Weekly report as steem representative- 8th October 2023
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Greetings everyone,
I am here to submit my Fifth consequence weekly steem representative report. |
Before I start, I want to make an apology because of two reasons;
What are they?
- This week, I couldn't get time to participate in another community challenge except in my community.
In this report, you all got to know the reason for what I have done this entire week.
- Secondly, I am going to raise some questions that could be unjustified for some steemians.
Before we use any word, we must think twice;
because that somehow represents us and our volition.
There are so many words that even hurt me last week. Thus, I want to ask some questions;
as there are so many experienced steemians here.
The platform where everything is open! The power, wallet, transaction, earning everything are open to all!
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Please read the highlighted portion. |
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- Where a place is capable of taking legal actions;
that place has a right to implement regulations too.
- I can't say anything about it before 2020;
But after my joining, I have seen 99% of steemian work here for earning;
not for fun!
Exceptions are never countable!
So, it is our responsibility to filter the platform so that needy users can get the chance to continue their journey.
Even I joined this platform when I lost my job during the pandemic. @rme introduced me here.
- There might be so many investors;
but my next question is if their wealth wouldn't be secure;
and didn't have the option to earn curation rewards! Do they come forward for funding?
But that is not enough. I believe before privacy(as there is no privacy according to my perspective!), we should take care of the security of this platform.
- I would request the steemit team to tighten the newcomers' community verification. Implement video verification.
Before you raise your voice and show me the excuse of religion, Let me clear! There are female greeters present who can do the job for female newbies, and male users can come forward for the remaining.
At least in my community, I can assure you there is no place for scammers.
Last two weeks, I have been talking about a racket. Do you have any answers or ways to stop them from entering this platform?
Do you work or suggest anything for the betterment of this platform?
Sorry, but my report is going to be lengthy today, not because of the reason for translation;
but to show you all something. After that, the decision would be yours whether we need to secure the platform or, not.
I don't know about others, but I read posts not only from @disconnect and @steemitblog but last three years;
whatever I learned, I learned them, but reading other posts.
- Even today, the law of steemit I represent here got to know from a seven-year-old post.
Now, if I desired to ask the individual
Who raised this question and used various objectionable words
Have you ever translated and read other posts?
Please define the development @rme enforcing for this platform.
Keeping all these arguments, we should follow what makes this platform secure more than private!
In last week's report, I mentioned about;
how some users create multiple accounts to gather more support!
I informed you all about a cacophony working here, and they are doing business by inviting users.
They are charging 100 steem(1500 Bangladeshi Taka) as an admission fee;
and after that, they are selling a package by the name of Software so that newbies can comfortably work in the steemit(plagiarism checker, Grammarly, and other links included there).
For this package, they are charging 335 steem(around 5000-7000) according to the capacity of the users!
Steemit is my home. I won't tolerate any act that can ruin the reputation of this place and the people inside it.
So, think twice before threatening anyone;
Never test my patience! Yes, that is my threat to you all who are still present on the platform connected to the scam.
which is why I was busy.
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The right hand of the @rimirahman, the scammer @suman03 sitting, and the left hand of another scammer @mdarazzak |
Username:- @sumon03
Country:- Bangladesh
Status:- Scammer

User name:- @rimirahman
Country:- Bangladesh
Status:- Scammer
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Username:- @mdarazzak
Country:- Bangladesh
Status:- Scammer
- That is not the end of the list! There are other leaders;
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Md. Maruf Hossain(scammer leader) |
Among them,
I am sharing a picture that has been edited
and the person never comes in front while taking an online class.

- Besides that, they convinced victims by representing themselves;
"Steemit support group admin panel!"
I heard so many other things, but right now working on that;
However, now let me show you the main evidence to everyone, including @abuse-watcher.
Sorry, but I have to save those victims;
Hence, I can't reveal their names. Besides criticizing, please do some work for this platform!
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As I mentioned earlier, these scammers created IT digital companies;
but their significant target is to bring users here by taking the amount.
Let me convert in English two among many conversations:- |
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Victim:- I am your {-} batch student incompetent to join the steemit group.
Scammer Suman:- Would you like to work on steemit?
Victim:- Yes, brother!
Scammer Suman:- Now, send the victim the payment link constructed by them.
Victim:- I will pay within a few days.
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Have a look!(Very poor in English) |
Another conversation in English between @mdarazzak and @md.maruf Hossain(Who claimed to be a relative of a person, and convenience victims achievement clear is not a matter for him)
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Md. Maruf Hossain(scammer leader):- They might get success for 1-2 years on steemit after betraying us.
But the play you all did with us;
will be remembered forever. We can forgive those who made mistakes but can't forgive those who did betrayals will never get mercy!
@mdarazzak(scammer leader):- I agree with you!
Md. Maruf Hossain(scammer leader):- You all snitched the plate you ate! How cheap-minded they are!
Now, the point is scammers claim to be helpful people! Strange!
How can some people take money to open an account on steemit?
I will request @heriadi, @irawandedy, @goodybest, @inspiracion, and above all @steemcurator01, and the steemit team please immediately implement the video verification mandatory for the Newcomers' Community
- Because the main door should always keep strong;
I least bother about privacy;
Preferably I would request to toughen the security.

One Post link :-https://steemit.com/hive-172186/@khadijashetu/this-is-my-achievement-1-post-khadijashetu
- Some recommendations of @rimirahman! She welcomes some of her so-called friends here!
- From 2nd October to 8th October, I shared seven posts(including this report). Yes, that is also essential to mention;
because we often obey our elders in our personal lives.
Simultaneously, here newbies follow what their seniors follow.
- The challenge I participated in this week.
Post link | Miniature |
1.I-want-to-change | ![]() |
Post link | Miniature |
1.community-updates-for-september-2023 | ![]() |
2.application-for-steemit-engagement-challenge | ![]() |
*Contest of the week sponsored by me @sduttaskitchen.
Post link | Miniature |
the-things-you-love-to-follow-to-rejuvenate-your-mood | ![]() |
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- Last week, I found a fake account and mentioned all responsible people on this platform through comment.
Here is the post link:- https://steemit.com/hive-172186/@afreen145/meet-afreen-an-indian-teacher-musician-and-model
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Submitted Challenge posts on time.
Published weekly Booming report on time.
Indulged weekly curation report on time.
Arranged tutorial class and changed some rules inside the community.
Also, published announcement post on time.
That was all about what I did the last seven days. Now, my friends wouldn't mind about;
my lack of participation in their communities. Please do not skip and read the post from top to bottom so that you can comprehend;
what is the definition of keen steemian?
I would favor pledging that besides serving the platform with my best drudgery.
I will also maintain the decorum and follow each regulation;
set by the steemit team.
Steem Representative,2023
Discord Id:- sduttaskitchen#0792
Telegram ID:-https://telegram.org/dl

Hi Sunita, it is an interesting post and you have collected some evidence confirming your statements. It was always clear that there where it is possible to earn money people will use it and but it is a shame that some users make some money there where it is free.
The verification of new users is an important step and it is not easy job. I dropped the link to your post in discord for Booming and Representatives to see what the other think.
Thank you for bringing it to light.
Thank you so much ma'am. Until we United these people will easily entered inside. For that I shared the evidence here and I have seen you shared the link. Respect ma'am with lots of 💕 love.
It is a hard job that you did and invested your time, I can imagine that you did not have much time for entering challenges. It is like full time job, that requires dedication and love to what you do and you have proven to have both of them. I am pretty sure many will share my opinion too.
Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.It was clear to me that there are a huge number of small "cheats" running around here who are trying with all their might to generate a few cents. The gang organisation you pointed out, which takes money from the poorest people with a little hope, is a completely different dimension. It disgusts me so much that I honestly think about whether I still want to spend time in such society.
You did a good job and the painstaking work of the "greeters" is also very commendable. It must be cruel to read the same "Introduce postings" over and over again. All the same pudding. You just have to change names and number of family members. Cruel!
But we have only ourselves to blame by allowing such a notion to take root. "In the past", users with such boring introductions were left out, because one thing was clear: such "newbies" are not and will not become bloggers, people who can write interestingly!
99% is an exaggeration. But even if: This one percent (1%), who wants to be entertained here and can write at the same time, will also be lost under these circumstances. No honest investor will put money into a system where there is more fraud and money-grubbing than decent content.
Video identification may be important for certain groups of people. For others (the ambitious bloggers and investors) it will be a deterrent. That being said, I don't think a video KYC will ever be introduced. That means development...
I looked at the users you mentioned and wanted to downvote them. Unfortunately they have all been inactive for 12 days.
The downvote is a normal tool to influence the ecosystem here. Why the sc teams should not use it, I can understand: They are working with someone else's stake, as an owner I would also want to know that it is not abused (it is relatively easy to abuse "power" with downvotes). However, I don't understand why the sc itself doesn't use its option against obvious scammers.
My suggestion: If you come across similar users again where fraud is proven, name them to me. I will downvote them (about other investigations like blacklists or labels such guys just laugh). And I'm sure, at least @kiwiscanfly and @the-gorilla will do the same.
No. I am not afraid of counter-flags. I'm just afraid of the platform I love becoming all cheats and losing my already very tarnished enjoyment of it forever.
I feel the same as you do and want to quit because my working ethics stop me from staying with cheats and scammers/farming accounts especially when people who can control them do not listen to suggestions.
Now, admittedly, this is not the first time in six years that I have been faced with the question "Should I stay or should I go?" Maybe it's the hope that never dies, maybe it's a form of arrogance, thinking that even the smallest screw in the gearbox can make a difference. I always come to the conclusion: Stay. Stay and change. Even if it causes a few more grey hairs.... ;-)
Unfortunately, I am graying faster than I can afford to especially when they inform the cheaters and they come to threaten me. I am trying to get rid of all the responsibilities and will stay an independent blogger and leave everything to the management and powers that be.
Wise decision. Though you have to be in certain "positions" if you want to be heard having suggestions.
For example, you can always emphasise in your sc team "No, we're not voting for that, there's already a booming vote. No, we don't vote for that, another team has already voted for that. No, we're not voting for that, that's just your best friend again." Just for example. And I know how exhausting it is. How exhausting it is to keep fighting windmills. But only movement can make a difference. Movement is life, stagnation is death.
Well, that's easy for me to say. I left an sc-team over a year ago when SEC posts were mushrooming. I was so tired of reading the same thing over and over again. But if you want to do your job properly, you have to read. A lot of reading. And even at this point, I realise that not everyone does this...
Unfortunately, I read every post and go into the background of the so-called authors. I have been doing this even before I took the moderation duties and saw the growing number of farming accounts. I have busted one and managed to drive them away (14 accounts) but the one I am having problems that consists of 7-8 and only two of them are real. I can handle them on my own but I don't want to be rude. The irony of the whole story is that they aren't scared of the outcome as they believe there is nothing wrong as long as they have managed to cheat the newcomers' team. Sometimes I believe that everything is possible including votes if you trust in "Sharing is caring". I hope you know what I mean.
Thank you ma'am for understanding my concern. The fact is I am running behind them from April and also requested the admin of Bangladesh sharif to arrange a meeting so that I can convey the same. But unfortunately, I didn't get any cooperation. Later, with the help of my discord in charge and some victims I did this operation.
Thanks to @chriddi for highlighting this to me...
Scammers have become an inevitable part of Steemit... an incurable disease that we've got to learn to live with.
Whilst we continue to incentivise people for specific actions (e.g. write an introduction post, follow an achievement program, enter a contest) then we are providing scammers with a template for how to succeed.
We can continue to introduce hurdles (e.g. links to other social media, video calls, etc.) which they will navigate in the same way that they have done with validation photographs. These fake accounts are all based around real people - real people who are used to circumvent the "Rules" that have been created. Having spent a lot of time supporting the Greeters in the background, many already undertake a video call and there are certainly instances where despite a video call, they're verified and turn out to be fake accounts.
All the while, the hurdles are such that genuine people, real users won't want to navigate them - as @weisser-rabe discusses in her Representative Report.
Rather than implement more rules (i.e. barriers to genuine users) which the scammers will simply adapt to, we'd be better off if we abolish all of the existing rules and everybody simply votes for good content which shows a bit of personality... We all have our own "rules" for users that we vote for and it's the scammer's prerogative to maximise their rewards based upon the rules of the biggest voters - i.e. the steemcurator accounts. The fact that we openly publicise what these "rules" are, makes their job (and therefore success) infinitely more straightforward.
You have no idea how right you are.
Greetings friends @the-gorilla, @chriddi
I share many shared criteria, the way things are currently run on the platform strongly incentivizes the emergence of corrupt acts. The support system in place is a delicacy that they can easily eat, I remember in the early days of Crypto academy when some teachers focused on supporting their secondary accounts to get rewards, this makes the Steemit team should be more certain in selecting who gives them the confidence to manage their resources be it SteemcuratorXX or Booming.
I also share other cases presented by a researcher friend:
We should not be discouraged by the presence of people who wish to abuse the system, rather, we should motivate ourselves to stop them, it is a team work that we can do from any front, we should only denounce any irregularity.
Best man! I couldn't better say...
Hi @sduttaskitchen, congratulations on discovering this scam against new Steemit users. This is shameful.
Unfortunately, where money circulates, so do the scammers.
I wanted to tell you, however, that as far as privacy is concerned, it is true that our wallets, transactions and earning are public, but we must also make sure that this data is in no way connected to our real life, otherwise it would be like using a centralised platform.
In my opinion the Community of Newcomers does a great job, it remains a valuable support for new users who want to work seriously on Steemit, it is a valuable tool that helps the inclusion in the Steemit ecosystem of users who know nothing about blockchain-based platforms.
However, tightening the rules is not the best solution for the whole platform.
I feel the same way as @the-gorilla, scammers will adapt to even the strictest rules and the shady characters you mentioned are proof of that, while it will drive away serious users who choose decentralised platforms also to protect their privacy.
However, we all have a power, that of voting or not voting for content that we do not consider worthy or think is fake.
Good job @sduttaskitchen
But I am not sure that the next version of the check at the entry of a beginner will be effective. Any rule can be formally implemented for the purpose of further deception and fraud.
Another thing is checking the activity of a new (and old) user. A team of several people with the necessary knowledge and skills could bring more order to this issue. But the team members should be interested in the result of such work. For example, a certain "salary".
It could be a collective decision of the witnesses.
প্রথমেই আপনাকে কুর্নিশ জানাই নিজের এই অদম্য চেষ্টার জন্য। যাতে কিছু মানুষের অসৎ উদ্দেশ্যকে সামনে আনতে পারেন, তার জন্য যে পরিশ্রম আপনি গত কয়েক সপ্তাহ ধরে করে চলেছেন, তা সত্যিই অভাবনীয়। আমি আপনার সেই নিরলস প্রচেষ্টার সাক্ষী হতে পেরেছি, এটাই অনেক। এই প্ল্যাটফর্ম কিছু মানুষের জন্য মজার জায়গা হলেও আমাদের মতো কিছু সংখ্যক মানুষও আছে, যারা এই প্ল্যাটফর্মকে সম্মান করি। তাই এই প্ল্যাটফর্মের প্রতি আমাদের দায়িত্ব বোধ কাজ করে। আমার বিশ্বাস আপনার কষ্টের ও প্রচেষ্টার মূল্যায়ন স্টিমিট টীম অবশ্যই করবেন।আপনার জন্য অনেক শুভকামনা রইলো ম্যাম। ভালো থাকবেন।
Thank you, Apu. Your wonderful investigation has alerted many people to their unethical practices. Some of them even crossed the rate-3 format which is the highest priority for achievement-1. (Standing and photographing the person invited with the presentation paper).
I agree with you that the task of greeters is difficult but video verification is now necessary. Good Job, Apu 👌
You did a thorough job, and it takes time. It is important that each community has its own way of protecting itself from the bad practices of its members, as you have pointed out.
I think that although video verification could help, it would not be decisive. What is really decisive when it comes to recognizing bad practices is the user's performance, hence the importance of communities when monitoring this aspect, for example checking plagiarism, AI content, writing patterns, if the user uses original photos or not, it is important and it marks the user's performance, and it shows us what type of user it is, rather than tightening verification measures.
But it is my personal opinion, as I said, each community reserves the right to verify users in the way they see fit.
I already mentioned that decision is not in my hand about others, except my community. Now on whatever the steem team will think good for this platform will follow. Being a keen steemian I provided whatever I can.
I also share your way of thinking in that I will also follow what the Steemit team proposes.
Thanks for your contributions. :-)
Thank you ma'am
I agree with you.
Greetings friend @sduttaskitchen
I think the work you have done is excellent and important. This case reminded me of a situation that I reported a year ago, where I highlighted the fact that users were participating in achievement1 with the same format.
From my point of view, the video can be a good verification tool, however, it does not guarantee that the spokesperson or the person participating in the video is telling the truth.
The task of greeters is difficult, but I think that if we push the demands a little we can have better results.
There are some tricky part that I follow in my community while doing video verification. So, it is possible to prevent scammer at some point through the video verification.