Contest 4:39- Looking back/Looking forward

in CCC2 years ago


Looking back at education in the past years, excellence was achieved through hard work and both pupils and students were always very serious with their studies.

We often spent the night reading until we slept off. Both school work and assignment were taken very serious and as a priority such that we don't even think about play or anything else until it's done.

Today's school has been a different story because some students no longer take it seriously. They fail to see school as a training ground for their better future.

They go to school at their own time, they sometimes refuse to take their school work seriously and even go to the extent of thinking of it as a punishments.

They look for short cuts in order to get higher marks just to show up to parents to make them happy.

This makes it necessary that parents sit their children back and educate them on the necessity of taking their studies seriously at least to ensure that they lay a good foundation for the future.

With a little more effort from the parents, we can look forward to bringing up future generations who will stand strong on a solid foundation, ready to face life challenges after spending all those years in school.

That is my entry to the contest, you can join through this Link

Special thanks to @wakeupkitty and the entire CCC community!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for joining this contest. We upvoted and resteemed and wish you a great week.

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