Your Smartphone is such harmful (#FOOD4THOUGHT)

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)
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It's Easter Monday, greetings to everyone. Trust the joy within us is still afresh? I wish us positivity all through.

As far as technology keeps evolving, so are the side effects, we won't stop talking about because health is wealth lest the technology bring more harm than good to us.

Photo Source: Pixabay


At least we've heard this message once or maybe countless times from people: technology is not good, it's bringing more harm than good etc.

You probably heard of one or two dangers of using your smartphone phone device from one person, either through video or a post (which I myself have made here on Steemit), these side effects ranges, but most especially when you utilize these devices the wrong way or longer than expected (abuses) . Then you're a kinda nervous because of Al these? I have been too, so should we drop our phones and go live in caves? Or maybe simply stop using them? Emphatically No. Humans like us invented these phones, we embraced the invention so well without minding if there are side effects involved and as per, we ourselves will sort out how to get rid or maybe learn to avoid/minimize these effects.

Health issue your smartphone is causing you

Listen up, there's a very common health condition, yet weird, it's called "smartphone Pinky"
You might have heard of it, how it happens and so. But for the purpose of those who haven't, I'll explain very briefly.

  • smartphone Pinky is a condition in which your little finger slightly bend due to holding your smartphone. This smartphone Pinky of a thing generally happens as result of many hours you've been on phone per day. Depending on the greater width of phones many people has.
    Hope you grabbed?

Photo Source: Pixabay

Now, a lot of folks believe smartphone Pinky is not a real condition rather, other hand injury is. Nevertheless, smartphone users on social media are posting pictures of pinkies with pronounced dents in them.
Much convincingly, they says indentations results due to holding their phones for a long time, especially on the bed.
It'll interest you know if doctors as well, has something to say about this; well, they (doctors) it's temporary and shouldn't be a thing to worry much about though nonetheless, they warned against too much use of phones whichbto them can cause many other health related issues.

Other injuries that are likely to occur due to frequent use of smartphone

Aside the smartphone Pinky which says is not is not a serious injury but be avoided, there are some other injuries that are likely to occur as a result of using your phone for long.

  • Text claw:

Source: Pixabay

  • Pains on the thumb or wrist that's caused as a result of using smartphone is also a common injury that should be avoided. This condition of thumb or wrist pain is referred to as "text claw". The injury occurs as a result of constant bending and also repetitive movement of of your thumbs on the your smartphone screen.
    As a solution, it's advisable to hold your phone with your two hands in other to reduce the load between both hands .
  • Neck and breathing issue:

Source: Pixabay

  • Prolong use of smartphone also can change your head or necks's position depending on how long the person has been staring at the screen. Because of the poor state of posture, this can lead to neck pain. It's been said also that, as a result of this bad posture, your scapula (shoulder blade ) could be affected because it changes the position of where it ought to be rested therefore increasing strain.

  • Addiction:
    Sounds obvious right?. Of course since there's much social impact in using smartphone, so shall addiction be much and easily. Getting addicted to smartphone is increasingly becoming a common problem. Using smartphone triggers a lot of the signalling pathways in someone's brain that's linked to reward and of course feeling good . This can make one to be reliant on his or her phone frequently in order to continue receiving those dopamine rush.
    Some of the symptoms of being addicted to smartphone include trouble completing tasks ( Procrastination), difficulty in sleeping, being isolated from people and many more.
    Because you're addicted to your phone, you tend to start sweating profusely few minutes away from it, trembling, feeling anxious and as well agitation.


These are few of the side effects of using your smartphones for LONG period of time.
I hope you've learnt a new thing and perhaps, destined to change your use of smartphones. And if you do, go ahead and do it.
Thanks for reading.
We meet again in another post.

Cc: @steemalive @steem-alive
Bless you

 2 years ago (edited)

Honestly, smartphone is very good, but the side effects now depends on us. How we use it. I personally do hold mine with 2 hand's just like you explained here.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

Same words of mine, probably in another post tho.

Amended @chichieze.
Thank you

 2 years ago 

That's pretty good. Some one has used the word in her post

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 2 years ago 

Thank you for this informative article. We look forward to seeing more.

 2 years ago 

I have also learnt a lot from our lecturer @barnabie, thanks

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