8 Important Things You Should Do If You Have A Road Accident (100% Powered Up)steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)

 No one wants to be involved in road accidents, the frightening prospects of sustaining dangerous and life-training injuries are scary enough. But it is just totally impossible, we might say, to avoid such situations as there are uncontrollable human factors that play out to make road accidents happen. Sleeping at the wheel, drunk drivers and bad roads are just a few of such factors. So what happens if we get caught in a road accident?

We can't avoid them, but we can handle the situations in such a way as to curb further damage. There are tips you must necessarily know to be able to effectively handle a road accident situation. Knowledge of how to tackle the associated challenges can make the situation less daunting. Sometimes it even mean the difference between life and death. So these pieces of information below aren't just for the sake of knowledge, you life and welfare could actually depend on them if a road accident occurs with you. So being able to handle the health, legal and property-associated outcomes of a road accident is something you should be able to execute. The 8 very important and indispensable tips read out clearly below.

8.  Keep Your Emotions In Check


It is very easy to lose it all when such situations enfold. Getting into a heated argument with other involved drivers may do more harm than good. Keep your cool, stay calm and composed. Also you have to keep your fear in check. Sure enough the sight of physical injuries can provoke fear, not to talk of the excruciating pains that may trail such injuries. It may please you to know that panicking can further extend the level damage done. Research also concurs with the fact that we fail to make good decisions if we give in to that distablizing emotion. If you are having Dystychiphobia or the fear accidents then click here to learn what to do about it. Such phobias can complicate accidents.

7. Check Yourself For Injuries


Of course a great percentage of road accidents involving cars/automobiles always results in injuries. So when caught in a road accident, first check yourself for injuries. This will help you access how serious the situation is. If you are seriously injured, then hesitate to call for help. Either 911 or any other emergency hotline available. If can't make the call, have someone near do it.

6.  Access The Condition Of Other Passengers

After checking up on yourself, move on to access the situation of other passengers. Someone may be seriously hurt and need urgent medical help. In that case you should seek for help immediately. If a passenger is experiencing profuse bleeding, then move on to control the excessive flow of blood. That takes us to the next step of the tutorial.

5.  Apply First Aid Treatment, If Necessary While You Wait For Help To Arrive





Nothing can be as relieving as having easy access to a first aid tool kit when in the event of a dreary road accident. There is no talking of millions of lives that perished because of the unavailability of (proper) first aid treatment, who could have been saved. So find out who and who among the passengers require first aid and carry it out on them.
Every person in the society should be capable of administering a first aid treatment. At the very least, it makes disasters like road accidents less daunting to handle, and may reduce the casualty count. This article will teach how to carry out a first aid treatment.  You can never know what may happen at any point in time. So it is better to brace ourselves for emergencies.

4.  Get Yourself And Other Passengers To Safety


A car accident can leave your car stumped up in the middle of the road, which can prove really dangerous depending on how busy the road is. That's why it is important to vacate the position of an accident to a safer position if necessary. After the automobile crash, see if you can clear the car from the middle of the road. If not, and if you are not seriously injured, you can seek the help of others to help relocate the injured passengers.

3. Involve The Police And File A Report


Ensure you get the police to view the scene of the accident. It is also important to know that you should never leave the scene of an accident and never allow the. driver to leave. Don't ever neglect involving the police. After which you file a police accident report. The report will serve as a valid proof that you were involved in the accident, thus there wouldn't be any difficulty in  getting help form any insurance company.

Bonus Tip:

Never, never admit that an accident was you fault as it can be used against you during lawsuits.

2.  Hire The Services Of A Lawyer


Many make the mistake of underestimating the legal implications of being involved in a road accident. It is necessary to involve professional legal help. Hire a lawyer, to help you in sorting out the damages. Also you might need a lawyers help in sorting things out with your insurance company. Please do not neglect taking this step if necessary at least you can avoid unnecessary spending a fortune on legal issues or even doing jail time.
Click here to know how to hire the right legal personnel/lawyer. You would obviously want to trust your situation in the hands of a competent legal practitioner/ lawyer.

 1.  Visit A Hospital To Obtain A Medical Clearance


 Many victims of such accidents, dangerously assume that they were not harmed in any way simply because of the absence of physical injuries on them. But it is absolutely necessary to visit a hospital after an accident to get checked up for possible internal injuries. At the very l east you can avoid unnecessary health complications later on. So get yourself chacked out at a hospital to make double sure. It is absolutely important.
For the sake of knowledge you can click here to read about internal injuries and how to handle them.

These 8 tips, deceptively simple, can save your life and that of others or at least prevent unnecessary and finances-consuming legal issues. So if you read them, you should be able to handle a daunting road accident situation.


Thanks a lot for sharing those tips. Though they seem intuitive, you can easily lose control if stressed out. When I got into my first accident, I felt lost cause the other driver hit me when I was in the car so badly that I almost lost consciousness. Anthony Pusch (https://puschnguyen.com) got compensation from that bastard, so I repaired my car. I wish they had taken away his driving license forever, tbh. Actually, I’d add the 9th rule: always give way to the fools. Then you’ll be safe.

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