Encyclopedia @fantvwiki - What are Root, Root Function, and Root Characteristics

in Teachers & Students7 days ago


To know a lot about the lessons I publish, you can look at my previous posts :
Chapter 1, Plants as a source of life for humans

What are Root, Root Function, and Root Characteristics

Hello Literacy friends, best regards to you all.

As stated in the previous post Encyclopedia @fantvwiki Chapter 1, I discuss the basic things that exist around our lives, as a form of insight and information. Who knows, teachers and students can benefit from the themed posts that I publish, and all the educational posts that I will share are materials that I have exposed to my students at school so far, especially students in Grade 4 of elementary school.

In the continuation of Chapter 1 yesterday I discussed plants as a source of life for humans, we already know the parts of plants consisting of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. This time we will discuss more specifically these parts that will start from The Roots, parts of plants that are generally in the ground and are not visible.


Photo of me again teaching in class, with the theme of plants

If you look at the plants around us, try to dig a little on the part of the soil where the plants grow. There we will find parts of the plant and often we call The Roots, parts of plants that are not visible on the surface, and generally are in the ground, although some plants also have a visible will.

Root Function

If we repeat the previous material, the function of roots for plants is very important. In detail, the function of the roots in plants is as follows :

  1. Liquid absorbers and transporters in the form of water and nutrients often called mineral salts such as potassium, iron, nitrogen, calcium, and copper.
  2. As part of the plant that serves to strengthen the plant itself, so that it can firmly stand on the surface of the soil.
  3. For some types of plants, The Roots also serve as a place to store food reserves for plants.


1.png1 - Copy.png

Photo of myself, as I hold the roots of a plant

Root Characteristics

After knowing the function of roots in plants, we also have to know the roots with the characteristics they have. Some of the characteristics of plant roots include :

  1. The roots are generally in the soil, for some types of plants the roots can be outside the soil.
  2. Almost all roots have fine hairs and are also thick, so the roots have unicellular properties (an extension of one root cell).
  3. The roots have small, elongated hairs, so they can reach deeper parts of the soil.
  4. The roots can be elongated and enlarged, so they can absorb large amounts of water.
  5. The root also has the structure of the Epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), Cortex (the basic tissue in plant roots), Endodermis (a layer of single cells that tightly regulate the flow of substances in the root hairs), and Central Cylinder (the deepest part of the root consisting of tissue).


Image Source structure of Roots : siswapedia.com

Well, so far we have known what the root is, the function of the root, and also the characteristics of the root in plants. Now when you look at the roots of each plant, you'll find a few different roots. Some are elongated and not very much and some are seen a lot for some types of plants, or the visible roots are not in the soil as a condition of the part called the root of the plant, but outside the soil.

Root Forms

Based on these clarifications, it turns out that the roots have differences based on their shape. So we will find different root forms in each plant. Did you know that roots are divided into several types based on shape, the types of roots based on shape are as follows :

1. Taproot


Image Source: ilmudasar.idTaproot example

Taproot is the main root that generally grows from a seed, upright or straight creeping down, and the main root out of the root branch. A taproot is a root that looks larger than the root fibers, so it is able to penetrate or enter the soil much deeper than some other types of roots. Some examples of plants or plants with Taproot are mango trees, Rambutan trees, orange trees, and carrots.

2. Fibrous roots.


Image Source: asset-2.tstatic.netFibrous roots example

Fibrous roots are roots that come out or emerge from the base of the main stem, most fibrous roots are wavy and usually accumulate into one, this is due to the turn of the taproot that does not develop. Examples of plants that have fibrous roots are orchids, coconut trees, and papaya trees.

3. Hanging Roots.


Image Source: commons.wikimedia.orgHanging Roots example

Hanging roots are a type of growing root that partly grows upward and depends on the stem or branch of the plant. Examples of plants that have hanging roots are banyan trees and Curtain Ivy plants.

4. Spinal Root.


Image Source: www.pexels.com Spinal Root example

Root Tunjang is a type of root that has large roots that adjust the plant itself, has a principal Root, and dominant meaning influence on other roots. Examples of plants that have spinal roots are Acacia trees.

5. Root Breath.


Image Source: www.pexels.com Root Breath example

Root breath is a type of root that appears from the surface of the ground or the surface of the water, this root is characteristic of some types of plants that sense breath. Some examples of breath-rooted plants are mangrove trees and Lotus trees.

6. Adhesive Root.


Image Source: bobo.grid.id examples of betel leaf adhesive roots

The last one is the adhesive root, in addition to growing in the ground, this type of root appears frequently and we see it in the environment around us. A feature of the adhesive Root is that it grows along the stem of the plant itself, and is usually attached to a fence or even a wall. Examples of plants that have adhesive roots are betel plants (famous in Indonesia) and also pepper plants.

Those are some types of roots that we need to know as insight and information for all of you so that we can distinguish which types of fiber roots, which types of Taproots, which types of spinal roots, and other types of roots. The function of all types of Roots is the same, although some types of roots have their functions and are characteristic of the plant.

All kinds of roots in the picture, there are photos have their own



So we have a little bit more understanding of the root with all its forms, characteristics, and benefits. Hopefully what I publish can provide further understanding to anyone who reads it, especially for users with student verification.

Finally, I would like to say a big thank you and greetings to all of you.

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