in SteemAlive3 years ago

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Hey my fellow steemians. It is such a wonderful time to share my thoughts with you as the day go by. Seeing the many evils that happens to Christians upon the face of the earth, I have been pondering on what the Christian life is and these are my thoughts.

We see evils befall the natural man and the one who has separated himself from the world and have called himself a Christian. Because this man confessed and accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ, heaven recognises him but he suffers from the things Jesus nailed to the cross. One question you would love to ask or get answers is "What is life different from the Christian life?" If there be a difference, why do both christians, muslims and pagans die of the same death? This article will provide answers to this questions.

The Christian life is the the life of Christ called the life of faith. Christianity ceases to exist without faith. The faith life is a live of grace birthed to us by Jesus Christ himself. So we cannot live this life without being connected to the fountains from which it flows. Paul speaking in Galatians 2:20 said;

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

The Christian life is the crucified life we live in faith of the Son of God. We are death to sin and anything that kills the flesh, we are crucified to even death itself. If this is so, we are unkillable. Nothing dares to end our existence. Anything that threatens the life of the Christian man was crucified giving us freedom from every bondage of satan that eats the Christian man up while he liveth.

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I said earlier that the Christian life is a life of faith that we live by the faith we have in Christ Jesus. What then is FAITH? The book of Hebrews 6:11 tells us the meaning of faith. Let's see;

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Thinking about this critically, I understand that faith is a fixed mindset that we need to keep as Christian. This mindset can be kept and will work effectively after a Christian understands who he is. Faith is the positive mindset we keep even though we see things going wrong for people around us. It is not only the confession but the mindset. It is the positive mindset we keep even when evils are befalling many around us. This is the faith life that a Christian should live. Because the Christian life is the perfect life, a Christian lives the life (a life where all things runs smoothly) that he thinks. So let's understand that even as a Christian, if you think negatively, life will happen to you in the direction of your thoughts.

This is a life free of sicknesses, accidents, diseases, infirmities, calamities, failures, disappointments, oppression, and death because all of these were nailed to the cross.
Therfore, as a Christian you don't think that you can get sick or die of sickness, have accident or die of it, get infected by a disease or die of it, fail, disappointwd, oppresded and die when it is not your time. In the succeeding verse of Hebrews 11, that is verse 6, the Bible says:

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

In all, we see that even after accepting and confessing the Lordship of Jesus, if we fail to live a holy and faithfiled life , well pleasing and acceptable to God we suffer and díè of the things we have been delivered through the death of Jesus Christ.

This is an understanding I cannot fully express in this single writeup but if you really want to live the Chriatian life, you need to know who you are in Christ by studying the Word and calling upon the Holy Ghost to help you. I pray the Spirit of God expand this words in your heart and give you a deeper meaning to it in Jesus name, Amen!


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