CONTEST: What do you do with... ? week 3.44

in CCC4 years ago (edited)

#Hello and welcome to the contest:

#This week's topic is a plant for luck:

My Zamioculca Zamiifolia, a lucky plant :


This plant belongs to the Araceaes family and its common name is money plant. Its origin is from the African continent.

What I do with this plant? is to sow and transplant its children and then proceed to give it all the necessary care to become an adult. Once it grows up to be a plant with the same characteristics of its mother plant I place it on a shelf that I have in my garage and I put it for sale.


Because people are generally superstitious and tend to believe that objects, plants or foods can exert some control in our life this plant is in high demand.

The Zamioculca plant develops from small bulbous rhizomes. It can also develop from the leaves of the mother plant, both the rhizome and the leaf of the plant are placed in fertile soil with suitable substrate and you have to wait a considerable time to observe its reproduction.


This plant has leaves with a very shiny underside. They are oval-shaped and thick, smooth to the touch. They grow on stems that arise from the rhizome of the plant and become an erect and rigid branch with leaves, each one next to the stem of each branch. The leaves and stem are colored in dark green.

They are plants that can eventually reach a meter in length. They should be removed from direct sun exposure as their leaves can burn under it.

Also, as it is a plant that accumulates liquid in its thick leaves and cylindrical stems is advisable to not add much moisture to the substrate in order to avoid rotting the roots and rhizomes.

Now tell me, what do you do with your lucky plant?

#I invite my friends to participate

@samynathy, @genomil, @marblely, @heartbeat1515, @carolinacardoza, @marivic10, @leticiapereira, @cachetes-27, @belenc, @marybellrg, @yurilaya, @luiyi-22, @nayita238, @zhanavic69, @vicent21, @antoniarhuiz, @mllg, @sacra97, @husein97 and to all my friends...

What is it about?

It's a weekly contest, starting Friday morning and ending Thursday evening.

It ends at 6pm, Caracas-Venezuela time (GMT-4).

After 6pm no more entries will be accepted.

This contest deals with nature-related topics. For example, asking what you do with a plant, flower, insect, pet, bird, natural elements, etc. Everything related to nature! You can develop any theme that your mind can come up with... your creativity is the limit.

You must try to comply with the rules.

Your pictures must be really yours, not copied from any page.

In this new season the active participation of everyone is important.

Our comments, our votes and our communication with each other are very important.

#Competition rules:

Read the rules carefully to be accepted in # hive-166850, #CCC and @team-ccc.

Write at least 200 words on the topic, "What do you do with...?"

Use the name of the contest in your title and in the content of your post.

Leave the link to your post as a comment below this post.

Post in the hive-166850 community.

Use the invitation #CCC or hive-166850, at the bottom of your post.

Only one entry per account is allowed.

#. Resteem, comment and upvotes are important for this contest.

. Be original. It will be taken into account for your selection as the winner.

It’s not mandatory to write your post in English, you can do it in your preferred language.


2 prizes of 5 Steem for the first and second place winners.

#I invite you to participate in the #ccc contests!

Monday contest: "What does CCC mean to you" by @team-ccc.

Friday contest: What do you do with...? by @gertu.

Saturday giveaway: "Looking back / looking forward" by @wakeupkitty.

Saturday giveaway: "What does today mean to you?" by @freedomshift.

Sunday contest: lyric poetry. By @felixgarciap.

The photos in my post are of my property, taken with my Redmi 9 phone and my banners are taken with the help of Canva software.

This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)
the latest update <<< please click to read.

I'm @gertu from Venezuela to the world.

 4 years ago 

Gracias por participar te deseo éxito con tus hermosas plantas de bambú.

¡Hola! Me alegra verte de nuevo con tus concursos activados.

 4 years ago 

La alegría es recíproca. Espero verte pronto.

 4 years ago 

Welcome back and good luck with the contest!

We are at 3.43


 4 years ago 

I got a little confused between whether it is week 3.43 or week 3.44?
Thanks for the responsiveness.

Hola amiga, un gusto saludarte, aca te dejo mi participación:
Saludos y mucho exito en esta nueva etapa de tu concurso.

 4 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tu entrada, recuerda colocar la invitación por favor.
Eres la primera.

Feliz de tu regreso y compartiendo un poquito de los espacios tan bonitos de la naturaleza. @gertu

 4 years ago 

Gracias por tu entrada. Me encantan tus bellas flores de la suerte.

hola muy buenas tarde participando en el concurso de la amiga @gertu mi link de mi publicacion

 4 years ago 

Su entrada no es aceptada en el concurso.

Good to see you started. We are at week 3.44!

It's the first time I hear about this plant. We do not have plants who stand for luck or money. No one would buy or give you one for that reason except if it's clover 4.

Good luck with your contest.

 4 years ago 

Thank you. There are many lucky plants here including Clover. I think I'm due for week 3.43 yet.

We all have the same numbers. Monday @team-ccc starts with 4.45... the rest of us follows.

 4 years ago 

Ok, debo cambiar entonces a 3.44. Gracias. Quedé confundida porque porque tú me dices 3.44 y @teamccc me dice 3.43. Tienes razón si el lunes comienza 3.45. Gracias.

Ok, I should change then to 3.44. Thank you. I was confused because you tell me 3.44 and @teamccc tells me 3.43. You are right if Monday starts 3.45. Thank you.

Hola amiga, me dirijo a ti con preocupación viendo que el usuario borisjimenez ha copiado casi textualmente mis palabras, no se a quien se acude para denunciar esto, pero me parece muy triste este comportamiento que no puede ser desconocimiento porque el plagio es penalizado en todas partes del mundo.
Saludos amiga.

 4 years ago 

No había leído esa participación. Ya le escribí y le informé porqué no tomaré su entrada a mi concurso.

 4 years ago 

Por favor lea el tema y las reglas del concurso para ser aceptada. Muchas gracias.

 4 years ago 

Muchas gracias por su participación y le deseo mucho éxito.

Gracias a usted por su apoyo y paciencia

Hola @gertu mañana preparo mi publicación. Saludos. Se puede hablar de cualquier tema referente a la naturaleza o solo de plantas?

Mucho éxito.

 4 years ago 

Hola. Debes hablar sobre el tema de la semana una planta de la suerte. Nosotros tenemos muchas plantas que usamos para la suerte. La planta millonaria, el aloe, el bambú y otras. Gracias por tus deseos.

tenia esa duda @gertu como en el articulo original no decía específicamente, pero ya vi que lo editaste. Graciasss mañana participo. Buenas noches

 4 years ago 

Es cierto. Me dí cuenta que no coloqué el tema. Mi internet está muy mal con la señal. Puedo entrar pero me cuesta mucho. Disculpa la tardanza.

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