The Diary Game (12/12/2024) - The story of spending a wonderful day after finishing teacher training.
Assalamu Alaikum everyone, hope everyone is well, I am also well by the grace of Alhamdulillah. In this blessing of mercy, I am enjoying the moments spent beautifully in the whole world. Like every day, I woke up and performed Fajr prayers.
After finishing the prayers, I took a walk for a while and after a while I came to my room and had a light thin breakfast. We spent eight o'clock in the morning like this, from 8:30 to our training center. In the beginning, each of our classes started with the recitation of the Qur'an.
That's how I sat and recited the Qur'an. Our trainer in our training was he who gave us a discussion about the Qur'an. He has had a variety of discussions to build up students. Which is important for us.
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Although there are different types of discussions in this training, the most important discussion is related to the Qur'an. How to read the verses of the Qur'an? Different types of tajweed are followed and practiced according to the sifat of purity, purity, etc. in the verses.
So anyway, our training continued till 11:30 in the morning. Then when we finished this training class, I went to my room. But a colleague brother of mine said that I have to go to the market to buy winter clothes. So I went to the market with him and started looking at winter clothes.
My colleague's brother was going to buy winter clothes for his wife, but she didn't like it. Meanwhile I didn't have a plan so I also started opting for my winter clothes. But none of us liked any winter clothes. What else to do Then we came out of that market and went straight out.
Coming out, we started walking through the pedestrian area. There was a shop on the side of the road where a variety of products were being sold. So I noticed that I liked the mobile stand. So I bought it at a price. I like it and it's very useful and important.
Mobile Stand | 150 Tk | 6.7 steem |
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I came and paid the shopkeeper what was due and he left the shop and started walking in front again. Then, as we moved forward, we saw a palm shop. Date is a very important fruit that is very beneficial for the body. So we went to the date shop and disliked the different types of dates. Finally we liked a date so we took three half kilograms of half kg. I'm doing it for half a kilo.
dates half kg | 270 tk | 10.38 steem |
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Like me, two co-working brothers who were with me also bought this date. After buying these, we explained the money to the shopkeeper and left the shop. A colleague of mine will eat a burger. The burger he's going to eat isn't a big restaurant.
So there are some food cards on our way, who make many beautiful burgers at a low price. So it will take us five minutes to walk there. So we walked there chatting. After we left, we ordered and ate burgers.
Burger | 50 tk | 1.95 steem |
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Then in the evening we came to the madrasa without delay as the Maghrib prayer had to be performed. So I came to the madrasa and performed Maghrib prayers and spent the rest of the time like every day. This was my moment of the day that I shared with you. So be well everyone, stay healthy, Allah Hafez.
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Curated by: @bossj23
Thank you dear @bossj23 brother...
@ myteacher
You are enjoying a beautiful day with some culinary food of dates and burgers, I am starting to feel hungry seeing the photos you shared.
Apart from that, I also really want to hear a recording of your voice when reciting the Koran using a loudspeaker in front of you, I'm sure your voice is very beautiful, Ustad.