Weekly Report #24 as Steem Representative, September 19th to September 25th, 2024

in Steem POD Team3 days ago


Hi, all fellow Steemians,

Good morning from India,

This week was again too busy, both offline and online. Offline, I was visiting a hospital about 40 km away from my house, where my wife is under treatment. My best guess is it will take a few more visits before both of her eyes will be operated. But that's part of life, so I come back to my online activities.

It's the third week of SC-20 that is keeping me busy, as I have to keep an eye on everything. As I said earlier it's a different experience from what I used to while doing SEC in regular communities. However, I am enjoying this new responsibility, as it's like preparing my business school projects.

I have an assistant to help write comments though, and she is doing okay, but as I said, this teaching team idea was my baby, and I have to pamper it. "Dev's Teaching Team" received 48 entries in the first week, but the count came down to 26 in the second. The third week is going on, and I hope to receive enough entries as I have increased the number of prizes.

To be honest, I am not satisfied with what I am doing in the name of "Teaching Contest" because what I am doing is well below what I expected to do in the second and third weeks, but barring a few proposals from certain users, there is nothing much that I can ask or tell them.

However, as I plan a wider scope by challenging them on the front of taxation, mortgage, customer support, etc. I am planning to make it different in the coming weeks. I feel like running an SEC is not a simple task, especially when no serious business proposals are coming up that I expected to discuss with users on Steemit Blockchain.

However, I consider it part of the business, and despite being too busy, I participated in a couple of contests in the last weeks of SEC-20 and did at par.

I am glad, I faced no problems at the result front, barring one, which was due to a misunderstanding, but I will sort it out. Most entries were supported by different curators based on their quality. I have increased the number of winners by three, whom we intend to pay from our own account.

As usual, I am posting my regular posts, power-up posts, and reports for various tasks, as part of the job. Everything is going smoothly so far for me because I succeeded in all my efforts.

Meanwhile, I posted in different communities besides conducting "Dev's Teaching Team." I am not applying for Steem Curator's post for the month of October to keep my full attention on SEC-20.

Meanwhile, I spent my time looking for newbies. Despite my busy schedule, I have been constantly looking for talented newbies. I visited as many posts and selected some of the best, irrespective of their ranks, club status, communities, and countries, the only condition being they should rank under 50.

This week was no different. I supported two more newbies, keeping them as beneficiaries in my different posts. As I always mention, I will keep supporting newbies because my "Newbie Support Program is working well, and I feel great when I see the newbies taken by surprise when they read my comment on their posts.

A New Initiative to Help Newbies

I selected my first "newbie," @moriom the first beneficiary of the week I selected her for his post:


Better Life with Steem|| The Diary Game||15 September 2024||

But this guy is not too active.

Here is my post, a real story for a change:


Plan Change

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A message on his post, whom I have set as beneficiaries in this post:

I am writing a message on the selected posts, and some of them understand the meaning of my message, so they feel happy and respond positively because they feel someone cares for them.

My second newbie beneficiary is @mercybliss

Here is the post by my second beneficiary.


Achievement 1: Introduction Through Verification

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Here is my post:


HWC Contest #83 ||

Not one of them responded or acknowledged my comment this time but I kept a watch on them.

I completed my weekly duty as moderator, which again made reading travel posts a joy. As usual, I am trying my best to support genuine queries by Steemians both new and old through various channels to support them in spreading awareness, pacifying them in case anyone has a problem, and even getting help from senior members of this site. However, I am facing problems with Steemians asking for undue support on Discord, but that's part of the job, and I never listen to them.

As a moderator of Traveling Steem, I support newbies and help them by trying my best by voting them up as per their post quality. My Monday was super busy as it's my regular moderation day and the beginning of SEC-20.

At the Power-Up front, I did a post this week, as I have started toward my 8th Dolphin status.

HWC Contest #83 || POWERUP & WIN WEEK 55 by

Here is my wallet report:

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As SR, I try my best to support all good posts, but as I have mentioned time and again, I still see a lot of attempts to game the system.

As I said before, the newly included teams are again doing fine and members are enjoying the tutorials, and here more of them have their chance to grab the opportunity in the 20th season.

My Account Summary

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My CSI is normally in the range of 12-15, which shows that I am supporting all who need my support; however, this week I could not visit as many posts because writing reports, moderation, and curation kept me busy on other assignments.

These are my regular posts,

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I agree that my current project of SEC-20 has slowed me down a bit as most of my time is spent on writing comments. However, I am writing enough posts to stay in the race.

As I have always said, I support as many newbies as I can through various methods, including setting them as a beneficiary in 2-3 of my posts every week, which helps them stay positive. I always vote for low-level members according to their quality of posts and support them as a member and in my capacity of community curator and Steem Representative.

In the end, I am doing my job without any partiality, always thinking beyond any specific country or community, and supporting everyone on the platform on an equal basis. Last but not least, thanks to all the Steemians for all they do to support me and the Steemit platform in general.

That's all for this week!

Thanks, have a good time.

Yours Sincerely


National Capital Region, India

26 September, 2024


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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