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RE: Movies that defined my childhood
Some great films. Haven't seen Three Amigos, will give a watch if on a streaming service. Love Peewee and Conan. Both classics.
I am a little bit younger than you but a lot of my favourite childhood films were animated. PIXAR classics like The Incredibles, Monsters Inc., Toy Story all come to mind. Then stuff that I was raised on from my family like Robin Williams films (Doubtfire, Jumanji, etc.) and then some weird films that I loved that weren't animated like Monty Python, Sky High and so many more.
Pixar films are some of my favorites out there. The main reason being that they appeal to both kids and adults but sometimes for different reasons. The writing is very creative and in many ways I like them a lot better than most live action films.
Robin Williams was a truly gifted actor. There are not many people out there that can play a silly fool one minute and then a tear-faced serious actor that will make you misty-eyed as well. A real loss to the acting community that was.
I enjoy all of the films you mentioned as well but if you get a chance to see Three Amigos I would say you should definitely do it. I'd be interested to hear what you think!