well, everything happens in life for reasons and I believe what happened to you was simply your breakthrough. May God continue to bless and protect you my dear

The mixture of sorrow and joy in this contest is making me feel tragicomedy, one time I feel the pain as a human, on to the next, am smilling and happy again

Challenges are inevitable in this world it is how we handle them that matters

Greetings and blessings

 2 years ago 

Thank you @olabillions , the challenges we face at times, we either let it break us or make us.

As such we should face our fears
You are welcome

I share in your joy sister. After the rain indeed comes th the sun.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @jovita30

You really had a bad experience dear, but i'm still wondering why a friend would send you out despite knowing your condition. Anyway, some friends are actually wicked and unhelpful. I'm happy that you have later conquered the challenge and its now a story to tell.
You have written so well. Best of luck
Relate with me below

 2 years ago 

People do things for different reasons,good or bad. It wasn't funny those days,but I think God I pulled through.

Hmmm and having your own apartment is a big challenge ooo but thank God you were able to overcome it and congrats on your baby.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @princesshope, having a roof over your head is a blessing.

Wow a good write up, we all have our good and bad times, me cant wait to have my own baby.

 2 years ago 

Yours will come in good time. They are a treasure to value 😁

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